jaundice? or vitamin defeciency?

foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
i have googled like crazy and really don't feel like going to the doctor, because the last time i was there, she said i had an 'impressive' liver. and i used to drink like a fish! so i remember those precise words from her mouth from my shock and awe at my resilience!
but my eyes have a yellowy tinge to them at times. i know i have really low b12, although i am sure it is improving because i eat more fish nowadays. i rarely take vitamin supplements.
can the yellowish eyes just be from a vitamin or mineral defeciency? i know, for a fact, that i do not have any version of the hep's, as i have had my shots and have not come in contact with blood to get hep c.
so what is going on? does this happen to anyone else?

p.s. i also wear contact lenses a lot...i thought that this might also contribute?


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Unless she mentioned the impressive liver after going in because you had jaundiced eyes ... it sounds like it's time to go back. It's almost always the liver, though sometimes anemia can do it.

    Either way, it's pretty bad to get this as an adult and you need blood work to find out why it's happening.
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    I would go to the Dr and have it checked out you possibly need to have a liver fuction test done. there are so many things that affect the liver so even if you feel like you have been improving your health, something as simple as taking tylenol will affect it if your liver isn't functioning normaly.

    I have a couple of things wrong with my liver and have been dealing with it for about 8 years so I am very careful about what I put into my body. I'm not saying that you aren't but if you think that there is an issue and being that your Dr made a comment abourt your liver specifically I would IMHO go back and have a couple of necessary tests.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I wear contacts lenses everyday, my eyes are really bad! I couldn;t reconginze my own mother without contact ins! :laugh: I also have yellow around the corners in my eyes... Basically, I found out they are the eyes form of caluses... gross, but true. It helped a little bit to change the type of contacts I use to one tha tallows more air flow and oxygen penetration.... ie, the more expensive one! haha
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    see...that is what i am thinking. i had them in from 6am yesterday until midnight. my boyfriend pointed it out to me, hes like 'your eyes look yellow...' and i was grossed out. but i think it could be from that. but also at times, i am sure i have thought that my eyes werent as white as they maybe should be.

    ill go to the docs tommorow, and let you all know whats what!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I have read that a vitamin b12 defienciency can cause this and of course your liver-hepatitis. I suggest going to a doctor and getting a diagnosis. good luck
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    lack of b12 does not cause hepatitis...just so EVERYONE knows that. hepatitis, a and b you can prevent through shots. Hep C is transferred ONLY through blood to blood, just like HIV. It highly affects the liver, it is not caused by poor liver function, or vitamin deficiency.
    i just want to clear that up because misinformation breeds more misinformation.
    i am not a pro when it comes to health care and diagnosis, but i have taken several harm reduction courses because i work with marginalized populations.

    a lack of b12 can cause many things...the cure? b12.
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    lack of b12 does not cause hepatitis...just so EVERYONE knows that. hepatitis, a and b you can prevent through shots. Hep C is transferred ONLY through blood to blood, just like HIV. It highly affects the liver, it is not caused by poor liver function, or vitamin deficiency.
    i just want to clear that up because misinformation breeds more misinformation.
    i am not a pro when it comes to health care and diagnosis, but i have taken several harm reduction courses because i work with marginalized populations.

    a lack of b12 can cause many things...the cure? b12.

    I didn't take it that anyone thought that lack of b12 causes hep...I think that people are just trying to be helpful...
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I have read that a vitamin b12 defienciency can cause this and of course your liver-hepatitis. I suggest going to a doctor and getting a diagnosis. good luck

    it says it right there. i appreciate the help...but we all stand on the shoulders of giants, whether the info is accurate or not, to try and find the accuracy!
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