Just joined MFP tonight for me and my daughters



  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
    You've come to the right place. If you avail yourself of all the possibilities of this site, you can be successful. Walking along side of your children can help you in this journey as well. Start walking together, you could even find pretty sites to walk in as slow as you need and you can sit down and enjoy the view when you need to. Good luck, you've taken the first step, now take the next step...
  • Ivyzmama
    Ivyzmama Posts: 108 Member
    I'm so proud of you for joining! My sisters and I grew up obese because of my mom's food choices for our family (which also caused my dad to have multiple heart attacks and die too young). If I can give you any points, they would be this:

    Use measuring cups to serve food (what I used to "eyeball" as 1 cup turned out to be 2 or 3 cups of food)

    Double check some of the calorie counts in MFP (a lot of people have entered food items in this database that incorrectly underestimates the actual calories in something - so if it looks too good to be true, then it is).

    Make space in your house to exercise every day with your daughters. I recommend videos like Yoga for Kids and Pilates for Kids, because you can all do them together, it's not too hard, & neither yoga nor pilates will make the house shake. You can probably find a bunch of good videos cheap on Ebay or Half.com, & they also sell these videos at Target (along with the yoga mats).

    Then for cardio exercises, can you buy 3 cheap ($99) exercise bikes & line them up in front of the TV where your couch used to be? (shove the couch somewhere else in the house - where you won't see it during the day! Like a bedroom? or garage?)
    Kids love to ride bikes & most cheap bikes have seats that can be adjusted so low that they even fit kids. I bought a $99 bike from Sears 23 years ago & it's still working fine - although my kids are constantly wanting the seat lowered for them - so I really wish I had a bike for each member of the family, not only so that I wouldn't say "oh, I would ride my bike now if only I didn't have to raise the seat for myself" but also because when anyone hops on the bike, then everyone wants to hop on a bike, but only at the same time - when people have to wait for their turn, they end up not riding. None of you will ever outgrow your bikes. Your kids will grow up & take their bikes to their apartments someday. And cheap exercise bikes are small & don't have computers that break, so the bike will work forever (it may need oiling at some point, or screws tightened, or maybe a new plastic foot pedal - like from Kmart - at some point.)

    Welcome to MFP and your new lease on life!
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    You've taken a big step today by joining! So congratulations and welcome! :happy:
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Baby steps makes for big changes, you can do it and I'm glad to hear your all in it together.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Exercising with your daughters doesn't have to be work. You can go play games at the park. Just throwing out a few things for you. :)
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 241 Member
    You CAN do this!! My advice is to get friends on here, even if you will never "meet" them in "real" life. I only have about 6 friends on here but they keep me motivated sooo so much. And the success stories on the message boards are great too!
    My mother was over weight for my entire life and I was tall and super slim. I always felt a little bad like guilty, that I was thin and she wasn't. Now she has lost about 50 pounds on her own and just this month she is getting help from her doctor to lose another 70-100 pounds. She actually said that I was a motivator for her. (I'm trying to lose my baby weight from three kids) I tell you this so you know you can do it. There are sooo many people that have. It will be hard but it will also be fun. Some days you will want to eat everything in sight, but I can tell you this... It IS worth it!
    Good luck and God Bless

    P.S. you can add me as a friend if you want! :)