needing motivation pls

Hi all, i've been needing some motivation to lose around 12kg which should be a breeze but in my case every time i start the diet and results starts to show i have a relapse because of emotional eating or just being bored and tired..when on a diet i find it sooooo hard to exercise as im hungry and soo draind ....i just wanna be back to the slim me i used to be..any helpfuf tips pls?? Thanks alot guys


  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Stop dieting. There. Your problem has just been solved. If you are constantly hungry, you're seriously doing something wrong.
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    I second that - stop dieting and start learning to eat healthy for the long term. If you don't look at it as a lifestyle change, you'll gain back every last pound you lose.

    If what you are eating is keeping you hungry, look at making some changes. Eat more protein and healthy fats to keep full longer. Eat a light snack before you work out so that you have some energy. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it does help. And just remember, slow and steady wins the race.

    Seriously, hang in there!
  • Thanks alot guys, but the thing is am not dieting like starvation diet lol, am just eating less and more fruit and veg and i stick to the calories mfp says i should have each day... still everything has got LOADS of calories i can't have a slice of bread without being guilty as it's 113 calorie that's like 10% of what i should be having.. so HARD :grumble: but I'll hang in there :ohwell:
  • vanderandkarl
    vanderandkarl Posts: 87 Member
    the best thing i found when hungry was to make a totally veg soup with pulses in as this satififed me for longer and had it between meals
    maybe it will help you, as for the bread 210 cals isnt alot if you are having it as part of a meal with a good filling and a side salad

    everything in modoration incuding carbs

    good luck and feel free to add me x
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    Being close to goal may mean reviewing what you do and dont eat. I found myself hungry a lot at times and it was because I may have lacked protein. Good fats often get overlooked - burning fat is better than burning muscle !

    I'd suggest looking at sugars, protein, iron levels, etc.

    A blood test would also tell if you were lacking anything.

    You have been on MFP a while so maybe share your diary (use a password to limit it's view if you want).

    Definitely get some like-minded friends on here - similar height, gender, shape, goals, etc. and compare notes.

    My friends list may have some good ideas - no time-wasters there as far as I know ;)

    Go for gold, you can do it !
  • rachledezjones
    rachledezjones Posts: 50 Member
    Have you tried white danish bread? Its about 60 calories per slice :)

    Also, try bulking your day out with low calories snacks. I tend to have a 3 egg white omelette whenever I'm hungry (with a splash of milk, onions and peppers, cooked with fry lite spray), as well as tons of cherry tomatoes, carrots, sugar free jelly... none of these things will satisfy you like a cake lol (coming from someone who loves cake!) but if, like me, you just enjoy eating and snacking then you'll often find that having things like this throughout the day takes away that 'hungry', 'snacky' feeling.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone, those ideas actually got me thinking.. there're alot of great suggestion & I'll def. will be trying some of them..