5K possible?



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I gave up c25k after week 1 last year..am on week 4 now, and can run an interrupted mile in just under 10 minutes ( 9:50).

    I never, ever,in my wildest dreams thought I'd be able to run for more than 60 seconds without passing out. This is doable, be determined..I know you can do it, it's a battle of wits with your mind....set yourself free and dare to do it.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Thanks all, one problem though, I don't have a cell phone GASP! but some good suggestions,and I will try and check out the video suggested.

    You can find a C25k program that is NOT cellphone based. I am doing a C210k program that I did NOT download onto my cellphone. 5 days a week over 16 weeks (I selected a LONGER program) I have been training myself o walk a 10k. I only have about 5 more weeks on this program. This is what the program has me doing now - Tuesday and Thursday I walk 2 miles now, Wednesday and Saturday I walk 4 miles then on Sunday I walk the furthest which is 6.5 miles now. I substitute my Saturday 4 mile walk w/ a 5k race and my walk to and from the race. Most of the races in my town are w/in a mile of my apartment LOL SAVING ON GAS!

    The c25k program I did was through a local running shoe store. Check in your area to see if you church, university athletic department, personal trainer or shoe store has a program. I attended the program 2 days a week and did cross training 2 days a week.