Calling successful female slimmers over 40 - help!!



  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks Ladyraven68,

    You sound quite successful to me! I didn't necessarily intend my original question to be aimed only at people who had reached their goal weight - but rather at anyone who seemed to be making good, steady progress! (like yourself).

    I hadn't thought about re-adjusting the settings - I think mine are set for losing about 2lbs a week (haha - that's a joke! :noway: ) but I suppose if I allowed myself a bit more leeway, I might actually get on better. Having said that, I'm going on holiday to Spain in about 8 weeks' time, so I would like to have lost as much as possible before then!! But after that, I could possibly think about it - as this is a fairly long term thing for me.

    I may also think about looking into strength/weight training, as that's something I've never explored before - it's only recently that I've started to learn about the benefits of it (I used to think it was just for people who wanted muscles like PopEye! :bigsmile: )

    Anyway, lots to think about there - thanks again :smile:
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    I'm a bit older than you (62) but just wanted to add some support. On my 60th birthday I felt the best I had ever been in my life. I was jogging down the road (with my new HRM that I got for my birthday) and told a jogger that came up to me--THIS IS WHAT 60 LOOKS LIKE!!!
    Then I fell off the wagon and now have 25 lbs to lose.
    You are so smart to be here now. Exercise is the magic bullet. Logging your food and being realistic is essential.
    I feel that I am successful because I have the tools right here and can use them.
    Take some time to adjust to a reasonable lifestyle, everyone is different. Try to make exercise as normal as brushing your teeth. Take a week or so and make it a point to weigh and measure your food to see what a portion size looks and tastes like, I still weigh or measure if I think I'm slipping.
    If you have treat days log everything--including that second (or third) glass of wine--and be honest about how big the glass is (not that I'm speaking from experience you understand).
    Knowledge is power--and you are powerful---you are a woman and you are strong!!
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks Mountainmare - it's actually really encouraging to hear that you found a new lease of life at the age of 60! There is hope for me yet! :happy: I'm sure you will soon lose the weight that you put back on, as it's sounds like you have a really positive and determined attitude.

    Thanks for your help & advice, which all makes a lot of sense :smile:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Thanks everyone - I appreciate you all taking the trouble to reply :smile:

    The only times I don't log are the nights when I'm working (partly due to lack of time, and partly because I feel embarrassed logging 4 meals - in the 24 hr period - as well as snacks! Even though I still try to stay within the cals - it just looks like a lot!) and I also tend not to log on my cheat days (again, due to embarrassment! :embarassed: ) But I do keep a rough tally in my own head.

    You can edit your meal names to whatever works for you. Instead of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you can change them to something like 8am-noon, noon-4pm, 4pm--8pm, 8pm-midnight, etc. or whatever works for you. Other people add 'snacks' in between their mealtimes, too. Logging everything will really help you keep track and see patterns in what you are eating.
  • AmyB69
    AmyB69 Posts: 117
    It is harder as we age. But, we can do it! I'm 43, I started working on myself January 27th of this year. I weighed 172#, and as of today I weigh 136#. I log every single thing I eat everyday. I try to log ahead, I plan my meals out. I exercise 6-7 days a week. I ride my stationary bike for an hour everyday, I do weights 3-4 days a week. I try to log my exercise before I exercise so that I will do at least what I've already logged. I have never eaten my exercise calories. I eat in moderation. I don't say I can't have something, because that just makes me want it more. I eat healthy, fruits, vegetables, a lot of protein. Every once in awhile I will have ice cream or some chocolate. BUT, I always log it and only do it within my calories.
    You can do it, and it will feel great!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Go check out the fat2fit group - it looks like you are only eating around 1200 every day, and that is not even close to being enough...
    If I did not exercise and ate enough (1800 to 2000 cals a day) I will puff up like a mushroom due to hormones and a slow metabolism....

    I started lifting heavy (or as heavy as I can) and in spite of weighing 4kg more than I did last August, I fit into my denim shorts and tight summer t-shirts that I wore then...

    I am not losing any weight - haven't been for the last two months, but I'm never hungry, and I look more toned that ever before in my life...Plus I have loads of energy and am fit!:flowerforyou: Inches count more than the number of the scale...

    And my weight has been constant for the last two weeks since I upped my calories to 2000 - not the chronic up and down with the same two pounds.....
    Good luck, and I really think you need to eat more....
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    sometimes it is as simple as adding 1 more glass of water. I am 56 an was stalled for a while and I've changed some of my exercise times and added 1 more glass of water. and now it is coming off again. it is not easy the older we get.

    I'd try more veggies, and maybe more protein. make sure it is lean. you can eat Almonds as protein also and they are a good snack. I roast them for 10 -12 minutes at 350 and they are sweeter and crunchy.
  • rsward
    rsward Posts: 45
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    In order for me to keep motivated, I tell myself, I am not working out for my physical appearance, but for my physical health. When I look in the mirror, I am not always happy, but I feel more stronger and physically fit then I have in a long time.

    As far as working out, I tend to get bored fast and so for that reason, I am all over the place with my workouts. I jump rope, jump on trampoline out side, walk, jog, weight lift, fitness dvds, dance, twist, what ever I feel to do at that moment. If I am feeling tired and do not want to sleep, I will turn up the music and start my dancing/twisting to amp up my matabolism. Do what motivates you at the moment, because for me, a routine gets boring really fast.

    What ever you do, do not give up.
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    Well, ladies, I am glad I saw this post today. I am doing all I know how to do. I have researched the site thoroughly, changed many of my habits - including raising the calories I eat. My weight has gone up, the inches have not budged. I would just like to see some kind of progress as a motivator. I cannot tell you how frustrating this is...

    Sorry, OP, I have nothing to add regarding successes. I am going to keep track of this thread you so generously started so maybe I can learn something!
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Bump for later
  • kbreens
    kbreens Posts: 4 Member
    I find as I get older I do not lose weight easily. Even staying under the calorie limit, I have to add a lot of exercise. I don't eat back my exercise points. I do eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables and cold water fish (2 times per week). I don't eat any other meat, dairy or eggs. I use the Fitbit monitor and walk at least 10000 steps per day, climb at least 10 flights of stairs, do an hour of Zumba 3-4 times per week and do weight training 2 times per week. Sometimes I swim 45 minutes of laps instead of Zumba. I have lost 45 pounds in the last couple of years. When I stopped paying attention to how much exercise I was doing, I gained some back. I lost it again when I started doing more exercise and paying more attention to the calorie count.

    For me, it is easier if I log the food before I eat it. That way I can adjust portions if I need to. Also, since I gave up dairy and eggs, it is easier to bypass all the baked goodies that show up in our office lunch room. I work four 10-13 hour days a week. So it was a little challenging to get in the exercise. I find I can get in the 10,000 steps and stairs at work by parking further away, walking a little extra at lunch and taking the stairs. If I don't make my goal, I walk after work. I am lucky because I have a flexible schedule and can start work early so that I can get my hours in and leave in time for Zumba classes in the evening. I do weight training on my days off.

    I agree with everyone who posted that the key is to just keep plugging away. At some point, you will lose even the most persistent pound if you stay on track. Good luck!
  • JulieMI88
    JulieMI88 Posts: 13
    We are the same age. I used to be able to lose weight without much effort (before 37). Since I turned 37 and went into perimenopause, I have found I had to watch what I eat. I watch my weight daily. I eat according to my weight at that day. I never allow myself to go 2 lbs over my normal weight. Having said that, depression hit me last year, I gained 10 lbs on antidepressant. That is why I am here, trying to lose the extra lbs. I lost 5 lbs the first 2 months of this year. Then I look a break because there were too many special occasions. Two weeks ago, I restarted again to lose the final 5. I found if I stick to my planned meals day in day out, I can lose. I need to dig deep to stick to my diet, which many times I found it's hard because all the food and snack around the house. People around me constantly discourage me because I am thin in their eyes. It's hard for me to explain to them that I want myself to be at a certain weight. It's one thing I have control over and I am proud of it.

    Anyway, my experience is to stick with a plan and don't budge. Now, I am telling myself 3 more weeks, then I can eat some snacks I can't eat right now. At least maintenance is not too hard. I have that worked out for 10 years now.
  • tamraj
    tamraj Posts: 50 Member
    I second everything here- even the conflicting advice! You can't argue with success and what works miracles for one doesn't seem to move an ounce for another. You have to find what works for your body. For me, like many, exercise is huge- and unfortunately, as I have gotten older ( 50 this year) 30 minutes is not enough to make the changes I am after. I am at 60 minutes of various cardio six days a week and am trying to get in a day with 90 minutes. It doesn't always happen all at once-I sometimes do fast walking, etc in the evening. Also weights 2 or 3 times a week. Some days I eat back all exercise calories, some days about half, some days none at all, so I can't speak on that. I do believe you must fuel the machine.

    I also drink tons of water, get plenty of fiber, and watch my sodium like a hawk. I log consistently and plan the day out so that I know what I have to work with- I also tend to eat very simply which helps me stay on top of what is going in. I do have an occasional beer etc (pizza tonight) but I do plan for it.

    Since I really started using MFP consistently in February of this year I have seen change- not always pounds, often in inches. I think, as the others have said, consistency is key- if you are consistent and on target 95% of the time, the other 5% (beer, eating out) won't do damage to your goals.
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks again everyone - never expected to get so many replies, but I'm grateful for your advice/opinions.

    DyanCB - also glad to know that this thread is helpful for others too! :wink:

    Thanks also to those who have sent private messages or friend requests. The support on this site is amazing :flowerforyou: