Did anyone NOT have a weight problem as a child?



  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    I think I was an average child you know the usual bit of puppy fat which soon went as I hit my teens!!

    The only reason I can think why I've put on weight was when I lost my job 5 years ago and things just went downhill from there so I let myself go a bit, it's only been the last 2 years where things are getting back on track so I'm much happier apart from the weight thing.
  • LBash03
    LBash03 Posts: 72
    I was always thin and never once thought about my weight, even in high school. My sister was always a little overweight and I always heard how I was so lucky but it didn't hit me until I was older. I was so skinny because I played soccer from 2nd grade on. And I played A LOT. So I felt like I earned the fact that I was skinny. As soon as i stopped playing soccer and joined the military, I gained about 30 lbs! Ugh, just trying to lose it and get back to where i was! My weight is ALL i think about now!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I was skinny until about 19, than I packed on 70lbs. And ever since than its a battle, found out I have hypothyroid :(

    Same here, same time frame, same amount of weight and also found out I have hypothyroidism.
  • mici0427
    mici0427 Posts: 54
    I had periods of chubby growing up then started dance and ballet and was told I'd be perfect if I lost 10 pounds...so I lost 20! Dealt with an eating disorder thru my first pregnancy, miscarried, and realized what I was doing to my body. Got up to a healthy weight, got pregnant, lost all that weight then got pregnant again a year later. Almost lost all that pregnancy weight when I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and put on meds. That made me gain 40 pounds in 3 months!! I haven't been able to lose that weight no matter how hard I try! I think people were so used to me being skeletal skinny that they did treat me different once I was overweight...not intentionally but it did happen.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I never had a weight problem unti my car accident and people who 1. didnt realise the gain was from being bed-ridden and 2. were used to me being small or 3. Didnt know me before hand - treated me with very little respect because they seemed to think that my excess weight was indicative of a lack of self-control, a tendency to overindulge and a severe lack of self-respect.

    which is how I felt about myself anyway.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Never had a weight problem as a kid. I lived off of soda, cookies, fried food and chips and was almost underweight. 6 months after I had my baby I was a size 6 but now I have to pay attention as 20 lbs creaped up on me.
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I was thin as a kid, and thin as a teen. My hips flared out to a size 12 once I hit menarche, but I was 100 lbs soppin wet.

    Then I packed on a lot of weight out of high school, took meds that caused even more weight gain, worked bad hours and made bad choices for health.

    I don't know if I'll ever reach my HS size again, but who cares? :wink:
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    No problem till I hit 23. Then came the sit-down job at the closed staircases + fast food only location.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I was a stick figure as a child and truth be told, I still really don't have a "weight" problem. I have a fat problem and that is what I'm working to lose. I'm at the upper end of the ideal weight range for my height, but my body fat is around 26-27%. I carry it primarily in my midsection, which is not good, and most of that is visceral (under the stomach muscle), which is even worse. There's a little left over for my booty and upper thighs.

    With the exception of my belly and my bum, I am thin and there is hardly any other part of my body where I can even get a pinch of fat. That's why there are very few people I confide in about my trying to lose weight. I got sick of hearing, "From where?" and "But you're so skinny already!" Clothing camouflages my problems areas very well.
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    I never had a weight problem til I was about 20. And from 20 to 22 I gained 45 pounds and 22 to 23 gained another 15-20. All from stress, lack of caring, eating horribly and a series of random unfortunate events! I have lost 28 of those pounds, but most days I feel the same as I did those 28 pounds ago. Gaining the weight was fast... Losing it and keeping it off is another story!
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    Extremely thin until 19 when I went to college. Lost a lot of weight (was so poor) and then gained lots of weight through my late 20's (was so happy to eat). Now I just need to lose my last 20lbs
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I've always looked great, as a teenager I had a great bikini body and was never ashamed, even during my pregnancy I was pretty much still in regular clothes, I was just all belly and never had to buy maternity jeans or anything like that. Now however, I am heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant!! After I had my son 4 years ago, I looked great, but then I got Mirena, which I believe messed up my horomones and caused me to develope PCOS, so now I am struggling with lots of extra weight and am really missing that body I used to have, even half of that body would be nice!! I'm 24 years old, 5'1" and started out on MFP around 184, I'm currently 173.6 and am wanting to lose about 43 more pounds and I'll see what I look like and how I feel. Good luck to all of you :)
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I was short AND skinny as a kid. I'm 5'7, so I'm still short (I'm male) but not skinny anymore at almost 35 years old.

    I weighed about ~120 as a high school freshman, about 150 at graduation, and by college graduation, I was about 175-180 (age 22). I broke 200 lbs. around age 24, and it's all been uphill since until recently.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I never had problems as a kid. I was super fit; played sports and did martial arts. Then I joined the Air Force. I actually was close to being told I had to gain a couple pounds to join. Once I got out of basic and tech school and was on my own and had a paycheck, I thought it was fun to eat out all the time. But I did not stay active. I took my activity level for granted and thought I could keep eating like I did. Mistake! Also, 11 years ago the AF wasn't pushing fitness like they are now. So we didn't do PT hardly at all. So I took matters into my own hands and while I didn't lose too much weight, I stopped gaining.
    Then I got pregnant. After, I busted my butt to lose the weight and I did very slowly. Shortly after squirtling's first birthday, pregnant again!
    Now I am kicking butt at it. Lost almost 50lbs since baby #2 last August and I feel great.
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    I was always a small kid too - never had a weight issue until I started working in a more sedentary job, got married, had kiddos, and found there was so little time for me. I've got about 40 pounds more than I need on my 5'4" frame.

    My parents don't care. My husband likes the "F" cup that comes with my weight, so he's not complaning..... I saw a college friend a couple of weeks ago. She looks exactly like she did 15 years ago, and me, well, I don't. Not disaprate treatment from her. I always worry that people look at me differently due to my weight. I have found that those closest to me don't care. And, I really don't care what others outside of my circle think - they have no idea who I am on the inside :)
  • kjbristol
    kjbristol Posts: 22 Member
    I also had two 11lb baby boys! I gained about 120 lbs with the first and 40 with the second. I never had a weight problem before, but now, I have been struggling to lose. I lost 50 right after having the second, and then I got stuck. I recently revamped my workout, added a class a day plus cardio, a trainer and started boxing. Along with a healthy diet, I have steadily begun to lose again! You can do it...it is just a different dynamic when we never had to watch our food and exercise before.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i had issues with gravity when I was a kid. not food.
  • sarahmichelle91xx
    sarahmichelle91xx Posts: 113 Member
    I've always been normal weight until I had my children, hoping to lose 30-40 lbs
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    I was fine until I had children, then it all went down hill :(
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've been very fit most of my lift. My parents had me in track and field from 2nd grade and I contunued through High School...also swimming, football, and wrestling. After High School I joined the Marine Corps...so obviously no issues there either. After the Marine Corps and when I decided to go back to college was where the issues arose.

    When I got out I pretty much swore off any form of exercise other than "fun" exercise...i.e. just going for a recreational hike, skiing, etc. I put on some weight, but it was no biggie to me at the time. I was actually still at a healthy weight for most of my college days, just not as lean as I used to be. I still enjoyed recreational exercise and I biked everywhere, considering I had no car most of the time.

    When I graduated and got a "real job" is when I really started packing on the pounds. I started out at a CPA firm working a gagillion hours per week...pretty much 7 days/ week. I didn't have time (or didn't make time) for exercise of any kind...maybe the occasional hike when I happend to get away for a camping trip...or the once per year trek to hit the slopes, but that was about it. I was also on the go a lot and out of town traveling for work, so I tended to eat really heavy and really crappy....never mind that at this point, I'm in my early to mid 30s and metabolism is slowing.

    I continued to ignore my weight gain and considered it a non-isue; afterall, I was getting older and that's just the way it goes right? I ultimately left the firm for greener pastures and less horendous hours. With the switch, I had plans to get back into some of those recreational activities that I loved...but having been away from them for so long, they were just difficult and no longer fun for me...particularly as I had become a relentlessly heavy smoker. I determined that I'd rather spend my free time hanging out on the patio...cooking up burgers and steaks...drinking beer, and chain smoking cigarettes.

    And I got fatter and fatter and fatter. It really wasn't until my kids were born that I really started taking a hard look at my life and making changes. It ultimately took a boat load of bad news from my doctor to kick me into high gear and really get off my *kitten*. I quite smoking and started eating better and exercising...Now I'm 20 pounds less than my heaviest weight with another 15-20 to go. I'm enjoying exercise again...even the "non-recreational" variety, but particularly am enjoying getting back into those activities I always loved. My blood pressure is on the decline and I'm hoping for favorable results in RE to my triglycerides and LDL cholesterol at my next round of blood work. The only one that may be more excited about this than me and my family might be my doc.