
Is it okay to go over my reccomended sugar goal if the sugars that I am eating are all from fruits and veggies??? HELP!


  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Okay while being a smartass is fun, I grabbed my post from another thread where someone asked a similar question; more detailed info:

    Ok, so Ive been over on my sugar intake pretty much every day, BUT like 95% of it comes from fat free milk and fresh fruit. Very little of it comes from candy or other foods. What Im wondering is: Will this interfere with me losing weight? Should I cut back on my sugar even if its coming from fruits?


    It astounds me how much fogginess there is out there on a lot of this stuff.

    Sugars, starches, carbs etc are all chemically the same. Your body takes honey, or fruit, and breaks it down into base components the same way it takes a potato and breaks it down into the same base component. Your body needs sugars, most carbohydrates in some form break down into sugars.

    Your body uses carbs for energy, it needs them for energy, this is called an anabolic process. If you deprive your body of carbs in an effort to go into ketosis, your body goes catabolic and starts metabolising fat or your own lean mass. Ketosis is popular for fat loss but it is skirting the line of causing serious kidney complications.

    So things like fruit, while high in sugars, are not really bad at all. The difference is complex carbs versus simple carbs.

    Complex carbs: sweet potatoes, quinoa, cracked wheat, fruit, raw honey

    Simple carbs: enriched flours, processed candy, etc

    The key guideline is not overdoing your calories...if you need to eat 2000 calories to lose weight, the composition of macro nutrients really does not matter too much. You will still lose. The benefit of complex carb foods is they are typically more filling and nutrient dense (strawberry versus a candy bar etc). Now if you eat 2000 calories of twinkies or chicken versus 2000 calories of balanced complex carbs, healthy fats and proteins, you will experience a whole other world of issues, but that is neither here nor there.