I try to eat real well.

most days ill have an english muffin eggs whites and turkey bacon.
(300 calories)
lunch, california roll sushi ( 360) TOTAL 660,
then ill have ice tea for snack ( 70 ) TOTAL 730
Dinner, maybe some pasta and chicken 400 TOTAL 1190
before bed time, a big bowl of caultiflower 100 TOTAL 1290

then ill go on the elliptical for an hour and burn 600.

ive been doing this constantly ( food varies, but mostly the amounts for meals are the same)
i am not seeing ANY WEIGHT LOSS in four WEEKS!

im clearly not starting myself.

im about to give up. im not in starvation mode, and im eating good food.
havent had french fries or mcdonalds or soda in four weeks.


  • ashleyjea1985
    I try to eat real well.

    most days ill have an english muffin eggs whites and turkey bacon.
    (300 calories)
    lunch, california roll sushi ( 360) TOTAL 660,
    then ill have ice tea for snack ( 70 ) TOTAL 730
    Dinner, maybe some pasta and chicken 400 TOTAL 1190
    before bed time, a big bowl of caultiflower 100 TOTAL 1290

    then ill go on the elliptical for an hour and burn 600.

    ive been doing this constantly ( food varies, but mostly the amounts for meals are the same)
    i am not seeing ANY WEIGHT LOSS in four WEEKS!

    im clearly not starting myself.

    im about to give up. im not in starvation mode, and im eating good food.
    havent had french fries or mcdonalds or soda in four weeks.
  • jesusgrl14
    Sweety, you ARE starving yourself! Your body needs those 1200 calories and when you work off half of them then you are putting your body into starvation mode. Working out is WONDERFUL!! Keep up that mentality but know that you HAVE to keep your calories at 1200 so that means if you want to work out for 600 calories then you NEED to be eating about 1800 calories a day. Please look up a lot of the topics and posts on this site about starvation mode. You will see that you have slowed your metabolism down to the point where it is holding on to your fat for dear life! Good luck and I hope you see the changes in the long run. Remember its not a "quick fix" you are looking for, it's a life change! :flowerforyou:
  • loman13
    I agree eat more calories and eat every 3 to 4 hours.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    You may also be burning more than 600 cals in one hour. On my machine at home I can burn about 500 in 30 minutes. Sounds like your body is in starvation mode. Eat more, and eat more often.
  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    I have made so many healthy changes in my life since joining this website, I eat healthier and excercise more. But like you I struggle to lose weight, and it is very frustrating! And after four weeks of trying to hard with so little results on the scale it is easy to say why bother? and give up. However, rather than give up try making some changes to what you've been doing. First of all, eat more food, healthy snacks throughout the day, add at least another 300 calories to your day for the next few weeks and see if you feel better and have better results. And vary your exercise routine more, try some new workouts besides just the elliptical, and if you can try three 10-15 minute workouts a couple days a week in addition to a couple 30-60 minute workouts. And take at least one day off to let your body rest and heal. This is my biggest challenge, to give up exercise one day a week!
    Keep your body fueled more properly and change up your workouts at least for the next few weeks and hopefully you will see some changes on your body and the scale.
    Also if your looking for more support, eating plans and great articles, check out It is also free and full of great information, articles, recipes, support, suggestions. I am a member there as well as here, that keeps me feeling motivated and supported from two great sites and so many great people! We're all facing this together, struggles, challenges, and accomplishments, and all the while we are taking steps to improve our health and our lives.
  • rhondababy
    You must be so frustrated! I think you may be making this harder than it needs to be, and unknowingly
    "starving" yourself. Try adding two snacks (one between breakfast and lunch, and one between lunch and dinner)- something with some protein, and a little carbs- totaling 150-200 cals. per snack. (like a string cheese, and an apple, or a few crackers with a little bit of peanut butter- you get the idea).
    Then also add a salad, or some vegetables with some healthy oil (olive, flax) to your dinner.
    This should bring your calories up by 450- 550 per day; this still gives you room to add another 100 if you're hungry or want a little treat.
    Remember- that 1200 cals. is NET CALORIES- so you must subtract what you're burning. If you burn 600- you need to eat 600 more in order to keep your body at 1200 cal. intake, which will help you lose weight.

    You're doing great! I suspect with these little changes the weight will start to peel off!!!