How long was it for you?



  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You'll need to eat more. 1000 calories a day isn't enough for healthy/normal body functions, without exercise. so with exercise you should be NETTING at least 1200. I never eat less than 1600 calories, and sometimes up to 2100 or so, depending on the day, but I usually average 1800 or so. I've lost 111.2lbs since January 1, 2011. I have made a total lifestyle change in the way I eat, and also I work out 6-7 days a week - and the key to maintaining that is to keep it interesting so you don't get bored. On days I don't go to the gym, I make sure to get active -- walking, bowling, mowing grass, etc. anything to get up and get moving.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I know this is kind of off topic, but someone brought Panera for breakfast this morning (breakfast sandwiches, yogurt parfaits, pastries, juice, etc) but I stuck with the parfait and a couple of morningstar sausage patties from home. When someone saw me, they were like, "Why aren't you eating these things. Oh yeah, you're on that diet".

    I got kind of offended, and embarrassed, because to me it's more than that - it's just better eating. I think people use tones and phrases like that to feel better about justifying their choices. Maybe I'm just being super sensitive.

    And don't worry - there will always be haters. they're just jealous they don't have the same self control. You are making smarter choices. good for you!
  • There are ways to be supportive without crushing someone who is making a change in their life and is excited about their progress in the first 5 days.

    The intentions aren't bad but how the message is delivered is.

    Here is more on Starvation Mode/Diets (this is a blog... not medical):

    She is new to MFP, we should be providing unbiased information so she can learn and make her own conclusions about a meal and exercise plan that is best for her. PPL are quick to dismiss/discourage other people who are losing weight under a method different than their own. There are thousands of ways to reach your goals. All are valid.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    PPL are quick to dismiss/discourage other people who are losing weight under a method different than their own. There are thousands of ways to reach your goals. All are valid.

    I see your point; different people do indeed lose weight in different ways and have different methods they are comfortable with. Me? I love food. I could probably lose more weight more quickly if I ate less, but I love food so I'm gonna do it my way even if it takes longer. Some people wouldn't be comfortable with that; it works for me.

    The concern here is not that she's using a different method, it's that she's using a method that's unhealthy and unsustainable.
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    I've been eating 1200 cal/day for 101 days and have lost 42 pounds. I don't exercise but am active.
  • I understand the concern, but reading the first page of posts I couldn't help but feel bad for the OP.

    The main issue with dropping below 1200 calories is that you are less likely to fuel your body with all the nutrients it requires. This can be alleviated/mitigated with a multi vitamin or by having a very lean but strict diet. I know ppl who eat well over maintenance but refuse to eat a vegetable or fruit. Despite consuming their calories the same issue of not properly fueling with proper nutrients still exists.

    Dropping below 1200 aka entering starvation mode will slow your BMR as your body tries to retain as much mass as possible. Weight loss doesn't stop, you will lose weight, you weight loss just won't be optimal.
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    I know this is kind of off topic, but someone brought Panera for breakfast this morning (breakfast sandwiches, yogurt parfaits, pastries, juice, etc) but I stuck with the parfait and a couple of morningstar sausage patties from home. When someone saw me, they were like, "Why aren't you eating these things. Oh yeah, you're on that diet".

    I got kind of offended, and embarrassed, because to me it's more than that - it's just better eating. I think people use tones and phrases like that to feel better about justifying their choices. Maybe I'm just being super sensitive.

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I get it all the time from people at work. Rather than accepting that I want to be healthy and despite the fact that they know I work out 5x a week and have made progress they continue to make comments like "You're STILL counting calories?" "You work out too much" "I'd rather eat, drink and be happy, than diet." etc

    it is sooo irritating. It's the worst when they make these comments in front of people I don't know, because I feel like now rather than seeing me as a healthy person, they think I'm one of those people who does crash diets.
    As for not wanting to be like me because they want to "be happy." I just assume that they have negativity associated with being healthy because for a lot of people being healthy goes hand in hand with eating bland veggies or shakes all day. I love being healthy and eating the way I do. It's not something that I dread. They don't realize that for me being happy includes getting in my hour at the gym, having deilcious salmon and potatoes for dinner and a chocolate treat every day. My happiness doesn't come from a Taco Bell bag.

    I guess the best way to prove these people wrong is with results. They can stick to having their pastires every day and in 6 months I wonder who will look better AND be happier...
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I will be at this for one year on May 1st and I haven`t weighed myself since March but at that time I was 170 even and in a size 10jeans

    I now comfy in my size 8 jeans same brand so I`m sure I have lost some

    I eat 1600 plus my exercise cals
    workout 40min 6days a week one rest day (doing insanity right now)
    and in one year I`ve lost over 43pounds and gone from a tight size 16jeans to my current size 8jeans in the same brand
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I lost 58 lbs in a year kept it off for 4 years now. did gain back a bit but due to my busy season at work but I lost it again. I lost it by eating roughly 1400 calories a day give or take and at first I was going to the gym 6 days a week now I got 3-4 on average. Cardio and weightlifting every session. Last week though I decided to start the 5 x 5 stronglift routine.
  • Blaireli
    Blaireli Posts: 31 Member
    I've lost 22.3 pounds in 64 days. I stick with the MFP suggestion and stay right at 1400 calories per day, factoring in more when I exercise (which is about five days per week). I'm not looking at this as a diet, but a lifestyle change. I don't deny myself foods that I want, just watch portion sizes and not go overboard.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I've lost 20 pounds since January, but every day hasn't been a deficit, I hit around maintenance level a couple times a week.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I understand the concern, but reading the first page of posts I couldn't help but feel bad for the OP.

    The main issue with dropping below 1200 calories is that you are less likely to fuel your body with all the nutrients it requires. This can be alleviated/mitigated with a multi vitamin or by having a very lean but strict diet. I know ppl who eat well over maintenance but refuse to eat a vegetable or fruit. Despite consuming their calories the same issue of not properly fueling with proper nutrients still exists.

    Dropping below 1200 aka entering starvation mode will slow your BMR as your body tries to retain as much mass as possible. Weight loss doesn't stop, you will lose weight, you weight loss just won't be optimal.

    She's a big girl I'm sure she can take the comments. Since she offered her own personal way of losing weight in addition to the question despite it not actually being neccessary to mention it, you can't then get annoyed if people choose to respond to that part of it. Lots of people try to lose weight her way and struggle to turn into a permanent lifestyle, there's no harm in pointing that out. That said I hope the OP does manage to get and stay healthy, because that's what we're all here for, right?