Maintenance is frustrating!!

I've been on maintenance for 2 full weeks now... and I have gained 3 lbs! WTH? I am still exercising vigorously everyday. I have only increased my caloric intake to 1500 net calories, no more. Yet I am consistently gaining weight? Does that make any sense at all? because it doesn't to me... I'm at the point where I'm scared to raise my calories because I'm very clearly gaining weight. I dropped them back down to 1300 net calories in an effort to get back down to my goal weight. so frustrating!


  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    I've been on maintenance for 2 full weeks now... and I have gained 3 lbs! WTH? I am still exercising vigorously everyday. I have only increased my caloric intake to 1500 net calories, no more. Yet I am consistently gaining weight? Does that make any sense at all? because it doesn't to me... I'm at the point where I'm scared to raise my calories because I'm very clearly gaining weight. I dropped them back down to 1300 net calories in an effort to get back down to my goal weight. so frustrating!

    Do you tape yourself or monitor your body fat %? Maybe you need to monitor your sodium/salt intake. Could be retaining extra water. It is summer time. 3 lbs really isn't anything to lose your mind over.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Did you always fluctuate that much though? Usually everyone fluctuates just a bit from water weight and such, I wouldn't stress too much, your body is just used to burning the lower amount so it has to adjust to you taking in a little bit more food. Good luck :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I've been on maintenance for 2 full weeks now... and I have gained 3 lbs! WTH? I am still exercising vigorously everyday. I have only increased my caloric intake to 1500 net calories, no more. Yet I am consistently gaining weight? Does that make any sense at all? because it doesn't to me... I'm at the point where I'm scared to raise my calories because I'm very clearly gaining weight. I dropped them back down to 1300 net calories in an effort to get back down to my goal weight. so frustrating!

    Do you tape yourself or monitor your body fat %? Maybe you need to monitor your sodium/salt intake. Could be retaining extra water. It is summer time. 3 lbs really isn't anything to lose your mind over.

    I do track measurements, they are about the same but it is only 3 lbs. I'm not so stressed over gaining 3 lbs, it's just that I am steadily gaining. I have no doubt I'll keep on gaining if I keep this up. I already monitor my sodium, it's good, usually around 1500mg a day. Also, it isn't summertime where I am. up until 2 weeks ago we still had snow on the ground.

    Is it possible my maintenace calories are just a lot lower than other peoples? 1500 doesn't seem like that much to me but maybe it is? :huh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Did you always fluctuate that much though? Usually everyone fluctuates just a bit from water weight and such, I wouldn't stress too much, your body is just used to burning the lower amount so it has to adjust to you taking in a little bit more food. Good luck :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:

    no, I really never fluctuated much. I weigh in weekly. Generally at weigh ins I either lost nothing, or I lost something. My weight never really fluctuated upwards. Also this has been gradual. last week at weigh in I had gained a pound. I figured who cares? I assumed THAT was a fluctuation. but this week I gained 2 MORE lbs so that's disappointing.
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I would also be concerned if I saw a general trend upwards. I hope you can figure it out!!! Just don't give up. :smile: You've come so far and I have confidence that you'll figure it out and find your maintenance groove!
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Well I think alot of people get a little obessive with the "numbers game". You know tracking everything can be a bit monotonous. Know different then jumping on the scale every night. Its kinda self-defeating. I think as you said, its only 3 lbs. But if you continue to increase overall weight for no reason, go to the doctor. Maybe have some blood drawn and analyzed. But if your talking about a week of difference. I mean a week and 3 lbs is really nothing. Give it another month.
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    Did you jump up to that amount or slowly move up. I've heard that you should increase daily intake by 5 - 10% a week until you hit that maintenance level. Your body needs time to adjust.
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    I've been on maintenance for about two weeks now myself and what has happened to you is really what I'm afraid will happen to me. When I was trying to lose, MFP had my calories at 1200. For maintenance they were upped by MFP to 1500. I'm very afraid to up them to that level for the reason you stated. I've been trying to stay between 1300-1400 for the last two weeks and so far I'm doing ok. I haven't lost and I haven't gained. I'm still exercising 5 to 6 time a day also. Hopefully yours is just water weight or your body is getting used to being on maintenance. Not only is maintenance frustrating, it's also scary, because I don't want to be gaining the weight back that I worked so hard to lose. I'd love any suggestions from those of you who are experienced maintainers, and would love to hear how those of you on maintenance are doing. Are you keeping the weight off? Have you gained any back?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hmmm, I guess it is all about trial and error once you hit maintenance!

    I was only there for a week before finding out I was pregnant...but even then I just ate to maintain in the first trimester...and really didn't gain much during the first three months. I continued to work out and didn't eat SO many of my exercise cals but ate enough. That seemed to work for me. I think I even lost a pound at first.

    I guess it's a tricky thing and the scale is a jerk since it can be affected by a "fun Saturday night" for a few days before your body goes back to "normal".

    Maybe just play around with different "maintenance" calories. It all depends on how active you are, etc. Even 100 cals can make a difference when maintaining! It's nuts! :ohwell:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Did you jump up to that amount or slowly move up. I've heard that you should increase daily intake by 5 - 10% a week until you hit that maintenance level. Your body needs time to adjust.

    I increased slowly. I was eating 1350-1400 net calories. like I said, I was at 1500 net calories this week. Last week I was at about 1400-1450 net calories.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I personally think maintaining is just as hard as losing. I have been maintaining my 30 pound weight loss for a year and it is still work for me. Good luck.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    thanks guys,

    I think I will stick with my 1300 for a few days at least and see if my numbers even out. It's just really annoying. I'm not really concerned with 3 lbs, it's just a steady climb and I don't want to look down one day and find myself back where I started. I'll stick to 1300 and if that balances me out I'll go back up to 1400 and work from there. :noway: ugh!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    From what I've read, the numbers MFP gives are general, and so yes, your body might require less. It's also possible that by upping your calories by that much at once your body thought it must store some, and it will stop and go back down. Anytime you make a major change like that, it takes your body a month to adjust. But you're right in keeping track in the beginning, until you can learn what your body requires, without getting fixated on the numbers.

    How the heck do you keep your sodium at 1500? I'm lucky if I keep it twice that!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Kerri, I would imagine it's just backlash from going up in calories, give it 2 to 3 more weeks before you really make any conclusions. Just as sometimes it takes people a while to start losing weight, it can take a while for people to transition from losing weight to maintenance, during the transition, your body will do some odd things, that's ok, but after a month or so of maintenances, if you're still gaining, you should do some tweaking, 2 weeks though, IMHO, isn't long enough to determine that you are gaining (especially with only 3 lbs.)
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I'm in the same boat
    I lost 27 pounds and have been keeping it off since Last April
    Over the past 2 mnth I've gained back 5 pounds....that doesn't freak me out as much as the thought of gaining more and more, and eventually all the weight back

    When I was loosing I was eating 1490 cals and for the past several mnths have been eating 1800-1900 cals a day (I usually work out daily and burn about 400 cals)

    I'm going to tweak by cals and work out routines a bit and see if I could find that magic formula

    Good luck,
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Ok ok, I will give it a couple more weeks! I will stay around 1500. I know these numbers are just estimates but 100-200 calories extra shouldn't be causing gains right? maybe I am stressed? ugh, ,who knows. ok, a couple more weeks. :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good luck to you!! I'm far from maintenence but just wanted to let you know that I'm wishing you well and supporting you!!!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Ok ok, I will give it a couple more weeks! I will stay around 1500. I know these numbers are just estimates but 100-200 calories extra shouldn't be causing gains right? maybe I am stressed? ugh, ,who knows. ok, a couple more weeks. :flowerforyou:

    Right, I mean even if 1300 were your maintenance calories, the 200 a day increase over 14 days (200*14 = 2800 surplus) wouldn't even account for 1 pound of fat. Like Banks said, your body is just doing funky things right now, it happens.

    Great job on your weight loss and be confident in maintaining your healthy new body for good.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    maybe I am stressed? :

    well, you are getting married in 5wks...:laugh:
    plus, you're probably espec anxious abt gaining considering that you want to look super fabulous on that special day--and you've worked so hard to get there. totally understandable.

    but kerri, you look wonderful and you've been a big inspiration to me--hang in there. you will continue to succeed in this next phase of your life. :heart:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Kerri, I was just reading this old thread & was wondering how things are coming along for you! I'm getting so close myself, that I'm trying to decide if I want to lose more weight or just focus on toning. How did you pick your "magic" weightloss number?