realizing the level of fatness..

No , its that time. the time comes when you know you have to do something or else... it happened last year when i had to ask for extenders on an airplane...i did nothing about even happened last month when i was diagnosed with sleep apnea......nothing..
it has happened in the past when i need to go somewhere but am ashamed of wearing the typical fat clothes you know from the area in the store in the back behind everything.....

but was the absolute worst.... i am graduating on saturday with by bsn and i went to pick up the gown... gowns are measured by height... i am five foot eight... all they had was five foot 5.. basically the gown became a shirt on me....tears filled my eyes and i just walked out..
i know this may be funny to some but i have worked so harddddd to get through school....i was looking forward to this... i ordered a gown on line and hope that it comes by saturday..

when did you realize the level of fatness.....

my name is arlene, i am morbidly obese and 41 and have reached the bottom ... ready to look up and get on with life...

i would love some pals as its my first time on here...

screen name ....mandatory..:smile:


  • amymimi12
    amymimi12 Posts: 51 Member
    Congrats on getting through school, that's a major accomplishment!! Don't give up - we've all been there. Shopping in places I don't want to be seen or being asked when I'm due when I'm not pregnant... There comes a point when you realize that you want to make a change for you. And every day is a chance to get closer to your goal, or at least remind yourself that you're worth it. It's not an easy journey, and it's a long road, but it's better traveled with support. Sent a request :smile: You can do this!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I am so sorry for the heartache you have to endure. I know the pain, not from the same experiences but from my own. I have known for some times that it was THE TIME to start, but up until 3 weeks ago when I got back from my very first vacation..did i know it was truley time. You just know! You just feel it.

    it's not easy and so frustrating, but it's so rewarding when you overcome temptation, and go for a run, or get on that bike, or even a simple walk. I'm still in the " motivating myself" part of my lifestyle change.. and still crave all the unhealthy foods.. but remember you can have a day where you cheat for ONE meal! Don;t full deprive yourself!

    Just keep telling yourself you CAN do it! We all can, just got to reach in and pull that person out!
  • keri3
    keri3 Posts: 60 Member
    I don't have any stories like that but after loosing my mom last year to cancer and having my first son 3 months later I realized how fast life can go and wanted to change my life for the better. You are headed in the right step and although it might be a long journey if you stick with it you will succeed. Feel free to add,me for support.
  • Mandatory, I would love to be support buddies! Great job getting through school and I can see how you feel about the gown. I would feel the same way. And I do feel the same way. I am 45, morbidly obese and I work with professional athletes (the irony of it!) After 4 years of sloth and too much food and wine, I went bathing suit shopping this weekend. 'Nuff said, right?

    Keep posting!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    You sound like your head is in the game, so I'm sure you'll do just fine. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi,
    I can identify with a lot of what you and others have said. I'd hoped that getting a warning from my doctor would do it for me, but, nope!

    I figure as long as I keep trying I haven't failed.

    Wishing successes (even small ones!) for all!

  • Getting through school is tough and congrats on that accomplishment, if you can do that you can do this.

    My fatness moment, I was looking through some older pictures of a vacation (about a year old) with my aunt. I looked at one picture and in my head ask why i had a picture of the back of this fat person? Then looked at the next one and realized that fat person was me.
  • sade717
    sade717 Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats on your achievement!
  • Congratulations on your graduation! Mine was 3 weeks ago when I went to the women's section of the store and realized if I gained any more weight I couldn't shop there anymore. I was with my daughter, she's 11, and picturing her going through the same body / health issues as me almost made me break down and cry right there. It's an uphill fight, they don't call it the "Battle of the Buldge" for nothing - but this site is incredibly supportive and informative. We can do this. YOU can do this!! Good luck :)
  • me too.. i have actually now gone into the size 24 of jcpenney..after that , thats it... i know how you feel... we can do it..
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You can do this! :)
  • spaz4me2
    spaz4me2 Posts: 44 Member
    Congrats on your achievement with sorry for your disappointment with your gown, I'm sure that really was a very hard moment.

    One of my most embarrassing moments was at a go-cart park and having the skinny, young male attendant working hard to stretch the harness all-the-way with it still snug for me to ride...I was horrified, never rode again. Now that I've lost a nice amount of weight, I now realize that my level of fatness was preventing me from really living and enjoying everyday activities...I used be so afraid that my weight would be a factor that I'd decline having fun. Since losing, I've riden a horse, and kayaked...something I'd never accomplished @ 271+. I walk around with my head held high and feel cute...I'm pretty prissy...and I love it!

    You can do this!
  • Awww! You should be proud of that, nothing wrong in realizing that we need to change. If you didn't have a point like this, you wouldn't change! None of us would!
    Take this journey one day at a time :)
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    You have found the right place to make a change for the better, forever! Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    That had to be a very emotional situation for you. Congratulations on completing your program of study (and not an easy one I might add)... That being said, sometimes the biggest disappointments in life... the greatest embarrassments ... the most traumatic experiences... Those are the ones that provide the catalyst for change that we require. Best wishes on your journey. Accept no excuses... set your heart on your goal... Do it for you... Do it for those you love... but do it. You are a "B.S.N."... Above all, you know the effects and the risks associated with obesity. You owe it to your self and those you love... Do it. Start today. I look forward to those "After shots"... Just do it. :flowerforyou:
  • My moment came when I was looking at pictures of my kids, and realized I'm not in any of them. There are a few where I was caught unaware which are highly unflattering. I just had to stop and think about my kids and how much fun we have and how important these memories are... I want to be in the pictures and not automatically want to delete them because I see multiple chins or other bumps and lumps the camera always seems to find.
    My boys love the pool and lake which means I have to wear a swim suit and I'd much rather enjoy the water with my boys than be on the look out for whalers! lol
    Good luck everyone, it's tough but it's nice to have a support network.
  • When photos of me were put on facebook :noway::embarassed::mad:
  • syncynlyn
    syncynlyn Posts: 39
    Congratulations on your upcoming graduation.

    As I was reading your words it kind of sounded like me. I knew I was obese but wasn't doing anything about it. Eating so unhealthy and over eating. I saw pictures of myself looking so big and would avoid looking at my body in the mirror after I showered and none of my clothes were fitting right, they were to tight.Then I turned 40 in February and was feeling so bad health wise. Sleep apnea, high blood pressure that was out of control and family history of diabetes and heart disease. I took a look at myself and didn't like me at all. I decided to make a change for myself and my family. I feel fantastic now and can't wait to see how my body has changed in the mirror. My clothes are super loose and I am fitting in clothes that are two sizes smaller than before. I am more active and have more energy and stamina! You are on the right track.

    This is not about dieting but about changing your life for the better.
  • In response to my last reply, actually I think a better one would be when my bmi went from overweight to obese :'(
  • teee12
    teee12 Posts: 93 Member
    I can totally relate to that, hang in there :) myfitnesspal, will def help. :)