Well, I went and done it now...



  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    There's light and then some.

    Take this to heart. You'll have moments like this, days like this, weeks like this.

    I just had a MONTH like this.

    Keep hopping back on the wagon as soon as you possibly can and your long-term-trend will still be downwards. That's the goal. It's impossible to avoid slip-ups... just don't turn slip-ups into give-ups.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    I haven't lost my cravings yet. I may try to find a healthier option but usually if I want it I have it. One serving if I can be good ;-)

    Nothing is prohibited I just make sure to LOG IT!! That's what helps me stay accountable, have a visual record of what I did as far as calories, and gives me an idea how to mitigate the impact. I might can take an extra long walk after work to even things out a bit. It's all about balance for me.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I REALLY crave potato chips. The Ruffles wavy ones, with tons of salt. I could literally eat a bag right now. (did I mention I really like them??)

    Some days are worse than others. Most days (at work) I can ignore it, out of sight out of mind kind of thing, but the weekends are different. Because of that, I just make sure that I exercise portion control. I count out 15 chips and stick to it. I do my very best to not go over, but if I do, it's not too bad.

    In my opinion, if you deprive yourself totally, you will overindulge. So give in once in a while, just make sure you stay within budget.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 430 Member
    The key for me was breaking the emotional attachment to food. Food doesn't make me happy, in fact it always had the opposite affect on me afterwards.

    I now view food as fuel for my body, which makes it make easier for me to make good decisions. Yes, some fuel tastes better than others, but the key is to give your body the right amount of the right fuel to run it's best. Too much, too little, or the wrong type, and things are going to go bad quickly.
  • sehrler
    sehrler Posts: 89 Member
    I use the "substitution" trick I used on my kids when they were toddlers--if they wanted to play with something they shouldn't touch, I would grab a toy and say, "oh LOOK! How fun!!!" and substitute it for the "bad" thing, making it sound like the substitution was so awesome that there was no comparison. This way I wasn't taking something away from them, I was giving them something...avoided a LOT of temper tantrums that way.

    So for myself, I substitute something comparable but not as bad for me--for example Special K Chocolate Peanut Butter protein bars. (LOL I write about them so much people will start thinking I own stock). They are only 180 calories, have 10g protein and are so yummy I feel like I'm eating a candy bar (not like some of those heavy, dense protein bars)...they have crisped rice inside too. They are SO good! Plus they have vitamins. So I eat one every day for a snack, and it's far better for me than eating a Snickers or Milky Way. Does the trick and keeps my vicious sweet tooth at bay.
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    it's perfectly fine to treat yourself now and then, food should be enjoyed!

    I seriously ran an extra mile the other day just so I could eat a Cadbury Creme Egg.
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    I don't think grabbing for a few "tempting" foods is all bad - just add it in your food diary and account for it. Or do an extra 10 minutes walking. The more you deprive yourself the more likely you are to slip up.

    I couldn't agree with more with the above statement! You had some junk food- big deal. You ate it, you enjoyed, now move on. Don't beat your self up. The further you get into this lifestyle change the easier it will be, but it takes time! You can't go from all to none and think you won't miss it!

    I find that when I do eat something I've been craving or indulge in dessert, I can't eat as much- it's either too sweet, or too salty, too greasy, etc. I end up with a nasty tummy ache most of the time too which is a big deterrant and reminder the next time I want that item

    You are doing a fantastic job- keep up the good work! There is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel.

    I agree with both of these. keep going it was a few chips account for them, work them off and move on.
  • msmileyface
    msmileyface Posts: 76 Member
    Most of the crave snacks aren't that bad if you just measure out the portion. So, if you want it, just go for it. But the thing that has helped me most is asking myself "is this worth it?" Sometimes just asking makes me realize its actually not... but other times, heck yes it is worth it and I go for it.
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    I could not resist any longer and had a bag of potato chips today (putting me well above my allowed calories for the day). The sad thing is: I really enjoyed it.

    I wonder if I will ever get to the point where I see junk food and go YECH.....I can't imagine how that could happen...I find it so so so difficult to stay on track because I love all the things that we now identify as "bad for you": chocolate, potato chips, hamburgers and mostly desserts.

    Has anyone gotten completely over these cravings? How did you do it? Please let me know that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Personally I've found a system that has worked for me for several years. I have a cheat day once per week, obviously I don't binge eat I just eat whatever I want in moderation without worry of the calories. For example I ADORE a good juicy greasy cheeseburger, so I'll have one on Friday or Saturday. My daughters baked cupcakes Sunday afternoon so I enjoyed one within my calorie limitations.

    Usually if you eat right during breakfast and a small snack (a healthy one) between lunch time you'll most often "eat right" the remaining portion of the day and the cravings will cease.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    Don't get rid of your cravings...tame them. I allow myself to eat whatever I want IN MODERATION (you will see these words over and over, I am sure). By not making anything off limits, I tend not to crave as much. And when I do have a soda, or chips, or a piece of cake, I am darn well going to enjoy every taste. Eat/drink slowly, and perhaps only eat a half portion. If it is not absolutely delicious, stop eating it. I used to love those little waxy chocolate-covered mini donuts, and one day hubby came home with a bag of them. I pulled one out, anticipating that sugary goodness I remembered inhaling months ago, took one small bite and nearly gagged with the overly sweet taste of it. I threw the rest of it in the trash - so I wouldn't waste my calories on it - and had an apple instead. Not every decision is that rational, but my motto is: If it is not delicious, I am not eating it!
  • thatblueyedchic
    thatblueyedchic Posts: 128 Member
    I believe that the key to a successful longterm weight loss plan is not to deny yourself everything but to change the way you look at everything. I am a comfort food kinda girl. I love potatoes, chips and chocolate ice cream. Also, the spinach dip at Chilis. Can I just say ... Anyway I'm off track. One bag of potato chips is not going to put the nail in the coffin. It's okay. Forgive yourself.

    Treat sweets like an occasional indulgence and you'll be fine. Have them. Just watch how much and how often. What gets people into trouble, myself included, is when we treat those things like an everyday part of our diet. What I do now if I'm feeling a craving is I have only a small amount and I put the rest far away and out of reach. That normally takes the edge off. Also, I just don't buy the stuff. If it's in the house, I'm going to want to eat it. It's like putting a piece of bacon in front of my dogs and telling them they can't have it. It's just not going to work/

    You'll be more likely to stick to your diet and actually enjoy a healthy lifestyle if you know that doesn't mean no more chocolate ever. You'll also be happier along the way.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    Food shouldn't be looked at as forbidden. If you are able to stay within your calorie limits, then enjoy the foods you like. Don't cut things out. Use the 80/20 rule so that 20% of your calories can come from the foods you enjoy.
  • exdisneychick
    when we have to have chips, we eat the Special K cracker chips. There are 27 "chips" in a serving and its only 110 cals. The southwest ranch are our favorites but the ranch is also good.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    I don't know that you ever completely lose the cravings for the foods that you like, but I think we can mitigate the potential "damage" and more importantly, guilt, from the occassional indulgence. As so many have suggested, the key is to eat them in moderation and be accountable for them.

    In addition to moderation and accountabilty, I would add, eat them with purpose. In other words, know what you are doing, be mindful of the food, and be ok with your decision.

    For me, my favorite indulgence is definitely pizza! I LOVE pizza - I know that it's not healthy and I know there are ways to "lighten" it up - but truth be told, I like a good, greasy, pepperoni pizza. So, if I am going to have it, I take every purposeful precaution to minimize the damage. I burn extra calories at the gym, lift a little more, have a giant glass of water and salad to start and then savor the 2 pieces of deliciousness that I am going to allow myself. I eat it with purpose, fork and knife, slow - and know what I am doing and am ok with it.

    I know it sounds corny and like I am playing mind games - I am. That's how I get by without feeling guilty - and know that it wasn't my downfall and that I didn't ruin everything I have already worked for.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    ^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^ What I was trying to say, but said so much better!!!
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I haven’t, I still have cravings but I don’t give into them often and find as time goes on its easier to just pass the bad stuff up..

    Sometimes tho, when I do eat carbs.,, good piece of bread, a potato... OMG its almost too much. You may need a smoke after Im done... lol I really enjoy each and every bite. Then I just cut back other places to make up for it.. Its all a balance you can live with..