Trying to lose the baby weight!

Hey everyone! I used this website to help me lose over 40 pounds before my wedding a year ago. Now, I have the wonderful task of doing it all over again since I just gave birth 6 weeks ago to a beautiful baby girl! I gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy, but have already dropped 25 pounds of it. I really want to take the additional 25 lbs off, plus more if I can get there. I turn 30 in 2 1/2 months, so I am hoping to look good for that milestone!

Any suggestions for some good post-partum workouts would be awsome. I'm still a little limited since I had a C-Section, so I am mainly walking and dieting now. :)


  • leapheart
    leapheart Posts: 6 Member
    I am in your same boat (minus the C-section). I had my daughter 4 weeks ago and i gained 66lbs. I've losted a little over 35 so far. I've noticed weight training (small weights less reps) and eliptical so far.