That moment you want to quit..

I'm confused lately. I've lost about 3kg over 3 months, with a daily calorie intake of 1200. I've gained 1kg back and I really hope that's muscle, since I've started working out at the beginning of my diet too. Since then I didn't gain or loose anything and it's quite frustrating really. I'm also slightly confused about eating back calories I've lost during work out or not? One month without progress....


  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    Try measuring progress a different way. For example if you are lifting go by how you feel, weight, or reps or if you are running go by distance, time, or speed - basically see what else might be changing. Also try using a measuring tape. I tend not to lose weight on a scale very easily, but I have gained in speed, endurance, and my clothes are looser. :-)

    In terms of eating back calories, when you exercise your muscles need fuel. If you aren't eating enough for the amount you are working, your body will often consume the muscles first (no the fat), it can also think that there isn't enough food to support it so it will slow your metabolism and go into a starvation mode. For losing fat, generally you want to eat healthy to promote muscle growth, energy, and to make sure you don't have an excess of calories that can turn to fat. Also exercise is important because muscles burn calories and when you workout your muscles, those muscles are being used and strengthed vs not used and possibly lost.

    Anyway hope the above helps.