Ladies! Birth Control Question!



  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    Nuvaring!!!! So low maintenance. Just check it maybe once a week, if you're the paranoid type. I was on Ortho tricyclin lo and it was hard for me to remember to take the pill at the same time every day. Nuvaring you put in once a cycle, that's it. It can even be removed for 3 hours (for certain activities, if you wish) and be reinserted with no issues. I shied away from the shot and Mirena bc of the initial cost, but if you're able to afford an IUD up front, I would go for that if I were you.
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    Appreciate all the responses!
  • Christina_3192
    Christina_3192 Posts: 150 Member
    I have the implanon in, and I love it!!

    But as everyone else has been saying, birth control is different for everyone.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    just master the withdrawl method like me-Ty
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    The IUD caused me to gain more weight than the pill AND it killed my sex drive... My fave, when I was on BC, has to be the nuva ring.
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    i have taken orthotricyclin, lo-estrin, and microgestin and by far i like the microgestin the best. i take it 12 weeks straight because i always had horrible cramps and hormonal migraines and now i only have that every 12 weeks instead of every 4.
    i havent had any weight gain or acne or really any side effects that i have noticed, and it does what its supposed to, so i love it.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I agree with the notion that not all birth control works the same way for every woman... the first birth control I was on was Depo and I HATED it... I was on an emotional roller coaster the entire time (and I'm usually pretty calm, collected and chilled out)... and I had a period about half of the 6 months I was on it... I also gained about 30-35 pounds in that time too (though I don't blame it all on the BC... but it did make it easier to gain the weight)...

    Then I went on the Patch (ortho evra) and I have been on it ever since... except for when we were trying to have a baby (which I got pregnant in my first cycle), through the pregnancy, and for a few months after to breastfeed... which I was on the mini-pill (which did make me gain about 11 pounds while I was on it and had a week long "period" every 2 weeks)... Now I'm back on the Patch... I have 3 day long light periods... no cramping, no horrible acne... and no emotional roller coasters.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I have Implanon. It's an implant with the exact same hormone as mirena. The only issue I have with it is I got acne. As long as I'm good about keeping my face clean, it's a non-issue. I like not having to worry for 3 whole years! My periods are all over the place, like before I ever used BC. But in general they are shorter and lighter than in recent years. I'll take a whacked out schedule for easier periods though!

    I was on implanon and gained 40 lbs, got terrible acne, ovarian cysts, among other things. I wouldn't recommend anyone getting this as it caused me so many problems. I got it out in December and have been doing fine ever since. Now i'm on generess fe and love it.

    I also had the implanon implanted and I had a terrible experience with it. :ohwell: I only kept it in for 10 months (it's meant to last 3 years) because I couldn't stand it any longer. It gave me awful mood swings, I gained over 20 lbs, and my periods were worse than ever! (Like, I couldn't even stand up straight without buckling over or passing out in pain). Once I got it taken out, everything was back to normal...except now I have a scar on my arm from it and I had to work pretty hard to lose the weight!
  • MystiqueASAP
    ParaGard - it is a non-hormonal IUD.
  • kaybelmore
    kaybelmore Posts: 124
    I'm on Yaz 1/20mg and it's my favorite birth control so far. Minimal bloating, feeling decently normal hormonally, and periods are light. All and all not so bad
  • Abigaillee15
    I have recently just started Yaz again after a year break from it. I am feeling some pretty bad side effects so far. I've put on about 4 pounds and have not been feeling well at all. I have constant cramps through out the whole month, and my breasts are extremely tender 3 weeks out of every month. Should I switch brands? Anyone else having this problem?
  • Lmfloyd28
    Lmfloyd28 Posts: 24 Member
    I've tried many different including pills and Depo. Depo made me a crazy loon and I gained a huge amount of weight. I SUFFERED through 10 months with Mirena. It was honestly the most terrible choice I've ever made. I was so excited not to have to deal with taking a pill every day but it's a small price to pay compared to the side effects I had. I'm so jealous (er, happy :laugh: ) for women that Mirena works for. I'm on Lo LoEstrin now. Back to keeping up with the everyday thing but totally worth it.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I've been on Nexplanon (arm implant) for not long but so far so good. I like it. No side effects so far. Hopefully I don't jinx myself though!
  • momma2Lulu
    after having Lulu i went on the mini pill (safe for nursing/pumping) but after she was switched to formula (5 months) we upped it to a reg. pill (yaz i think) but i was really bad about taking it the same time every day and would miss a pill at least once a week, if not more so. at first no prob because hubby was in Japan and i was in WA (us girls left after the earthquake) but he was going to visit at some point and would be joining us in a few months to move to our new home so i talked to the doctor for a better fit and she suggested mirena (IUD)

    theres the great, 5 years worry free and i know i don't want another one for 5 years (awful pregnancy, worth it but worried how it would affect Lulu if i got pregnant again while she's so little) don't have to think about it at all, no needles, no pills, no fiddling with stuff all the time. lots of good

    the bad wasn't really explained well to me... omg the cramping and pain at first so worse then cramps which i used to get really bad so amped up really sucked for me... then the bleeding... my ob told me it could last for up to 12 months and still be "normal" she said 3-6 before it was put in so i was just a little upset about that. we were able to counter it will putting me on the pill for over 3 months...

    over a year now and my cycles are well funny... they don't fully exist. i will get sore female muscles but very little cramping (compared to before, it used to be awful now it just hurts somewhat) and some pink tinge but very little to no actual blood (super light) and actually the pain i get is really bad and makes me really cranky. i am supposed to reach up in there and check for strings every month after a cycle especially if i use tampons (i used to have to due to the heaviness of my flow) but i don't have that issue so i don't check every single month anymore..

    i can't comment on the price as the issuance paid 100% of it :) i do spend way less on tampons, pads, pamprin/midol, and starbucks which is my go to for killer cramps :)
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    Damn I just have to say after reading all these scary stories I am happy my doc made the decision to remove my uterus..
    I am recovering from a partial hysterectomy one week ago today... I wish you ladies the best of luck, hoping you find whats right for your bodies..
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    Oops posted twice..
  • Heidi_M78
    Heidi_M78 Posts: 143 Member
    I had my Mirena removed after only 15 months as it gave me HECTIC mood swings and stalled my weight loss completely.
    I was on the PIll for years and had no adverse side effects
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I have Implanon. It's an implant with the exact same hormone as mirena. The only issue I have with it is I got acne. As long as I'm good about keeping my face clean, it's a non-issue. I like not having to worry for 3 whole years! My periods are all over the place, like before I ever used BC. But in general they are shorter and lighter than in recent years. I'll take a whacked out schedule for easier periods though!

    I was on implanon and gained 40 lbs, got terrible acne, ovarian cysts, among other things. I wouldn't recommend anyone getting this as it caused me so many problems. I got it out in December and have been doing fine ever since. Now i'm on generess fe and love it.

    I'm on Implanon. My period stopped after the 1st month, and I've had no acne, cramps, or anything else from it. I had an old version of the rod before this for 5 years and no adverse symptoms from that either. Everyone's different when it comes to what works, you just have to choose something that appeals to you and try it. If it doesn't work, something else probably will.
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    I had a friend on mirena (i think that is what is was) And the horomones effected her. She had to switch. So I never tried it myself, I stick with the pill a day too. I leave it right next to my bed and take it first thing in the am
  • Qattusa
    Qattusa Posts: 139 Member
    I was on the mirena coil for two years. The good points was that it reduced cramping and endometriosis effects. The bad thing was it was not placed in properly and pinched towards the left side. Everytime I came towards my ovulation days, my pain was so bad that I literally passed out in agony. Now, I am no kitten when it comes to pain. I once walked 3 miles on a broken ankle when I went out running and was in the middle of nowhere.

    The thing is, you always have to go with trial and error. What will work for one person won't for another. I would have the mirena coil again, but only after having children as this will make the area a bit less sensitive so to speak. At the moment I am on the nexplanon. I think both the Mirena and the Nexplanon have caused me to gain weight, but that settled after a couple of months.

    Good luck with your choice, I hope you get it right first time round! x