Immune system help

skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
I swear I'm the sickest healthy person I know. If there's a bug going around I will catch it. I hate it. HATE IT. I eat like a champ and I include lots of high antioxidant foods - spinach almost every day, apples, berries, green tea -and I exercise 5-6 times a week. Yes I am a gym rat but I make a point to wipe down machines before and after using them, use gloves when lifting weights, and wash my hands. I stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids (I almost never log non calorie drinks or water 'cause I'm lazy). And I carry hand sanitizer in my purse although I have to admit that I could use it a little more freely......

Does anyone have any further tips that I could try to keep the germs at bay? I don't typically take a multi vitamin because I feel like I get adequate nutrition from my diet but I'm seriously considering it now. Does anyone know if there's any that are formulated especially for immune system support?


  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    When I looked into things that help build the immune system (esp for my kids) I mostly came across pro biotic's and vitamin D. Can't tell you how successful they are really, however I do take the D and I honestly can't remember that last time I was sick (and like you I'm also a germ-a-phobe with my little bottle of hand sanitizer)

  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Good intake of your key micro nutrients (Vitamin A, C, D, K etc).

    Also, healthy fats make a huge difference with your immune system. You want to aim for foods with a good balance of Omega-3 fatty acids (Salmon, Tuna, Avocado, Almonds, Hemp etc).

    Other than that the rest is just paranoia driven, carrying around hand sanitizer all the time is silly.