clothing sizes....grrr

I tried on a pair of Size 20 (UK sizes) trousers yesterday which im looking forward to fitting into, and woohoo they went on….they are a bit too tight to actually wear – I wouldn’t dare try bending over in them when I tried them on for fear of rippage haha….another maybe 7 pounds and ill be comfortably in them….

But heres my issues / conundrum / question – why oh why can I get into these size 20 tesco pants(well only just but still, the buttoned up ect), and yet my size 26 evans pants still fit me well – maybe a little extra bum room but the waist is not loose at all…grrr….sizings annoy me so much….its makes it hard to guage what size you actually are….Im anywhere between a 26 to 20 at this stage….


  • Becca21
    Becca21 Posts: 361 Member
    i no how you feel i can fit into some asdas size 16 perfecet but other asdas size 16dont fit.
  • JaneAusten
    JaneAusten Posts: 50 Member
    I think sizing is very individual according to the manufacturer. I have a pair of jeans just like your trousers. I can pull them up over my bottom (couldn't before) but can't get them zipped up. maybe towards the end of the summer? It reminds me of an American lady who went to Weight Watchers for a while and reported: "Well, I haven't gone down any sizes but my clothes don't hurt any more!"
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Sizing is something else, isn't it?! :noway:
    I buy most of my clothes from a Salvation Army store, (since I'm cheap!) and in the same day, I've bought a size 8 and a size 12, both of which fit exactly the same! That also happened to me in the regular stores, when I was shopping for a dress for my son's wedding. Sizes are REALLY strange! :grumble:
  • Hanni
    Hanni Posts: 158 Member
    the sizes for women just suck. Sorry for being so direct but its true. The amount of times I have left shopping malls in a huff I cant even count anymore! How can I be ranging from a size 12 to a size 18??? My bf cant believe how much trouble women ahve with sizing. he knows he is a certain size in a shirt and he dosnt even have to try them on when he buys jeans, shirts, jackets... NOT FAIR !!!!! :grumble:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Sizing does seem to be pretty arbitrary. I think they just stick a tag on it:laugh: Just buy what fits and don't worry about what the tag says. Cut the tags out and you can call it whatever size you want. After all the manufacturer did.