SQUAT help!!!



  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    Ive learned squats from my trainer.

    1. Make sure your legs are even with your shoulders.

    2. When squating be sure that you are not holding your breath.

    3. (This is my personal preference) Start out putting your hands on your hips and keeping your back as straight as possible.

    4. Make sure to use your abs as well this helps with form and balance.

    5. Squat down slowly until your legs are at a perfect 90 degree angle.

    6. Take your time do not go fast you want to make sure that you are in good form and your triggering your muscles.

    **EXTRA NOTE** to help you determine that you are going down far enough try doing it in front of a mirror.
    You can also get something like a weight bench and do your squats just enough where your butt hits the bench (DO NOT SIT ON IT) lol its just a marker. Once you get your form down add the weights. Oh and also make sure you put your body weight evenly throughout your feet (i.e.: dont have all your weight on your heels or the balls of your feet).

    Hope this helps. :)

    Great tips. Use that and my motto, "*kitten* to the grass... when squatting"
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member

    to watch later
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Do free squats at first. It seems you have really tight hips as well and you need to open those up. I had this problem and couldn't squat past the 90 and now I can easily. With too much weight on the bar your hips will tighten up so start with body weight.

    Toes aimed out and squat down with back straight, stretch your arms out in front of you for now for balance as you go down then bring arms down as you come back up.

    TO STRETCH: go into a frog stance with your elbows on the inside of your knees and push your knees out, you should feel a stretch. Are your heels on the ground? If not work to when you can squat like that and NOT be on your toes. Your back should be straight on this and chest up. It will take time. I did this stretch for a while and it really allowed a better range of motion for me on my squats. I do front and back squats on free weights. NO smith machine.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    The Squat Rx series has been helping me perfect my squat form a lot. I haven't watched all of them, but the ones I have watched have been really helpful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq8CWv8UPAI
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