all my calories go to alcohol!!

does anyone know a good drink (strong drink!) that has less than 100 calories???

i've tried MGD 64 it was too carbonated..i couldnt drink as many as i had planned for because i had the hiccups!

i've tried island has less alcohol so you need to drink more

im planning on having mikes hard cranberry lemonade tonite..6=588 calories..ughhh too much
that leaves me only 1200 calores to eat..and i already had 800 :( i wana eat sum dinnerr now and a snack after drinking..which leaves only 200 calories ea. so..i guess il be doing that unless anyone has so low cal drink suggestions!

drinking less is not an option( tonight anyway) i would usually just have 3, but tonites a just end up having more anyway


  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    "N o t h i n g tastes as good as SKINNY feels "

    Remember this saying when you think you HAVE to drink at a party!

    It is your sentence on YOUR profile!
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    My suggestion is that if you absolutely must drink, then you absolutely must excercise the calories off.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I don't know something that has less calories, but I thought I would give my 2 cents.

    Every day I put in a glass of red wine in the morning (although I don't always drink it). It is my unwind time after the kids go to bed. On Saturdays I tend to have 2 - 4 (mega calories) I am trying to fit in 2 workouts on Saturdays to make up for it, if I can't find the time, I will just stick to 1 glass.

    In the long run the high of achieving goals will feel much better than a buzz and guilt the next day!! Keep it in mind. I usually offer to be driver if we go out so I know I can only have one.
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    i do the same thing.

    we like to party every once in a while, try to keep drinking water too. it will help with the way you feel tomorrow....

    i like:

    vodka with soda water and a splash of cran

    rum and diet dr. pepper

    i did have a friend who used to do shots of bombay and chase it with perrier---not for me :noway:

    good luck and be safe:drinker:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    vodka, and diet 7up...and if you want it fruity, add crystal lite! its approx. 70 cals a drink, 3 should get you nice and toasted!
  • lilla19
    lilla19 Posts: 16
    this has been my main problem with losing weight...the alcohol!
    lately, i've been drinking vodka and diet pepsi. not something i'd really drink before, but it does the trick. i love beer, and its soooo hard to stay away from...but i'm trying...i would rather lose some weight than have a headache the next morning. lol
    good luck and always be safe!
  • alligator1970
    My friends and I found a website and it basically said wine was not only the best as far as calories but it also has a few health benefits other drinks do not (of course not like a whole bottle, which I have been known to do on a "bad" night). 5oz has 100 calories. Since this is my favorite thing to drink that is what I do. Also it said Corona Light was not bad. 95 calories each bottle...I hate to give tips on things such as drinking :laugh: but if I am going to drink I do it BEFORE I eat. This gives you the little buzz you want and you don't tend to "over drink" your calories. If I go to far I just do more excersises to burn it them of course before you drink...haha
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    OK, I'm gonna say this, and people are gonna hate me for it but...:ohwell:


    As far as the body is concerned, alcohol is poison.

    Alcohol isn't metabolized and when ingested supplants carbohydrates as the primary fuel source.
    Alcohol increases adipose fat storage.
    Alcohol diminishes inhibitions, which can lead to bad food choices.
    Alcohol is a depressant and slows down the metabolism (meaning your burn less calories).

    I'm not saying never drink, I drink sometimes, we all are allowed to indulge once in a while. but just know the consequences, 1 drink once or twice a week is ok, 2 drinks probably won't cause serious problems, 3 drinks is bad, more than 3 in any one sitting and you must realize that you have basically negated a few days of exercise, binge (6 or more drinks) and you've most likely destroyed a week of exercise and any success at calorie deficits you had that week as well.

    sucks to hear, I know, but it's the plain truth, alcohol does bad things to the human body.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    does anyone know a good drink (strong drink!) that has less than 100 calories???

    i've tried MGD 64 it was too carbonated..i couldnt drink as many as i had planned for because i had the hiccups!

    i've tried island has less alcohol so you need to drink more

    im planning on having mikes hard cranberry lemonade tonite..6=588 calories..ughhh too much
    that leaves me only 1200 calores to eat..and i already had 800 :( i wana eat sum dinnerr now and a snack after drinking..which leaves only 200 calories ea. so..i guess il be doing that unless anyone has so low cal drink suggestions!

    drinking less is not an option( tonight anyway) i would usually just have 3, but tonites a just end up having more anyway

    Drinking less is always an option. You're just not choosing it. There is no reason you have to have 6 drinks in one night.
    I'm sorry if I'm sounding mean but you are putting your nutritional needs above your liquid wants. It's not healthy.
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    I totally understand where you're coming from. I am currently struggling with the goal of wanting to loose weight while enjoying my mini "vacation" before I start my new job and move away. This time in my life means lots of eating out when I am meeting friends to see them one last time before I move, going to uniquely Bostonian things and wanting "one last meal of whatever is the unique thing" - fried clams at the beach, a hot dog at fenway, beers at Boston Beer Works. I'm just trying to make sure there are no regrets and enjoy my last few weeks in the Boston area, while trying to do as much exercise to compensate as possible, and be really good with my calories when I'm home for meals.

    I've loved the "low cal" drink ideas. I will try some when I got out in Boston one last time this weekend. I do have to admit though, that the drinking less concept has worked well for me in the past few months - totally not missing the hangover.

  • igmom
    igmom Posts: 90
    I'm losing weight drinking three nights a week, and I drink plenty of chardonnay on those nights. I always log it in my food space early in the day so that I can see if I need extra exercise to make up for it.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    "N o t h i n g tastes as good as SKINNY feels "

    It is your sentence on YOUR profile!

  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Do you really want that much alcohol, or do you feel self-conscious without a drink in front of you when others indulge? If it's that, then by all means drink club soda or diet tonic with a twist - nobody will know that it's "virgin". If you want the alcohol, make up for it with exercise, stay away from hi-cal mixes, or just go over your cals and live with it. It's your choice as an adult. I would NOT cut down on food unless you really want to get hammered.
  • K8losesW8
    K8losesW8 Posts: 12
    Drinking with friends on the weekend is something that I couldn't give up entirely even though I'm trying to lose weight. I feel like I'm not on a "diet" and I want something that I will maintain even after I'm done losing weight. So I keep drinking to one night a week. When I'm drinking I stick with gin and diet tonic or red wine. I've been able to lose a pound a week while still drinking.