Hit the wall/plateau!

I'm new here! I have reached my plateau at 147lbs which is considered overweight for my 5' 2" frame. I managed to lose 4lbs of my own accord before joining this site on Monday, but it took 2 months and now I need that extra focus. Overall I need to lose about 2st (28lbs) to get back to my healthy BMI height to weight ratio, but concentrating on the first 14lbs for now. My problem is that I'm consistently coming up short on my calorie intake (MFP suggested 1200 per day for me & my goals), which is a worry because I physically can't eat that much in a day without feeling too full or sick. I'm concerned that this could be the reason I haven't lost fat in a few weeks. However, I have started strength training (15 minute work-outs for dummies DVD/dumbbells, resistance tube, waist torsion disc), and have noticed my biceps and stomach muscles (still under all the fat) becoming more solid! I think I'm getting too obsessed with the scales and it's disheartening, so the best thing for me is probably to concentrate on feeling well and seeing how my clothes fit. Any one else having a motivation/plateau problem. Advice?


  • I'm having the same issue. I lost 4 lbs right away and now nothing ... two weeks. I'm getting frustrated. My husband says I look different, and I've lost weight or inches in my upper body, arms but nothing in the tummy.
  • Fat_Lenny
    Fat_Lenny Posts: 38
    I know how you feel. After I lost the first 4lbs I felt slimmer and more confident and started walking taller, but when I hit that wall I felt just as fat as ever. I can't seem to get my head round the idea that eating more helps you lose more! Think I need to vary my work out too, I do the same country walk nearly every day. My sister is super-fit and recommends swimming as a good all-rounder, plus you don't get the strain on joints like you would with jogging. In my family the women put most of the weight on our bottoms/thighs, so tough to shift it!
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I can't seem to get my head round the idea that eating more helps you lose more!
    Well at least you KNOW what the problem is :wink:

    Seriously though, here is my advice. You NEED to hit 1200 minimum. It is absolutely physically possible, since in order to gain the weight you had to eat that and more right? It can be tricky to get 1200 calories worth of healthy food, but a little research into higher cal healthy foods and a willingness to adjust your regular diet will help.

    You could also try adding in a protein shake (check my diary for my recipe, its about 1-2 cups in volume and each one has around 360 calories). Add just one of those per day and you will hit 1200 much easier.

    You might also want to consider opening up your food diary, it will make it easier for people to give you advice. Congrats on making healthy choices, and keep it up!
  • Fat_Lenny
    Fat_Lenny Posts: 38
    Thanks for the advice! I hadn't realised my diary was set to private, I'm just getting used to the site. You're right, before I started my healthy eating plan I was having takeaways sometimes more than 3 times a week, and now though I don't struggle to find food just as tasty but healthy, apparently I'm just not eating enough of it. It takes less for me to feel full now so I always equated losing weight with eating less. I'll definitely up my protein though, because I'm trying to become lean and muscular as well. I think that's what I'm falling short on. :-)
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    We all got overweight by eating well over 1200 calories per day on average so really, it shouldn't be that hard. If you have cut back for some time now then I could see how adding more in could make your stomach AND mind uneasy but it'll pay off. Make gradual changes everyday to increase your calorie intake. For example, if you are eating fat free foods...try eating the reduced or full fat versions.

    My body loves for me to keep it guessing. I never eat the same amount of calories everyday and lose very well doing that.
  • Fat_Lenny
    Fat_Lenny Posts: 38
    It makes me shudder to think how much I used to eat - sometimes a whole packet of choc chip cookies in one sitting! I do feel much better since I made my lifestyle change. The thing is, I didn't even realise I was restricting calorie intake until I signed up here. It's only when you look at everything written down it becomes obvious. At least I know what I need to do now, and as long as I keep up the exercise and vary it, that weight will not return! :-)