Question re: workout on same day as sports match

vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
So I've been asked by one of my friend to come out a sub for the finals for volleyball.
The match will be quite comptetive so will be sure to get a great workout.
I've also started a workout regiment that I want to also maintain in the morning.

My quesiton is this...
Should I do both my workout and the subbing. Will be about 12 hrs between, but also don't want to fatigue myself before the match, or should I just do the subbing and startup my workout the next day.

As i'm typing this perhaps instead of my regular workout I coiuld do a light 30 miunute row to get my body moving instead.


  • anorton45
    anorton45 Posts: 62
    I referee soccer, and before I started the soccer season I was doing Insanity. My dilemma was similar... I didn't want to be so fatigued before a game that I couldn't run.

    So, I opted to get up early and do a 30 minute light weight training so I have pretty much most of the day to recover.

    You can also get something called Results and Recovery which will help you between workouts for recovery and muscle fatigue.

    You could also check out something called Energy and Endurance for those workouts that are long and tiring so you have the energy to complete the exercise.

    I can tell you more about them if you're interested.
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    This is pretty well just a one off as I gave up volleyball due to knee injuries, but do sub for my old team when they need a guy.
    But I do plan on doing my work outs early then there is the evening keeping up with my little one as she gets older (not to mention me... lol)
    I may take a look at them.