Miles on the elliptical?

So I really like using the elliptical because it burns more calories than the treadmill for me, but I'd also like to get an accurate account of how many "miles" I cover. I'm using the elliptical in my apartment gym, and I don't think there a "miles" setting, but it does count strides. Suggestions?


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Does it feel like your legs are moving about the same as when you walk? If so, just use your standard stride (somewhere between 2 and 3 feet depending on your height and preferred stride).

    As far as an "accurate" count, well, you're on an elliptical. That would be zero. (grin!)

    Seriously, the elliptical is a great workout for building stamina. I used it in the winter and early spring to train for my bicycle (I bike-commute irregularly 15 miles each way, and I'm training for the 180-mile 3-day Trek Across Maine). Getting on the bike was SO MUCH EASIER this spring because I spent a lot of time on the elliptical building up my strength and stamina.
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    Looking up online through, the average length of an elliptical stride is between 18 in. to 20 if we take the lower number, to be safe....All you would need to do is multiply 18 x the number of strides your elliptical calculates, and then divide that number by 63,360 inches (the number of inches in a mile), and that will give you how many miles you've "run" on the elliptical.

    Elliptical says you did 5000 strides
    18 in x 5000 strides = 90,000 inches
    90,000 / 63,360 in. = 1.42 miles

    Hope this helps :)
  • FitnessDivaK
    Thanks guys!!! mzub: I will try the livestrong method today when I work out! Thanks again!!!