Melanie's last 15 lament

So since i started MFP, oh about two months ago, i have managed to take off a whopping 4 lbs. I know I know, i have read your post and congratulated all you $^%&^%$ who lose those1-2 lbs a week and truly, I was and am happy for you. As for me, I keep trecking along, eating 1300 calories a day, working out everyday (maybe even two if I its yoga day) and really not seeing any results. I am doing the 30 Day Shred and feel like I know Jillian better than I know my bff and my arms are rockhard that i swear I could take Charles Atlas by the ha ha hair (see what I did there?) but the weight will not shred off. Thanks Jillian - I hate you even more - but god do i love you.

'But Melanie! Have you taken your measurements?"
Hell yes i have taken my measurements, and guess what? They are the same. I mean really the same ( Even a little bigger I think but I never write that down)

Here is the lament part -

I am busting my behind working out incessantly, I am eating like its the season of lent, and i am getting tired. Physically tired yes, but mentally tired, omg, I swear I am running on the fact that maybe, just maybe tomorrow is the day to break the plateau.

I guess utimately why i am posting, is that I am wondering if anyone else has experienced the same plateau as I have? Going through the motions, changing things up constantly, but your body does not budge one bit.

Comments, suggestions, and adds are always welcome!

I have this in my head now... Little Orphen Annie can suck it.


  • melneh
    melneh Posts: 25
    and yes, i am totally bumping my own post....

    Thats how I roll....
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    I haven't plateaued, and I can't offer any advice, but you made me giggle a bit :P
  • Arleigh7
    Arleigh7 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi There,

    As someone who's been dieting for pretty much my whole life I think I can offer some advice. 1st off I would read the 4 hour body by Tim Ferriss. He provides some really great insight that took me over 20 years to figure out. Check out his comments on Refeed.

    I've lost over 100lbs at one point (put 50 of that back on but now down 10 and dialed in) I found the last 10% was super tough. So I just increased my excercise and cut my food and basiclly made myself sick and the only weight I lost was muscle which was not what I was trying to do.

    Basiclly your body is probably in starvation mode so it's dropped your metabolism making it very hard to lose weight. So a couple days off from excercise and splurging on some high calorie foods for a day or two could get you back on track.

    I know it sounds counter intuitive but I've seen it work many times.

    Good luck!

  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I haven't hit a plateau yet but there have been a few threads here that would help you. Try searching through and looking for TDEE, breaking plateaus, eating more to weigh less, and even some of the success stories. I have read many threads that say that people with smaller amounts of weight to loss take more time to lose it (not a happy thought but trying to be honest). All I can do is wish you luck, and encourage you to do more research.
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    Girl, sorry. That sucks.

    I'm just barely losing a pound a week ( I think this past week was 0.8 and I totally rounded up!) The first week I lost 3 - probably water weight!

    I also am doing 30DS, yoga, Zumba, starting a strength training program (tomorrow the trainer comes to my business - eek!) and working on the C25K. I have to nap everyday. I'm just dead too!! I'm trying to eat all my calories back, I get pretty close for the most part. Oh, and noooo change in measurements either!!

    Since I'm still new, joined in March like you, I hope some MPF'ers have some kind of good advice for you.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Unfortunately, just because you would like to lose 85 lbs doesn't mean your body wants to lose 85 lbs. It's not like you can just turn a dial and be any weight you want and still be healthy. You may be plateauing because this is the weight your body considers minimum.

    I know that if I get down to a certain weight, I very suddenly get hungry all the time. It's clear there is a set point that I'm trying to pass, and that if I try to get below it, I'll be fighting every minute to keep any additional weight off. Then it becomes an issue where I'm not feeling my peak energy if I don't up my calories.

    I would go with the flow for now. Instead of feeling defeated that you haven't lost the last 15 lbs, just go for maintenance right now. You're 70 lbs lighter and you're extremely fit; it's not the worst place to plateau. Once you're feeling at home at this weight and your skin has had a chance to shrink some more, then you can see if you still want to try to go further.