Newbie Needs To Lose 150+ and wants some friends :)

Hey, my name is Ashley. I'm a 27 yr old, married mommy of 2 young children from Ohio and I've decided enough is enough. I need to lose this weight if I want to see my children grow up and my grandchildren to come. I'm not gonna say that I'm going to try and lose it. I'm going to say I WILL lose it. I am determined and consider myself blessed to have stumbled across MFP to begin with. Would love to share in my journey with ya'll. Keeping whomever I come across in prayers that you reach your goal too! Let's do this!


  • Jenn264
    Jenn264 Posts: 43
    I've been on MFP for about 2 months and it is great motivation! Having friends on it really helps out by just commenting & sharing your story! I'm 19 yrs old and have lost a total of 24 lbs so far. My goal is to lose a total of 70 lbs! I know I can do it with all the motivation so everyone feel free to add me!
  • gettinfit4god
    gettinfit4god Posts: 63 Member
    Hi! I'm Eileen. I started out needing to lose 200 and have lost 55 since January 1st. Add me. You'll love it here!
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Hi Ashley. I have been using this site since Jan and it has helped a lot with support and with reciepes (?sp). I'm down 40 lbs so far and 80 more to go. You are starting with the right attitude. Add me as your friend. Carol
  • AshleyB4Him
    AshleyB4Him Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome! I'm so excited, not just for myself, but for all of us! Now to just find a scale haha.
  • gcanter
    gcanter Posts: 194 Member
    Hi Ashley, I'm also a newbie to this site too. I have been using this site for a week and I'm determine to get back in my weight catergory. My doctor said it was time to get a handle on it and recommended this site. It works, you just gotta stick with it. You can do it!
  • Jenn264
    Jenn264 Posts: 43
    Just be careful with the scale.. I kind of am addicted to it, as in I weigh myself everyday which I know I shouldn't do. haha Good luck!!
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    hey all! I'm Tracy.. I have about 200 lbs to lose. feel free to add me:D
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    you can do it!! Determination equals success... now get moving!
  • Bjwurtz1128
    Making the decision that enough is enough is the biggest step. GFY , Please feel free to add :)
  • Sarahrachael82
    Sarahrachael82 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey everyone! Im also looking for friends!!! I signed up months ago, school started back up... and so did my scale. Ive actually stayed the same for awhile. I have my on and off days, but Im realizing I need to only do school work and stay on this site non-stop until I get back into the swing of things. I would love to have more friends to keep kicking me into gear!
  • debra4647
    debra4647 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! I have been on for over 40 days now. I have lost 24 pounds so far. I'm doing 50 at a time. So I can reach a goal and feel good about it. Then on to the next 50 and so on. Anyone who needs encouragement may add me. Next month I took a challenge to burn 15000 calories for the month. It should be interesting because I'm a couch potato. Well good luck everyone Debra
  • smithhm12
    smithhm12 Posts: 23
    Hey, I'm Heather. I'm 23. I just started about a month ago and so far I have lost 10 pounds. I am looking to lose about 120 pounds all together. The more friends that you have the easier it is to stay on track! Feel free to add me! :)