Long distance relationships



  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    I have to agree with the majority of the posters here. 90 minutes is nothing. I WISH I was only 90 minutes from the man I want to be with. On a good day he is a 6 hour plane ride away, and in another country to boot.

    If you both want to be together, 90 minutes shouldn't be an issue. Me personally, I don't know if I'd be willing to move for someone who can't be bothered if I'm a mere 90 minutes away. But that's me, and I don't know your whole story. Best advice I can give is to talk with him and make sure you are both on the same page.
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    He is reluctant to commit..."how", exactly? Commit to dating you exclusively?

    I would think if he saw you as "the one" - distance would not stop him from committing to you and/or making sure you didn't 'get away'.

    And I know what I'm talking about...I am living this situation right now, except he made sure to let his intentions be known right away (and we're farther apart than 90 minutes!).

    ^^^ this!

    My husband and I, when we were dating, lived 5 hours apart. We dated for a little over a year, seeing each other when we could (usually once every two months or so), and distance didn't stop either of us from being committed to the other and when it was the right time, I didn't hesitate to move to be with him (it was a military posting and he couldn't move so I had to do the moving). Distance shouldn't be preventing him from being committed if you are also "the one" for him, no matter what his "long story" might be. Follow your gut, if there's anything giving you an inkling that something's not quite right, then listen to it.
  • thatlook
    thatlook Posts: 58 Member

    If I was only 90 minutes away...HELL that is a no brainer I would be there every day and night until I could be there PERMANANTLY

    definately that ^^^^^^ my fella was 4hrs away n we saw each other around twice a month....90 mins is a complete cop-out :flowerforyou:
  • emma110984
    emma110984 Posts: 125 Member
    90 minutes... I only see my boyfriend for 2 months a year... as I am away working 5 months at a time!!! 90 minutes... i wish!
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    I'm pretty jealous of 90 minutes to be honest, I'm like 1200 miles away from my girl.

    I wish you the best with that situation though, hope it works out for you two.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    He is reluctant to commit..."how", exactly? Commit to dating you exclusively?

    Yeah, I guess. His only hang up is that I don't live there. He said if I did, it would be different--he would be interested in pursuing an exclusive relationship with me.

    Sorry you're going through this. My thought is if he isn't committed to the 90 minutes for you, then I wouldn't risk uprooting your life to be with him. Like everyone else seems to be saying, 90 minutes is a drop in the bucket. Something else may be the issue here other than distance. Best of luck! :flowerforyou: