


  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Love both Turbo Fire and ChaLean Extreme! I guess it depends on what you're looking for. I started TF when I downgraded my running to 2x a week to make up less cardio. It's too much to do the HIITs and Fires with the amount of running, I'm currently doing but I will use the stretch and strength workouts on occasion. If you're looking for a strength program, than CLX is the way to go. I don't do it on any set schedule, but I have seen results, particularly with my arm and back muscles!
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I absolutely love Turbo Fire! Such high energy and so much fun. It is definitely an addiction!!
  • TBoom915
    TBoom915 Posts: 115 Member
    I just completed the first month of the regular after doing the prep schedule and I lost a total of 22 lbs and dropped and pants size so far...I look forward to the next 2 months! I am also a fan of all things Chalene!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I was thinking about buying this when I need to cancel my gym membership in August.

    Has anyone done both TurboFire and TurboJam??? Which do you prefer??

    oh .. and why??? :wink:

    I love Turbo Jam and thought I would like Turbo Fire, but I just didn't. I strongly prefer Turbo Jam. Turbo Jam is fun, and I look forward to doing it. It's high energy without a lot of impact. Turbo Fire takes out some of the fun and replaces it with a lot of impact. Of course you can modify the moves, but Turbo Fire still feels repetitive to me, not nearly as fun as Turbo Jam. It just doesn't have the same feel for me. I ended up selling my Turbo Fire set but have kept Turbo Jam.
  • lillypad1008
    Thank you all for the comments...in reading all of them...i have decided to purchase the set!! :-) I finish my 10 day zumba challenge on May 2..I am going to Myrtle Beach on May 4th for the weekend to celebrate my 35th and then that 7th..i will start my TurboFire challenge!! Whoop Whoop!!

    Thanks again!! :smile:
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    I was thinking about buying this when I need to cancel my gym membership in August.

    Has anyone done both TurboFire and TurboJam??? Which do you prefer??

    oh .. and why??? :wink:

    I loved TurboJam but prefer TurboFire because it is much more Intense.....it's kicking it up a notch. I also burn a lot more calories doing TurboFire which is a definite plus in my book!
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    Turbo Fire is great- Chalene is an amazing motivator, very positive without being annoying. The workouts are tough, but fun. Only thing I will say is to add in a strength training dvd/segment to this workout. (Such as JM's no more trouble zones) That way you're not only killing fat, you're building some muscle. Also, make sure to eat!
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    I was thinking about buying this when I need to cancel my gym membership in August.

    Has anyone done both TurboFire and TurboJam??? Which do you prefer??

    oh .. and why??? :wink:

    I like them both a lot, but Turbo Fire is better because of the intensity and the HIIT workouts:) (HIIT workouts are a like the "turbos" in Turbo Jam, but last longer). So you can do a quick 15-25 min workout , but burn crazy calories.
  • CrazyBullies
    I've just started turbofire, have been doing it exactly a week today and i love it already... everyday im kickin my hubby off the tv to workout, im always ready. even after a week i feel better, i have more energy and i actually look forward to my workout, its fantastic! Chalene is great, so hype and ready!

    Compared to zumba its wayyyy more intense in my opinion, i did zumba, but it got old it felt like. If your not looking for something wayyyy intense id say start with zumba and work your way to turbofire. Either way both are great!!!!

    Its all about havin fun and workin your tail off!!! :happy:
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I have it but haven't committed to sticking with it consistently.. When I do the DVDs I enjoy them and they kick your butt!!! The program seems to be laid out pretty well by having you switch things up, I'm just not good at sticking with DVDs for longer than a month.... Good Luck!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I was thinking about buying this when I need to cancel my gym membership in August.

    Has anyone done both TurboFire and TurboJam??? Which do you prefer??

    oh .. and why??? :wink:

    I love Turbo Jam and thought I would like Turbo Fire, but I just didn't. I strongly prefer Turbo Jam. Turbo Jam is fun, and I look forward to doing it. It's high energy without a lot of impact. Turbo Fire takes out some of the fun and replaces it with a lot of impact. Of course you can modify the moves, but Turbo Fire still feels repetitive to me, not nearly as fun as Turbo Jam. It just doesn't have the same feel for me. I ended up selling my Turbo Fire set but have kept Turbo Jam.

    This is good to hear. I was one of teh few who didn't liek TurboFire...I ended up selling mine as well. I think I'll try TurboJam!
  • TheRealLTM
    I love Turbofire! This is the only workout that has been able to keep my attention for this long. I'm doing the advanced workouts now and I plan to start another round in July.
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    Turbojam is great, I love TurboFire but its MUCH more intense than TurboJam. ITs MUCH faster than TurboJam too. I love both really and I can get really intense calorie burns with both. Its all in your intensity and how much you put into it.