I think I would enjoy Zumba

fdlafon Posts: 259 Member
Does anyone do the Zumba Wii exercises? We gave our Wii to my mom for the kids at her house, but they never play it there either. I have space for it in my basement, and think if the Zumba workout for the Wii is a good one, I may want to purchase it and give it a shot.

What do you like and dislike about the Zumba for Wii?

Do you wear the belt? What is the belt for?


  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I've been thinking about getting the Zumba 2 for Wii. It had better reviews on Amazon than the first one.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    There are free Zumba workouts on you-tube. Watch one and see if it appeals to you.
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 138 Member
    I've been taking a zumba class for about 9 months and I absolutely love it. Problem is I can only make it to 2 classes on a good week and only to one class every other week so I got the zumba fitness 2 for wii to give me some more zumba time during the week. I've had it for about 2 weeks now and I really enjoy it. I still prefer the real class over the wii version but it is a good substitute and some of the songs are the same ones we do in class.

    The things I like:

    1) I get as good of a workout on the wii as I do in the class -- really get a sweat going.
    2) you can pick your own level of intensity, high, medium, or low. I've been doing medium intensity until I get more comfortable with the routines (sometimes you will feel like you have two left feet but just keep moving. it gets easier each time)
    3) you can pick a short class (30 min), mid class (45 m) or full class (hour) I like having these options
    4) you can create your own songlist using the songs on the program. I may do that sometime. I definitely have some songs/routines that I really like and some not so much so that will be a good option

    The belt holds the controller so you don't have to keep that in your hand. I guess the only thing I have issues with (and it's probably more a problem with me working the wii), I can't figure out how to stop the thing. The other day I picked a class to do then realized it was the wrong one but I couldn't get the thing to go back, pause, stop. I even ejected the DVD and that didn't work. So I just did that class and lived with it. I'm going to see if my grandson can help me figure that part out. haha.
  • fdlafon
    fdlafon Posts: 259 Member
    I also hear that the Zumba 2 was better. That is the option I am considering. I have the space, and a wii that isn't being used!

    I would love to be able to go to a live class with others, but realistically, it just isn't possible. My life is way to busy, and I am being honest with myself. I would be much more successful with it, if I had something to do at home.
    Driving to he gym, doing the class and then the drive home would take way too much time away from my family, and I know that will not work,

    There is a yard sale advertised on craigslist in my area, and she has the Zumba set for sale for $50. I looked it up, and it has multiple DVD's and some weights, etc - I just don't know if I want to spend that much for DVD's.
  • fdlafon
    fdlafon Posts: 259 Member
    Thanks for the review simply!

    I'm sold
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    There are free Zumba workouts on you-tube. Watch one and see if it appeals to you.

    Agreed, plus any exercise is good!!!!!!!!!!!! So why not go for it!
  • jozkny
    jozkny Posts: 17 Member
    I am just getting started on here and I weigh WELL over 250 so at this point any kind of movement makes me sweat and I have long given up on trying to look cute while working out-- a.k.a. I sweat like theres no tomorrow!! Given that, and my lack of desire to go to a gym or other public facility to shake my booty in front of other people (I fear for their safety when my backside is involved!) I got Zumba for Wii-- I LOVE IT! It is fun, I can do it for a few minutes to give my heart-rate a quick burst of energy, and I can do it in my own livingroom! The belt isnt important, as one post pointed out it is to hold the controller. I tuck mine into my pocket or a waistband, all it does is track your movement. I havent tried Zumba 2 but the one I have is def a fun "game" & even if I am not going to be entering any dance competitions anytime soon- I would recommend it! :)
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    I have the first one and I would have to say it's not everything I wanted it to be but it's a decent workout. I'm not very coordinated AT ALL so following the dances is a little tough and I get frustrated when I know I'm doing the move the right way and I'm still not "on green." I haven't read about Zumba II but if it gets better reviews I would just go with that one!

    If you do get a chance to go to even one class here and there I would completely suggest it :) It's soooo much fun and it'll break up the monotony of doing it by yourself in your basement all the time.
  • kelzpop
    kelzpop Posts: 156 Member
    I guess the only thing I have issues with (and it's probably more a problem with me working the wii), I can't figure out how to stop the thing. The other day I picked a class to do then realized it was the wrong one but I couldn't get the thing to go back, pause, stop. I even ejected the DVD and that didn't work. So I just did that class and lived with it. I'm going to see if my grandson can help me figure that part out. haha.

    Press the + button. It pulls up the menu. :)
    The only thing about that I don't like is if you get part way through it and have to quit, you don't get credit for it at all.

    I got the zumba 2 because it shows you the moves individually and seemed more like a beginner game than the original zumba for wii. At least my husband did that research and that is what he told me. But I've never gone in and looked at the moves individually. I just stick to the same class and have gradually improved with my moves over time. Now that I'm a bit better, I really enjoy it. And the kids can 'dance' with me and they enjoy it as well, I just have to watch that the 16 month old doesn't get in the way.

    I also have the nickelodeon dance game which, surprisingly, gets your heart rate moving too. Probably not as much as zumba, but there are days when I don't have the energy to try and win the 4 year old over. LOL!
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 138 Member
    ^ thanks Kelzpop for that instruction. That'll help me a lot.
  • jennytaffe
    I have it and enjoy it! I also purchased the Zumba Exhilerations DVD set. I believe there are 7 disks. Very fun and a great workout!