taking a week off ...food or exercise?



  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Forgot to add....

    Just go to "My Home", then "Goals", and then change from "Lose x pounds per week" to "Maintain my current weight".
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    thanks everyone. i've changed my goals to maintain. i think being a size 12 and 183-189lbs is okay for now. i think i'll relax a little while. i'm going to ask my hubby to hide the scale until july5th (i start my chalean extreme challenge that day). i'm going to still exercise but only running. i've decided to run a 5k and a 10k. so i'm just going to train and train. and the only way i'll know if i'm losing is if i measure myself each week and if my clothes get looser, thank you all so much!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    There's nothing wrong with going into maintenaince mode for a bit. Your body gets used everything and adapts to the number of calories you're consuming and the exercise you're doing. Take a little break and come back at it with something new. :smile:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    thanks everyone. i've changed my goals to maintain. i think being a size 12 and 183-189lbs is okay for now. i think i'll relax a little while. i'm going to ask my hubby to hide the scale until july5th (i start my chalean extreme challenge that day). i'm going to still exercise but only running. i've decided to run a 5k and a 10k. so i'm just going to train and train. and the only way i'll know if i'm losing is if i measure myself each week and if my clothes get looser, thank you all so much!

    You can do it!!! I hope that this works for you and you can come back re-charged in a few weeks. And I meant to add that you're looking really good! Give your hubby a swift kick in the rear for me for telling you to get surgery! :laugh:
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    thanks everyone. i've changed my goals to maintain. i think being a size 12 and 183-189lbs is okay for now. i think i'll relax a little while. i'm going to ask my hubby to hide the scale until july5th (i start my chalean extreme challenge that day). i'm going to still exercise but only running. i've decided to run a 5k and a 10k. so i'm just going to train and train. and the only way i'll know if i'm losing is if i measure myself each week and if my clothes get looser, thank you all so much!

    You can do it!!! I hope that this works for you and you can come back re-charged in a few weeks. And I meant to add that you're looking really good! Give your hubby a swift kick in the rear for me for telling you to get surgery! :laugh:

    aww...thanks! that felt really good! :flowerforyou:
  • Sparklene
    Sparklene Posts: 38 Member
    i think being a size 12 and 183-189 lbs is okay for now. i
    So I weigh 155 and am a size 12. What gives? I guess it's height and body frame size? I read all the time about people who weigh lots more than I do and yet wear much smaller sizes. It's frustrating.
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Sizing is VERY tricky as with each designer sizes vary. In "women's" clothes I can wear as small as a 6, and often an 8 (e.g. Banana Republic, Liz Claiborne), and at the Gap or Old Navy my jean size is 10 (my 8's have gotten pretty tight) and I weigh 165 lbs at 5'8". In juniors (e.g. Forever 21) it's usually a size 12! Geesh!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i'm built like an ox. lol. i did amateur body building for YEARS so i have TONS of muscle. I weigh a lot more than most girls that are my size. But I can fit any size 12 at any store. weird. some are a little more snug than others but not by much. Some stores I can wear a 10 and some a 14. but 12 is the most common.
  • 9726172000
    9726172000 Posts: 428
    You really need to listen to your body and what it is saying. When a person stops lossing inches or even weight then it is a time for a break from what you are doing. Be it a couple of days to a week. Sometimes this is just what your body needs. Think of your body like the sleep you get at night. Every night you get 5 hours of sleep after a few months of this your body says enough and it will make you get the sleep you need. Well lossing weight is just like that. After a while your body says I have had enough of this and you will stop lossing weight and inches. I usually take 1 week off after excercising/ whatching what I eat for 2 months. I don't log my food or anything. It really is amazing because I will lose more weight in that time frame of doing no excercise or logging my food than when I excercise and logging my food. This break if you decide to take it just might be what your body needs at this time. Also you might want to think about cycling your excercise/food cals. Sometimes this also helps in weight loss.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Also you might want to think about cycling your excercise/food cals.

    What's that mean? Cycling like a bike?
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I hit a plateau myself and spoke to a nutritionist. She said to eat 6 small meals a day. That has mad e a difference for me. I am also working with a personal trainer and the new exercises are good for my body. I would say don't give up anything.Just switch it up. Try different exercises or a different way of eating. Make sure you are getting adequate protein and relax. This will pass.

    When you hit a plateau it feels like that is all you can think of. Afterwards it isn't all that bad
  • 9726172000
    9726172000 Posts: 428
    cycling excercise/food cals mean one day you have alot of excercise cals with the least amount of food intake cals for one day then the next day you would have a few excercise cals with alot of food intake cals. the food intake cals should be pretty much very healthy food. I do this a week at a time and I have never hit a plateu since I have been doing it. it actually keeps your body guessing. hope this helps.
    Also you might want to think about cycling your excercise/food cals.

    What's that mean? Cycling like a bike?
  • flea
    flea Posts: 56 Member
    I think hiding the scales is a good idea - I've got my husband to hide mine.

    I think if your body has become accustomed to you eating 1200cals you may gain a bit if you go to maintenance (or anything above what you are eating now) but only for a little while. I posted a question the other day about a similar thing so just taking my answers from that and from what my personal trainer told me. I'm sort of upset that I'm gaining weight but in the mean time I keep exercising so I'm actually smaller than where I was 5lbs below where I am now which is kinda funny (you can see in my profile - the one in the orange I weighed less than the one in the pink but in the pink I'm smaller all round thanks to lots of weight training).

    My current goal is to eat to my BMR and all my exercise points in hope of allowing my body to recover and realise I'm not going to starve it again - I'm hoping it doesn't take too long for it to repair itself.

    BTW I've been on a plateau now since January so I'm trying hard to do something completely different.