Can someone review my food diary?



  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Yeah, I'm trying to exercise more, maybe get it in at least 3 days a week, aiming for 5. And should I eat 1200 cals even if I'm not hungry, because even now getting to the 1150 range is hard enough. I just eat something even though I'm not hungry so I'm not stuck at 1000.

    I think my BMR was around 1350 according to the calculator on MFP, so should I eat around that even though it's above the 1200 MFP set for me?

    So protein, veggies, fruits, and more fiber. Got it.

    Oh and finally, are the protein, fat and carb values that MFP set for me accurate? I usually end up going over the protein and sometimes the fiber which seems strange, because I feel like I eat more carbs, and I always have a lot of carbs left over. Should I follow it? Or what values should I aim for?

    Thank you all so much for taking time out to help me.

    Yes ma'am I have similar stats to you (4'11 and 139) and 1200 is too low! your body will get used to it and you will have trouble maintaining for the rest of your life if you keep it up! Remember, you want to look good, but not at the cost of having to eat low calories for the rest of your life! I would net your BMR to start (1350 + exercise calories) and up every 4 weeks or so you don't have to starve yourself. You may feel like you are eating enough now, but trust me the first TOM that comes up and your diet may be out the window! lol.

    If the amount of food is keeping you full try to add some calorie dense foods along with your fruit like:

    2% milk
    cottage cheese

    I set my goals manually to 40% carbs 30% protein 30% fats

    Feel free to add me if you want shortie support!
  • Hi Everyone,

    Would someone look at mine also for the last few days and let me know if I'm on the right track. I'm not done logging for today, I'll likely be having another snack.
  • You should be eating about 1500 cals a day
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I've been on here a bit more than a week. I was wondering if someone could take a look at my food diary and tell me how I'm doing?

    I'm 154 cm (5'1? I think) and around 63.5 kg (140ish lbs I think).

    Thank you :)

    45kg seems very low for your goal weight, a healthy range for your height is around 50-60kg depending on your frame.
    You are eating too little, you especially need to add more vegetables & fruits.
    Protein should b 1g per lb of lean body mass, fat 0.35g per lb of total body weight. The rest usually goes to carbs but can be made up as you wish.
    As above poster said, quick add calories are generally inaccurate and dont show other macros which are equally important.
    If you are not hungry, choose calorie dense foods like full fat dairy, nuts, olive oil, nut butter. 50g of nuts has 400 cals but its only a small amount to eat.

    The allowance given by MFP is NET therefore you must eat back exercise to achieve this, see your goal page!

    Net Calories Consumed*
    Your Daily Goal XXX calories/ day
    Daily Calorie Deficit XXX calories
    Projected Weight Loss XXX lbs/ week

    * Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Would someone look at mine also for the last few days and let me know if I'm on the right track. I'm not done logging for today, I'll likely be having another snack.

    make your diary public in your settings so that we can :)
  • lorforde
    lorforde Posts: 68 Member
    I agree with a lot of the posters.
    You are not eating enough calories. I always aim to eat a minimum of 1200.
    More fruit and veggies and drink 8 glasses of water a day.
    Log everything you eat and drink

    Set your goal weightloss to 1.5 pounds and go by that hun. I did as you did to begin with and I soon learned I wasn't eating enough x
  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 48 Member
    Maybe I'll have a scrambled egg in an hour, just to pull up my calories D: I don't want to be harming more than helping.
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    Given your age, I would tell you to add more dairy as your calcium is very low and calcium helps build strong bones.
  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 48 Member
    Okay more milk and yogurt ahaha thanks.

    Can I adjust my macros anywhere? I've looked but I don't know where it is.

    Or is it fixed and I should just ignore all the red in every range including calories ahaha.
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    just wanted to say that after looking at your diary, it has motivated me to try harder to eat healthier! thanks for doing that! i also agree that you might not be eating enough calories. good luck!
  • alanindahlonega
    alanindahlonega Posts: 17 Member
    Exercise..walk an hr..
    Burn some MORE cals! Log everything. H2O is important too.

    More importantly, your young, be happy, live life with a smile on your face. Carpe Diem:smile:
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    Not sure what you mean by "macros". If it's the figures highlighted in red then I guess you need to change the entries in your food diary but that would be "cheating". It looks like your protein intake is the only one a bit over so I wouldn't be overly concerned as you are still under your overall calories. I'd far rather be over in my protein intake than my fat intake. I think that line is just there to keep you within the recommended guidelines. When you are choosing foods spend some time reading the nutritional value on the labels and take it from there.
  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks wranglerwoman (sorry I don't know your name D:). Glad I could help.

    Just ate two spoons of peanut butter. That's protein right? I think D:

    Yep, that upped my protein and my calories. That's good I think.
  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone, you're all very kind and super helpful.

    I got the 30 Day Shred too. I'm going to try and start it as soon as I can, and see how that goes.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Less starches more fruits, veggies and dairy. As for the reason the site if for 18 and up is because younger than that you could still be growing/bones forming type stuff. I find working towards it admirable but maybe you should talk to your doctor or a nutritionalist to find what calories/food you need to be at right now. We all try but we are not always right. Good Luck!
  • skinnysoonsima
    skinnysoonsima Posts: 48 Member
    N'aww, I'm probably not going to grow much more. I was a very early bloomer. Doctors say if I do grow, it's maybe a cm or 2 at best.
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    This site is for poeople 18 and over.

    That's all you go out of her question..

    Amen!!! How about encourage and help a young person become a healthy eater, if you don't have input on that how about not post on the Question!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Okay more milk and yogurt ahaha thanks.

    Can I adjust my macros anywhere? I've looked but I don't know where it is.

    Or is it fixed and I should just ignore all the red in every range including calories ahaha.

    you alter this in 'goals' then 'custom goals'. It is not 'cheating', MFP sets protein very low as standard, and depending on your exercise goals you will need different amounts of protein / fat / carbs. Mine are 25p / 30f / 45c, a lot of people use 30p / 30f / 40c.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    This site is for poeople 18 and over.

    That's all you go out of her question..

    Amen!!! How about encourage and help a young person become a healthy eater, if you don't have input on that how about not post on the Question!

    I am all for young people to be healthy. However:

    1) This site is NOT designed for children.
    2) She is breaking the user terms of MFP
    3) One should not encourage her to do so