The dreaded weekends!



  • baw1124
    baw1124 Posts: 2
    I did a search on the topic and saw this post. I ruin an entire week's worth of progress on the weekend. This results in me not losing any weight.

    As a few posters have said, maybe I should get a workout in, in the mornings.

    I spend the weekeds with my family and they have no idea what healthy eating is. However, since I already know this I should plan better huh?
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Ok I'm not dreading the weekend as much as I was after all this good info.

    I'll report back here on Monday!

    Me too! I am going to try to do better...good luck everyone! Have a great weekend!
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    I weigh in on sort of keeps me honest on the weekends. Also try to do my "long" workout on the weekends, too. For right now, while I'm losing, I don't indulge at all except my treat day once a week. For me that's not "losing weight behavior" so I just stay away for now and will save the once in a while indulgences for maintenance.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    whenever i think about slacking on my diet and consuming excess calories i try to think about the starving kids in africa and how some of them havent eaten for days or even weeks and how blessed i am to eat what i want and when i want.. definately not good to starve ones self to be lean, but it puts the concept of food and nutrition into perspective
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    Ok am updating to keep myself on track - going well so far but all this rain has meant I'm not doing any exercise today! I'm hungry now so will go and have some fruit. Off to see the Avengers tonight but will be avoiding the sweets!!
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    We are all so different and what works for one of us can be the total downfall of another. I have lost and gained the equalivant of 3 or 4 adults over the years. When I finally got smart about losing weight, I realized that there are 3 mistakes that I always made:
    1. Went on a "diet" instead of changing my way of life. 2. "Diet" but no exercise. 3. Deprived myself of all the "bad" foods. This caused me to develope attitude of martyrdom and self pity.
    I now know this is a new way of life. Healthy food tastes better, exercise makes me feel better and no food is off limits on Saturday. When I crave something thru the week, I can have it on Saturday. The one stipulation that I put on myself is that I have to log it. I need to see exactly what I am doing. That also keeps me from going on a binge. I am sure this is slowimg down my overall weight loss progress, but it is keeping my mind in a good place.
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    Soooooo I didn't find the weekend too bad at all. Did lots of exercise on Saturday and walked to the cinema yesterday so at least I could have some popcorn!
    Someone on this post said that because its the weekend it doesn't give you the excuse to eat differently which I found really useful.
    Hope everyone else didn't find the weekend too tricky either!
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    My weekend was full of extremes. First, the exercise - I burned a total of 2,300 calories in 2 days spreading 7 yds of bark mulch on a slope in my yard for a total of 7 hrs. Then the food - I figured after all those calories burned, I was entitled to eat more than usual, so I ate 2,300 calories on Sat., and 2,275 on Sun, including ice cream and wine. (Net 1,097 and 1234 calories). On Monday, I got on the scale and my weight was up by 2 lbs. So I was feeling rather discouraged until I got on the scale today and I had lost all but .2 lb.

    So what happened? Well, I had injured my back in the garden on Friday, so I took Ibuprofen all weekend in order to be able to spread the mulch without pain. Turns out Ibuprofen causes you to retain fluid. Once I stopped it, the weight disappeared.

    And yes, I did wear my HRM while exercising.

    In short, I worked very hard and ate and drank very hard too, so it all evened out.
  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    I struggle on the weekend sometimes, I try to find things to do in the day so I'm not heading to the cupboard every 5 mins.

    I wouldn't say I stuff my face full of crap all weekend but I do have a treat on a Saturday.
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    I have the same problem! Interested in seeing the tips/advice

    ^^ same here!
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I encourage eat off your plan on the weekends. Of course, this would be in moderation; however, don't beat yourself up for it. I am STRICT during the week, following a my own modified version of the south beach diet during the week. On the weekends, I ALWAYS stop for McDonalds chocolate chip cookies & an ice cream cone. I did it the whole month of April and still managed to lose 13 pounds.

    Your body needs that shock once in a while, but the key is to not go overboard.
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member
    Weekends are the worst! hot wings, cake, beer, Burgers, BBQ, It all calls my name louder on the weekends. To avoid over loading on bad caloires I have started to work out saturday mornings to help maintain my calorie deficit through the day. 30 - 60 min on the eliptical as I watch the morning News gives me a good head start and the extra calories wont hit me as hard. Dont worry after about a month of being on here and tracking your meals. You will find that even on the weekends you are staying on track. Welcome to MFP.
  • annakristi86
    Ugghhh,..... the dreaded weekend.... So fun but so bad for the weight loss.... Almost all of april i haven't lost anything because i'd bee so good during the week and then reverse the good work on weekends... Now im really trying to make real changes... Here are tips that i am armimg myself with:

    1) Limit your drinks to no more than 2, definitely NO MORE than 3 if you absolutely must .... you'll save tons of calories but mostly you won't be that drunk that you stop caring about watching what you eat
    2) Absolutely a must to have a work-out that day and do not eat the calories back before you even go out... save them for the dinner time... if you get so hungry after a workout only have a banana or something very little to make sure your work-out calories will be saved for later
    3) Limit your weekend to 2 days cause i know for many weekends start on fridays or even on thursday.... So if u start on friday then be super good on sunday :)....
    4) Another tip is if you must eat out, try not to go over you maintain calories... this way at least you dont gain anything even if you dont lose

    At the restaurant:

    1) Dont eat more than one piece of bread under no circumstances.... (the hardest for me actually)
    3) When eating dinner never ever finish the whole thing no matter how delicious it is and dont eat from other peoples plates to taste it or w/e..... better to eat half of your dinner and safe the other half to go if its an option
    3) Never ever ever eat the whole dessert yourself
    4) If party goes late and you get hungry again dont eat pizza or other bad stuff.... something healthy like yogurt or w/e... or if u must have pizza.... only half a slice no more!!!

    Anyway.... hope this helps.... this is what i will be trying this weekend....Good luck!
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    This weekend will be tougher than the past one as it is a Bank Holiday too!

    I have put all my exercise into my planner already and so if I stick to it I should be fine. I have had some nice comments this week about my weight loss (5lbs in 2 weeks) so I will use those to inspire me. Good luck to you all!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    1. Sunday is my rest day, so I don't socialise and keep strictly to my calorie allowance
    2. Saturday I tend to socialise and drink. I mitigate these habits by getting up early and going for a run and then maybe doing some strength exercises at home (squats, lunges, press ups, crunches etc). As a good MFPer I of course eat back most of my exercise calories
    3. Eating out is the worst as difficult to quantify calories, but I try to use my common sense
    4. Going slightly over net calories once a week wont kill you
    5. I try not to bore / irritate my non dieting friends by discussing my eating and exercise habits
    6. I spend Friday evenings in the gym, I get comments about being anti-social from work colleagues, but work drinking contributed considerably to me putting on weight in the 1st place
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    Flixie00 - I'm in complete agreement. And your fabulous weight loss is testament to your weekend rules. Thanks
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Bump to read later...

    Hubby always cook on weekends = SODIUM :grumble:
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    I am better on weekends then during week vice a versa. Don't stay at home and make yourself a goal not to spend on snacks, just a good regular dinner/lunch instead, take water with you
  • harpblues
    harpblues Posts: 4
    Have a structure for the weekends, as much as possible. Plan your food, but allow for some leeway. An extra 100-200 calories usually gives some flexibility. And make substitutions. When I go to the movies with my family, I bring along some extra dark pretzels and a few dark chocolate almonds to munch while they eat popcorn. And if we go out to eat, I make sure to choose a place I can get fish so I'm not stuck with fried foods. I also exercise longer on Saturdays, up to 1 1/2 hours, since I have time, but Sundays are my day off. Good luck!
  • XKaty_LambX
    XKaty_LambX Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Kate,

    I also want to lose about 3 stone :noway: , I'm 5ft 5" and 36. I live in Hertfordshire.

    Yes the weekends can go a bit haywire can't they! :drinker: My remedy for over indulgence is weigh in on Friday morning so if you do go over at the weekends you can try and make up for it in the week! :laugh: :laugh:

    Hope that helps! I will add you as need all the support i can get!:sad:

    All the best,

    Katy :smile: