is it okay to go to the gym when you have a cold?



  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    it's proven to make you feel better. *but stay away from the gym, you don't want to make others sick
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    Please don't. I live with someone who, due to their own illness, will be hospitalized if they catch so much as a cold or the flu -- and because of this, I have to be VERY careful about bringing germs home. It's difficult enough already without someone who *admits* they're sick being careless and spreading germs unnecessarily. Please think of others and work out at home, or go for a walk/run.

    fair enough - it's just that this isn't the kind of sick that would come close to justifying missing school or work, nor is it the kind of sick anyone would notice at all unless i started up a long winded conversation. but i am no doctor and have no idea about anything, so i suppose going on a walk or jog or something would be a better bet for the rest of humanity if it is supposedly pretty harmless to my own personal health...
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I wouldn't go to the gym if I were sick, but there's nothing wrong with going for a walk or exercising at home.

    ^^^This :)
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    No! Keep your germy sick self to yourself, dammit! I don't want your virus!
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    yes you can, no you shouldn't. Spreading your germ at the gym is really not a good idea, but if you can do something at home or a walk outside, go for it, Just be gentle on your body, don't do anything strenuous.

    WOW lots of people must stay in quarantine when they are sick. You are more likely to get sick going to the mall this time of year opening doors than at the gym. hahaha.

  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    it would be nice if you stayed home, but come on, many people will go to the gym feeling under the weather. As long as your nose isn't running and you aren't sneezing and coughing every second- you can get away with it. But if I'm next to someone i think is sick, i move away.
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm not a doctor, but my biggest health concern would be this: a cold virus - in chest or head - weakens you as a whole. It messes with your entire metabolism. Just ask a diabetic how much harder it is to keep sugars under control when they've got a cold. So will the actual exercise hurt you? Probably not. Will passing out and smacking your head on the edge of a treadmill hurt you? It sure will.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Depends how bad is the cold. Also make sure to wipe down any equipment I use if I do go.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    If the symptoms are mild, I don't see why not. Just don't push yourself super hard. And bring sanitizer you don't get anyone else sick! :P
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    yes you can, no you shouldn't. Spreading your germ at the gym is really not a good idea, but if you can do something at home or a walk outside, go for it, Just be gentle on your body, don't do anything strenuous.

    WOW lots of people must stay in quarantine when they are sick. You are more likely to get sick going to the mall this time of year opening doors than at the gym. hahaha.

    Just don't go to the Doctor's office...that is where all the sick people are! :laugh:
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    Please don't. I live with someone who, due to their own illness, will be hospitalized if they catch so much as a cold or the flu -- and because of this, I have to be VERY careful about bringing germs home. It's difficult enough already without someone who *admits* they're sick being careless and spreading germs unnecessarily. Please think of others and work out at home, or go for a walk/run.

    fair enough - it's just that this isn't the kind of sick that would come close to justifying missing school or work, nor is it the kind of sick anyone would notice at all unless i started up a long winded conversation. but i am no doctor and have no idea about anything, so i suppose going on a walk or jog or something would be a better bet for the rest of humanity if it is supposedly pretty harmless to my own personal health...

    If you have a healthy immune system, good for you -- this cold will barely phase you. But the fact is, some of us do NOT have healthy immune systems, or live with those who don't. A simple "don't cancel work" cold to you or I will quite literally put my family member in the hospital - because they are already feeling pretty poorly.

    Look, if it were my own health I was concerned with, I'd say "whatever" and if I got sick - oh well. But if you've ever had to take care of another person and work to preserve their health, you'd understand my aversion.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    It's ok to work out if your symptoms are above your neck (so, no chest/lung issues). Do what you got to do, and cover your mouth when coughing and wipe down the equipment.

    Some people freak out about people going out in public when you have any sort of bug (even though germs pretty much cover EVERYTHING). Yet, normals bugs are a hazard of human existence so I think it is silly to treat the 24 hour flu like a communicable life-threatening monster.

    If you are germophobe, you better not come out of your plastic bubble!
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    it would be nice if you stayed home, but come on, many people will go to the gym feeling under the weather. As long as your nose isn't running and you aren't sneezing and coughing every second- you can get away with it. But if I'm next to someone i think is sick, i move away.

    i'm not sneezing or coughing at all--that's the thing! just a sore throat. there's nothing more disgusting than being right next to someone with snot coming out of nearly every orifice.

    Depends how bad is the cold. Also make sure to wipe down any equipment I use if I do go.

    of course! i get annoyed when people who seem totally healthy walk off without cleaning equipment they've been on for awhile.

    No! Keep your germy sick self to yourself, dammit! I don't want your virus!

    i am sorry. i'm still going to live my life today outside of my quarantined room, though!
    (though not necessarily at the gym... you are all starting to make me feel super guilty)
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Please don't. I live with someone who, due to their own illness, will be hospitalized if they catch so much as a cold or the flu -- and because of this, I have to be VERY careful about bringing germs home. It's difficult enough already without someone who *admits* they're sick being careless and spreading germs unnecessarily. Please think of others and work out at home, or go for a walk/run.

    fair enough - it's just that this isn't the kind of sick that would come close to justifying missing school or work, nor is it the kind of sick anyone would notice at all unless i started up a long winded conversation. but i am no doctor and have no idea about anything, so i suppose going on a walk or jog or something would be a better bet for the rest of humanity if it is supposedly pretty harmless to my own personal health...

    If you have a healthy immune system, good for you -- this cold will barely phase you. But the fact is, some of us do NOT have healthy immune systems, or live with those who don't. A simple "don't cancel work" cold to you or I will quite literally put my family member in the hospital - because they are already feeling pretty poorly.

    Look, if it were my own health I was concerned with, I'd say "whatever" and if I got sick - oh well. But if you've ever had to take care of another person and work to preserve their health, you'd understand my aversion.

    And I'm guessing since you go out into the world and are exposed to all kinds of germs, you take plenty of precautions? The cold germs are everywhere, all the time. Like someone posted, it's just not at the gym.
  • sortin
    sortin Posts: 78
    Exposure builds immunity. What an opportunity to help others!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    it would be nice if you stayed home, but come on, many people will go to the gym feeling under the weather. As long as your nose isn't running and you aren't sneezing and coughing every second- you can get away with it. But if I'm next to someone i think is sick, i move away.

    i'm not sneezing or coughing at all--that's the thing! just a sore throat. there's nothing more disgusting than being right next to someone with snot coming out of nearly every orifice.

    Considering a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes could be the start of strep, I don't care that you are not sneezing or coughing. You KNOW you are sick so stay home! That is the right thing to do for those poor people around you at the gym. Don't just go "Oh, it is ONLY a sore throat."
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    Please don't. I live with someone who, due to their own illness, will be hospitalized if they catch so much as a cold or the flu -- and because of this, I have to be VERY careful about bringing germs home. It's difficult enough already without someone who *admits* they're sick being careless and spreading germs unnecessarily. Please think of others and work out at home, or go for a walk/run.

    fair enough - it's just that this isn't the kind of sick that would come close to justifying missing school or work, nor is it the kind of sick anyone would notice at all unless i started up a long winded conversation. but i am no doctor and have no idea about anything, so i suppose going on a walk or jog or something would be a better bet for the rest of humanity if it is supposedly pretty harmless to my own personal health...

    If you have a healthy immune system, good for you -- this cold will barely phase you. But the fact is, some of us do NOT have healthy immune systems, or live with those who don't. A simple "don't cancel work" cold to you or I will quite literally put my family member in the hospital - because they are already feeling pretty poorly.

    Look, if it were my own health I was concerned with, I'd say "whatever" and if I got sick - oh well. But if you've ever had to take care of another person and work to preserve their health, you'd understand my aversion.

    no, i get you! and i certainly haven't been exempt from such situations - i couldn't visit my uncle for the few months before he passed away because he was quarantined: your aversion and concern is understood. but in the grand scheme of things, i cannot realistically hole myself up in my room everytime my throat gets sore of my head feels congested.

    i get that the gym is a total breeding ground for stuff like that, too, especially considering so many people are touching the same things. and while i do look out for others by sanitizing the things i use and by not going if i'm coughing or sneezy or anything, there's a point where you have to be realistic at a place like the gym and look out for yourself, too. if you're going to go to a place that's congested (ha, pun) with sweaty people all sharing equipment and touching everything all day every day, you totally have to be wary of the fact that there are some germs lurking about - which is why i sanitize machines before and after. crisis averted!

    i wouldn't go for sure if i was really sick, and for the record!!!- i'll pass on today because i don't know exactly how sick i am yet. i didn't realize i would strike a nerve with so many people. these forums scare the **** out of me.
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    For you, yes. Exercise is good for you and will probably make you feel better.
    I don't know why you would want to though. Another poster said it sounds like strep, and now that I think about it, it kind of does. If I had the beginnings of strep, I'd stay in bed, gargle cayenne pepper, and sleep.
    Colds are my favorite reason to do nothing, ever.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Ok, let's see. If you are not running a fever and you can still deliver intensity without poor form I would say it's ok to workout. If you are running a fever you need rest to recover and you'll probably be feeling lousy enough to sacrafice form and probably hurt yourself. Better to miss a few days with sickness than to miss a few months with injury.

    Now on the going to the Gym side. I wouldn't dream of going to BootCamp sick. We did have a guy come one day with Streph and I was pissed. Usually I hear the freaking word and I get it. See my throat is already scratchy. Take care of yourself.
  • L_amore
    L_amore Posts: 52 Member
    My doctor told me I could exercise as long as the symptoms are in my head (no, not imaginary). If they move into the chest, don't exercise.

    That being said, you might also want to consider the others going to the gym. Will they want to exercise next to someone who's coughing up a lung and perhaps spreading germs?

    This statement would be true, if its in your chest DO NOT exercise... I found this out the hard way. I exercised and my cold went into full blown flu mode it was awful even felt like someone beat me with a 2x4. So word to the wise, don't exercise if its a chest cold or you have congestion etc., wait it out... and then hit it full force when you feel better! :)