very close to giving up with this diet

i've been really trying, I've been trying my hardest to keep my carbs down, and nothing is working, i really want a nice big pizza and a chinese but i can't. I don't know what to do.

I'm sick of trying my hardest and getting no where!



  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! You are strong and beautiful and an inanimate object CAN NOT bring you down! You got this!!!
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    Why don't you get a nice small pizza to sate your appetite, or a small portion of Chinese food? Perhaps invite some friends over so you have no choice but to share the food?

    IMO, you're more likely to give up if you're denying yourself what you really want. What you need to learn is moderation, and that takes a while to perfect.

    Good luck. You're strong enough to do this if you set your mind to it.
  • velvetboxed
    Why don't you get a nice small pizza to sate your appetite, or a small portion of Chinese food? Perhaps invite some friends over so you have no choice but to share the food?

    IMO, you're more likely to give up if you're denying yourself what you really want. What you need to learn is moderation, and that takes a while to perfect.

    Good luck. You're strong enough to do this if you set your mind to it.


    I deprived myself so many times that I ended up binging on nothing but junk food one night.
  • Crystalchaos72
    Why don't you get a nice small pizza to sate your appetite, or a small portion of Chinese food? Perhaps invite some friends over so you have no choice but to share the food?

    IMO, you're more likely to give up if you're denying yourself what you really want. What you need to learn is moderation, and that takes a while to perfect.

    Good luck. You're strong enough to do this if you set your mind to it.

    A healthy lifestyle change should not make you want to cry and give up. It sounds to me like you are being to restrictive. With restriction it leads to 'deprivation' which leads to binging which leads to guilt (why I don't know, I do not get the guilty feeling)
    Take every day, one step at a time. Do not deny yourself the foods that you love, modify them to be healthier versions, or just eat them as they are.......
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    How about a Lean Cuisine (or other diet brand) Pizza or Asian dish? Or find a healthier recipe online and make your own? Doesn't necessarily have to be carry-out does it? A little treat here and there isn't going to kill you. If anything it's more detrimental over-all if you go on this way.
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    Why don't you make a pizza and then you can control what goes on it. I use an English muffin cut in half so I effectively have 2 mini pizzas.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    dont cut anything out, just cut down! when you know you cant have something, your going to want it more.

    go and buy yourself a small low fat veggie pizza or make your own to get rid of your craving.

    it does get easier, you just need to get past the first couple of weeks then the cravings will disappear x
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    Having had a 'peek' at your diary i would suggest your calories are too low (this is why you are craving stuff)

    Find low cal versions of thing (Pizza Express Margharita (? spelling) from Morrisons was less than 300 cals for a half with oven chips meal would come in at under 500 cals

    I worked out out my claories using BMR (there is some good advice on here re calories) and if you exercise then you earn more caloires and can have your chinese. Work it into your plan :-)

    Add me if you want some support :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Papa Murphys Thin Crust Delight pizza's are pretty low carb. I eat 100 carbs a day... and it was SOOO hard at first to stick to it. Now I'm so adjusted. I still drool over high carb foods, but I've adjusted to lower carb stuff.

    I am not really LOW carb... but definitely restricted!

    Check out Light 100% Wheat Bread.... Orowheat brand? Its only like 18 carbs for two slices... That makes up for thinking I had to give up sandwiches! 10 calorie jellos with light whipped cream :D Awesome treat on its own and only like 1 protein (the jello)... not much else!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Having had a 'peek' at your diary i would suggest your calories are too low (this is why you are craving stuff)

    Find low cal versions of thing (Pizza Express Margharita (? spelling) from Morrisons was less than 300 cals for a half with oven chips meal would come in at under 500 cals

    I worked out out my claories using BMR (there is some good advice on here re calories) and if you exercise then you earn more caloires and can have your chinese. Work it into your plan :-)

    Add me if you want some support :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    you need more protein to help keepu feeling fuller
  • melodymist
    melodymist Posts: 43 Member
    Why don't you get a nice small pizza to sate your appetite, or a small portion of Chinese food? Perhaps invite some friends over so you have no choice but to share the food?

    IMO, you're more likely to give up if you're denying yourself what you really want. What you need to learn is moderation, and that takes a while to perfect.

    Good luck. You're strong enough to do this if you set your mind to it.

    I agree. Go get a small piece of the food you want. Denying yourself food, will only result in a binge later.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    So why don't you have a chinese? I have one every week on a Monday (I weigh in on Sunday morning) and then drink lots and eat better for the rest of the week to flush all the sodium out. Stops me from binging and theres no way I feel like I'm on a 'diet' I'm changing my lifestyle and this means I'm able to stick with this for the rest of my life.
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    Real Chinese food isn't unhealthy. So why not try making your own? You can also make pizza at home which will be much better than a take out or frozen one, I know, I made some for the family on saturday and they went down a treat :)

    How about mini bread pizza? Take a slice or two of wholemeal bread (or a pitta bread) toast it, then spread with a little tomato purée or some tomato sauce if you like, sprinkle with a little reduced fat cheese and then top with any veggies you like :) Then pop under the grill for a few minutes until the cheese has melted (forgot to add that before - doh!)

    Or healthy quesadillas, take two 'healthy' branded tortilla wraps (this is one to share with someone or eat cold later) heat your frying pan with a little healthy cooking spray or a small amount of olive oil, put one tortilla w rap into the pan then top with cooked chicken breast, some tinned or fresh tomatoes, peppers, Mexican spices and reduced fat cheese. Place the second tortilla on top then allow to cook on a medium to low heat for about 5 mins. Flip it over and cook on the other side for another 2-3 mins. Cut into wedges and serve with a big salad and a smile :)

    Hope that helps?
  • rdslaman
    rdslaman Posts: 3
    I worked in a pizza shop for years! It's my comfort food. When I can't live without it, I make a skinny pizza: whole wheat pita bread with 2 tbls spoons of pesto, fresh cut roma tomato, and just a sprinkle of low fat shredded mozz cheese. Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes. It's pretty darn good. My man loves 'em, and the cravings satisfied! (Cost about $5-10 for about 4 serving too so not hard on the wallet)
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sweetie don't give up!!

    They have this anti-obesity government campaign running in Australia called "swap this for that" which I 100% agree with.

    There are plenty of recipes out there that are healthy alternatives to regular pizza or chinese food. And they're nutritious too! :)

    My personal favourite is making pizzas at home on a wholegrain wrap, with spinach, peppers, mushrooms, poached chicken breast, and just a little bit of cheese.

    And as for chinese food, how about make a healthy stir fry at home with some reduced sodium sauces?

    I hope this helps!!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Sweetie, do you have days where you don't log or days when you don't eat? Do you only record "binges"?
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    As PP's suggested, make your own little pizza. What I do is get a whole wheat pita, cut it in half, and fill it with low fat marinara, fat free cheese, and pineapple! Then you heat fit for 45 seconds. YUM!!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I don't deny myself my Chinese meal I have it at least once a fortnight sometimes more, I will also have pizza once in awhile, I do eat in moderation. There was a time I would eat a whole pizza now I just have 1 or 2 pieces.

    It also looks to me like your calorie intake is too low, you might need to change your setting, like maybe you have it set to lose 2 lbs a week, why not set it to 1 lb a week that way you get more calories and more choices.

    But don't forget to exercise as well even if it is only walking that also gives you extra calories.

    But above all DON'T give up

    You can add me if you want motivating.
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    But you don't have to deprive yourself! Give yourself a treat day, but log it and focus on the weeks total overall. You may actually need to eat more to kick start your weight loss programme; I know it sounds counter - intuitive, but it's true - I had a 3 week stall and resisted, changing only when I got to the stage of thinking, "well I either try this, or give up" has some really helpful advice on this.

    Add me as a friend if you like - support is what makes MFP so great - stick with it, you will get there :flowerforyou:
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    But you don't have to deprive yourself! Give yourself a treat day, but log it and focus on the weeks total overall. You may actually need to eat more to kick start your weight loss programme; I know it sounds counter - intuitive, but it's true - I had a 3 week stall and resisted, changing only when I got to the stage of thinking, "well I either try this, or give up" has some really helpful advice on this.

    Add me as a friend if you like - support is what makes MFP so great - stick with it, you will get there :flowerforyou:
