Does cutting sugar mean I have to cut fruit?!



  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    I'm not against moderation, I was simply responding to your statement that sugar has no effect. It seems a bit careless to advise people on diet when you fail to recognize that our body is ruled by hormones and the role food plays in affecting those hormones. There is more to your health then losing weight at this moment. I'm sorry if my inclination towards prevention and quality is viewed as as alarmist.

    OP: If you only care about losing weight then follow the advice about caloric balance. If you care about the complexities of your body with regard to homones, inflammation, etc over long periods of time then dig a little deeper.

    Fair enough?

    well, as has been said, when you cut back as just a matter of staying in caloric limit, and you start eating better, your sugar will go down as a natural result. and we can also assume a marked increase in activity level. so sugar limits will almost certainly be just fine.

    (and, fwiw, the actual initial question asked was if sugar has anything to do with weight loss. just weight loss. and, no, it doesn't. that's the calorie's game.)

    I just don't buy that fruits and vegetables are off limits because they have the dreaded sugar.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    So much broscience in this thread.

    Realistically, aside from the general fact that you're trying to lose weight, in which case a simple calorie deficit *would* suffice, try to reduce ADDED sugar to around 35g per day, just for the simple long term health benefits. Naturally occurring sugars such as fruits and dairy are fine.

    Having a long term calorie deficit based solely on [for example] peanut butter cups may get you weight loss, but in the end, you'll more than likely be one of those skinny-fat looking people. A proper diet (with exercise) is essential to get good end results, not just overall weight loss.

    Care to share how fructose from fruit is different from fructose elsewhere? Fructose is fructose last time I checked.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member

    I just don't buy that fruits and vegetables are off limits because they have the dreaded sugar.

    I don't either, I eat fruit and veg like crazy.

    My original post stated that I thought her trainer was taking it too far.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    I just don't buy that fruits and vegetables are off limits because they have the dreaded sugar.

    I don't either, I eat fruit and veg like crazy.

    My original post stated that I thought her trainer was taking it to far.

    oh, I know you didn't say that. but it was said elsewhere. that fruit was only on a cheat day. that's crazy talk. well, "cheat day" is a crazy term anyway, but still.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Here's my two cents, take it for what it's worth.

    I eat lots of fruits, and pretty much ignore the sugars in them, because fruits come with other healthful payloads of nutrients and fiber that I like getting without supplements. Plus, I like fruit, and eating it has not prevented me from losing weight.

    More importantly, the sugars in fruit tend not to be processed (and by that, I mean not specifically concentrated).

    An apple, for example, must be digested before the fruit is released into the bloodstream, so the sugar delivery happens over a longer time, lowering (but obviously not eliminating, it's sugar!) the blood sugar spike and making it happen over a longer period of time.

    As someone on the thread previously said "fructose is fructose", and that's very true, but you get your fructose in a far more highly concentrated form from, say, high-fructose corn syrup than you do from actual corn. So you tend to eat more of it, and just as importantly when you consume a quantity of it you tend to consume it more quickly in a concentrate.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Sounds to me like you should get another personal trainer.
  • JDthe3rd
    JDthe3rd Posts: 16 Member
    There is a lot more tied into weight loss than just calories. You're right, at the end of the day, your caloric intake is going to be the deciding factor on whether you lose weight or not, but the body has an easier time breaking down fruits, vegetables, and proteins vs. starchy carbs and sugar. People who watch all categories will see the FASTEST results.

    Too much protein = protein turns into fat if not utilized by the body
    Too many carbs = carbs break down into sugar if not utilized (which turns into fat)
    Too much sugar = turns into fat if not utilized
    Too much sodium = water retention = won't see immediate results on the scale for weight loss (not to mention, heart problems/disease)

    You can eat as many fruits and veggies as you want. The body will use them in a positive manner so even if you're over your "daily limit", i would even go as far as to subtract the sugars from natural fruits/veggies.

    The "leaner" and "cleaner" you eat, the quicker you'll see the lbs. drop.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    Sugar in any form from a cupcake to fruit is simply seen by the body as sugar.
    Fruit may have vitamins but if not consumed with a binding agent like a protein it doesnt readily absorb.
    Sugar is a known toxin to the human body.
    If you eat fruit, be mindful to eat it as a treat the same as you would a cupcake.
    Its the same difference to your body, enjoy them both but limit them.
    You will feel better within 3 or 4 days and become aware of how much sugar affects your body.
    Test this out with all foods, from carbs to meat to veggies, you will really learn your own body
    and how each food item affects you personally. What are you so afraid of if you give up fruit for if its temporary?
    Imagine if you didnt have a grocery store how much fresh fruit would you truly have access to year round anyway?
    Not enough to eat it daily. Just food for thought.
  • JDthe3rd
    JDthe3rd Posts: 16 Member
    Trust me, you can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want.

    99% of the diets out there promote this...

    Weight Watchers says don't even count fruits/veggies as points.
    Basic diets say the base/foundation/majority of what you eat would be vegetables THEN fruit.
    Fruit-cleansing diets are based strictly off of eating fruit (and most of the time veggies) and people lose drastic amounts of weight.

  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I'm sorry, but this is retarded. Trust me, you can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want.

    99% of the diets out there promote this...

    Weight Watchers says don't even count fruits/veggies as points.
    Basic diets say the base/foundation/majority of what you eat would be vegetables THEN fruit.
    Fruit-cleansing diets are based strictly off of eating fruit (and most of the time veggies) and people lose drastic amounts of weight.


    AND it just got ugly......Really? You used the word retarded? Are you 12?
  • JDthe3rd
    JDthe3rd Posts: 16 Member
    My age is on my profile.

    And we don't need people contributing false information to confuse everyone.

    Next time i'll make a better choice of words.
  • Caniacgirl59
    I actually met with my dietician today, and we talked about sugar in fruits for quite a while. Yes, it's sugar, and your body does recognize it as sugar, but fruit also has fiber and vitamins that are good for your body. Plus I love fruit. So for me to completely eliminate it, would not set me up for success. I've had trainers give me food tips in the past, and after working with my nutritionist for the past four months, I realize they really weren't the best "tips."
  • trainmanup
    trainmanup Posts: 9 Member

    Care to share how fructose from fruit is different from fructose elsewhere? Fructose is fructose last time I checked.

    It's mainly the difference in nutrients that accompany the food. Sugar is essentially empty calories, it really has no nutritious value. Eating fruits or vegetables will grant far more essential vitamins and minerals compared to a brownie however.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    weight loss is about calories, pure and simple. sugar has no effect. unless you have a medical condition related to sugar, no reason to worry about it as long as you are eating right and working out. I don't track sugar or sodium, either, frankly. no reason to.

    Umm, insulin resistence and it's cascade of subsequent diseases?

    Calories may be more important to the scale but it sounds like the original poster, from her description of her current diet and activity, is concernced about well-being and long term health as well.

    Insulin is not an issue while working out and eating at a calorie deficit assuming you are healthy. There are NO negative long term effects of sugar intake while being non sedentary and reducing calories to lose weight. Zero.

    In short, if you're dieting and healthy and working out, you don't need to track sugar. It has no effect on weight loss/health or anything else.

    ^^ This.

    Fruit and carrots and sweet potatoes and squash, etc. are all full of really good things for you. Don't let their sugar content scare you away. The fiber in them helps to control any insulin swings.

    A healthy diet is a balanced one. Cutting out things isn't balanced and depriving yourself of something you are enjoying isn't going to make this a "forever" thing.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am a prime example of what misinformation can do to people, I was fit and fabulous years ago 5 ft 2 in and 105 lbs. I was athletic with a 4 pack. I exercised religiously daily 7 days a week and ate what I believed to be the health advice of my time the 80s, it was high carb, low fat, well low fat was very high in sugar and thus I gained tons of weight , fruit is your friend, not exactly. you can get fiber elsewhere, fruit is a luxury item.

    Eat it yes, can it have health benefits sure, but you dont need alot of it. If you are unfortunate to gain weight and end up diabetic like myself eating fruit can spike your glucose and if your already on a high enough glucose level if could even harm you. This is why fruit should be treated the same as a cupcake albeit yes it is a healthier choice over all than processed food as it has nutrients. But lets say your the average Joe or Jill then it may not affect you over all to have excess sugar in your diet, but as you age it will catch up with you, your body can not forever metabolize sugar effectively and having balanced lower sugar in your diet will be your best choice.
  • xElineeee
    xElineeee Posts: 29 Member
    I saw this in an interview: 'A piece of fruit never made anyone fat. It's not too sugary. So stop with the fruit has sugar kind of kick. Fruit is amazing for you.'
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I am a prime example of what misinformation can do to people, I was fit and fabulous years ago 5 ft 2 in and 105 lbs. I was athletic with a 4 pack. I exercised religiously daily 7 days a week and ate what I believed to be the health advice of my time the 80s, it was high carb, low fat, well low fat was very high in sugar and thus I gained tons of weight , fruit is your friend, not exactly. you can get fiber elsewhere, fruit is a luxury item.

    Eat it yes, can it have health benefits sure, but you dont need alot of it. If you are unfortunate to gain weight and end up diabetic like myself eating fruit can spike your glucose and if your already on a high enough glucose level if could even harm you. This is why fruit should be treated the same as a cupcake albeit yes it is a healthier choice over all than processed food as it has nutrients. But lets say your the average Joe or Jill then it may not affect you over all to have excess sugar in your diet, but as you age it will catch up with you, your body can not forever metabolize sugar effectively and having balanced lower sugar in your diet will be your best choice.

    Do you think maybe your "treat fruit the same as a cupcake" outlook might be biased by the fact that you're diabetic? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that eating too much fruit wasn't the reason for getting diabetes. You're being really alarmist by comparing (for instance) an 80 calorie apple with 19 grams of sugar to a 700-calorie cupcake with 64 grams of sugar. I get that sugar has a really negative effect on your life, but it's NOT necessary to go to extremes.
  • CDRhom
    CDRhom Posts: 9
    If you choose to eliminate fruits and veggies from your diet, you are going to have to ensure you find another source of the all important fiber. Fiber keeps the system running smoothly and helps move waste.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    Not being an alarmist, more like a realist. . Fruit sugar is the same as table sugar once ingested.
    Also once a woman is over 40 even if still fit and healthy without a major weight issue she will struggle to maintain or even lose that little bit because her metablism will slow way down and so watching your sugar intake is important. That is all I am saying, not that you cant ever eat fruit or a cupcake , I never said any food is off limits, just all things in moderation. Can you lose weight on the twinkie diet sure but it doesnt make it healthy.
  • tigerpaw143
    I would cut all sugar unless in comes from a food or NATURE.... this mean the lest processed you can find
    fruits have sugar but it is complete and healthy for you in the collect amounts.. That is the issue .. Eat fresh fruits and you will have no issues.. If you want to use a sugar additive never use the fake stuff.. Go REAL honey not fake stuff from store but from a local market .. It should become crystalline after some time... then if you just have to use sugar use a raw unbleached cane sugar or syrup. these are your less processed and the most complete form you can buy
