Getting Discouraged

I have been going to a personal trainer for 6 weeks now 4 days a week. I have never stuck to a diet exercise so great befor. I have gave up diet soda, bbq and having a few drinks with friends to now only eating fish and chicken and vegtables. But I wish the weight would come off faster. I know it is not about the number on the scale but I also know I am not suppose to weigh 198lbs. I weigh in today but I have lost 9lbs in six weeks and after the first three weeks I gained 2lbs of muscle. Will have to wait to weigh in tonight to see if I have gained anymore muscle. I am sure I have, because I have gone down a pants size and a shirt size but I was just hoping to loss 2lbs a week. I have gave up so much and just wanted faster results. I read and talk to others and seems they have such faster weight loss compared to me. This makes it hard.


  • fishergreen
    fishergreen Posts: 109 Member
    I'm the same weight as you and have been trying to lose weight for awhile now. I just started really counting calories and I mean everything I stick in my mouth. I also started exercising regularly. I would say any weight loss is a success and you should be proud and stop beating yourself up. You didn't wake up and gain 10 pounds over night so you can't expect to lose it that quickly either. Perservance wins the race, keep at it and in a few months you'll realize the sucess you've been looking for. Good luck.
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    Bear in mind that 2lb of muscle is really quite a lot - it's far denser than fat, so if you're working out heavily while dieting simultaneously it might be worth ignoring the scales completely for a while and taking measurements (neck, waist, legs, etc.) once a week?
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I know how you feel. I started with my personal trainer in July 2011 but I had to go slowly and build up my endurance due to some health issues. Now I'm finally working out 5-6 times per week and trying to eat a lot better.... always staying witnin my calorie goals or under. But I haven't lost much weight in the last 3-4 weeks... I have lost inches so I focus on that. Losing inches means building muscle which will accelerate the fat burning so eventually all that muscle will get rid of the extra fat and the scale will move.

    I know it is super hard to be patient but losing slowly allows your body to adjust and re-set. I've found that it is so much easier to maintain... for example between mid-October-end of December. I wasn't working out consistently and eating out a lot because of a lot of business trips. I still didn't gain back any of the weight I had lost up to that point. My body re-set itself to the new weight so it wasn't sending me hungry signs or cravings to tempt me into my old bad habits.

    The scale isn't the only way to measure the success of your hard work so don't sell yourself short. Wearing a smaller size after ony 6 weeks is a great accomplishment. Celebrate the NSVs (non-scale victories) just as much as the ones on the scale!!
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 128 Member
    I have started measuring myself. I read an interesting article on here yesterday about a lady who started weight training at 140 lbs. and has dropped 5 clothing sizes (I think she said to a size 2) and still weighs 140 lbs. So don't let the scale be your only progress indicator.
  • MHaddick2355
    Thank you everyone the the work of encouragement and thanks for becoming my friend. I really needed to hear that today!!!
  • MHaddick2355
    so gave my trainer a printout of what I have been eating the past 15 days and I am not eating enough he says my body is eating my muscle. That is why I am not getting results.