dieting with families

I really need help figuring out how to diet with a husband and 3 young kids. Thwy don't want to eat grass for dinner. The temptation is so strong sometimes to eat what I have prepared for them. How do you all overcome this?


  • leahnoelle31
    leahnoelle31 Posts: 79 Member
    Make healthier versions of the stuff you usually make for dinner. Everybody wins :)
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Cook healthier meals so you can have some of what they are eating and then you won't feel deprived or have to "fight temptation". There are some things that I now have to give up due to a medical condition so I will just make something I want and let them have the things I can't eat. I am finding since I have to give it up, I don't miss it too much.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I really need help figuring out how to diet with a husband and 3 young kids. Thwy don't want to eat grass for dinner. The temptation is so strong sometimes to eat what I have prepared for them. How do you all overcome this?

    Why are you eating grass for dinner? This is supposed to be a change of lifestyle, not a short term thing.

    Make family meals, and measure your your portions to ensure you keep within your calories.

    If you plan and log dinner earlier in the day, you will know how many calories you have to apportion to breakfast and lunch.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I can't see your diary, it's locked to public. But consider not buying into 1200 calories a day if that's what MFP has set you up with. MFP is a computer system that usually automatically set people up with 1200. I did some research about BMR calories and TDEE and did some calculations. I now lose weight consistantly while eating 1800 calories a day and I eat back all my exercise calories. Some day I eat up to 2200 - 2300 calories! I weighed in today and lost another 1.6 lbs. Consider it. I have a hubby and 2 kids. I just measure what I eat but basically eat the same as them.

    Good luck!

  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    Make healthier versions of the stuff you usually make for dinner. Everybody wins :)

    Bingo. I have the same problem. Now, that being said, my kids are not super picky eaters, BUT, they certainly don't want a salad every night for dinner and for me, that would be fine. Soooo, here are a few of our favorites that are healthier for all of us. If something is really high in all stuff I'm trying to avoid (fat, salt, calories), I sometimes only have a very small portion with a salad or maybe that night I make something else for me. I use my crock pot a lot and we also eat A LOT of chicken! LOL

    Taco Soup (made with ground turkey, reduced sodium corn and tomato sauce)
    Chili (also made with ground turkey)
    Lemon Pasta with Chicken and Cheddar Baked Biscuits(biscuits are made with Bisquick Heart Smart baking mix)
    Baked Ziti with Light Italian Sausage (blend of chicken and turkey sausage)
    Light Chicken Parm with side of pasta and broccolli
    Peachy Pork Picante
    Sausage Apple Pancakes

    And perhaps the kids' favorite-Crispy breaded chicken fingers with baked potato rounds (you use crackers with spices & light parm. cheese for the breading, then bake them.) They're delicious and such a great alternative to many other chicken nuggets out there! The potato rounds are simply cut up potatoes tossed in olive oil and italian seasoning. You can use ANY spice you'd like to switch it up, even a dash of bacon bits! :)

    It's been a journey, but I'm finally finding recipes and dishes my family likes and most of the time, the "healthy" swap of ingredients isn't even noticed. If you'd like any of these recipes I'd be glad to share. Just message me!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I've been planning the meals to at least include some sort of fresh veggie or fruit...and my DH LOVED them! The other night I made an avocado and grilled corn salad, and he not only had seconds, but thirds (I'm the one trying to lose weight, not him so it wasn't bad lol).
    It is hard at first, but I find a lot of my recipes on sites like Pinterest and SparkRecipes....on Pinterest there are a lot of unhealthy ones, but you can weed through them and find the good ones. You may have to do it slowly with your kids and H, but I think at least incorporating fresh foods into your diet would be a good way to transition everyone to eating healthier.

    I found it easier if I just didn't ask my husband what he felt lke eating and just made what I wanted...he got opened up to new foods and also eats healthier now. He's even talking about giving up POP! I know its harder with the 3 little ones, but hopefully they will see you and your H enjoying it and want it too.