


  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    I am taking it right now and it has been wonderful. My doctor prescribed it because I was having difficulty losing weight while on depo provera. My OB says it is the only reason i am seeing any weight loss at all.

    I think it may not be for everyone, but it is definately working for me. I am more motivated than ever.

    its all going to come back once you get off of it unless you start eating completely different and working your *kitten* off in the gym.
  • tiffianym
    Ive taken phentermine once before and i had EXCELLENT results. Most ppl gain the weight back because they get comfortable and think they can afford to eat "a little more" well NO!!! ive learned through experience that you only need this drug for a kick start, NOT IF U THINK YOUR GONNA BE SKINNY AFTER U LOSE THE INITIAL 20 POUNDS. i just started back using it 4 days ago, i go to the gym 4xs a week and i watch what i eat. i have every intention to keep eating healthy after the pills, and continue to work out. I currently weigh 211, i hope to weigh in at 170 by Jan 2013........COME JOIN ME ON MY JOURNEY HELP ME, HELP U:)
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Those people that I know that lost weight while on it, all gained it back after stopping the drug.
  • ebonie03
    ebonie03 Posts: 4 Member
    TifffanyM thanks for the encouragement. I just started taking 37.5mg today and I weight 205. I' ve had two babies in the last 3yrs so im trying to get down to 165lbs. I dont plan on using this forever just to jumpstart my weight since I've stil be eating like im eating for 2 people. Hopefully I can lose at least 20lbs and i would feel alot better about myself. I'm joining the Journey with you:happy:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Why would you want to take anything that has heart side affects? Why not have a moderate deficit (1 lb per week), eat a higher protein/fat diet as it has greater satiety, get in a habit of exercise so you can eat more protein and fats.. then add in a bunch of veggies and fruits and have an end result of healthy habits.

    If you don't learn control now, it won't happen when you have lost the weight and that is why so many people gain back after they lose weight.

    I woudl say substitute phentermine with Steak and Fish.
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    I am currently on phentermine. I have always found it impossible to control my cravings for sugary crap and fast food, both physically and mentally. This pill has made it possible for me to get rid of the physical cravings which has made it possible to deal with the mental cravings. Thanks to this I have found it much easier to make healthier decisions in my diet. I am only going to take it for 3 months, and the third month is going to be a weaning process by cutting my intake regularly so that I do not react badly right after coming off it. I'm only using it to give me the opportunity to make healthy eating a habit and not an insurmountable task.
  • tattoogrrl28
    !I Took phentermine several years ago and had excellent results. I lost 30 pounds and kept it off because I went into it realistically. I used the time I was taking them to change my cooking style, exercise level, and general lifestyle. So when I went off of them, i continued to lose weight. As long as a doctor is prescribing them and monitoring you regularly, go into it willing to change.
    ALso, not to sound harsh but the people who are saying "oh you're definitely going to gain it all back!!''...why be so negative? That's not a true statement by any means. Myself and several people who have posted in this thread have proved that otherwise.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My mom's doctor prescribed her some and she didn't like them, so she gave them to me. I enjoyed them, but they are like all the other pills. They keep you from eating too much while you take them, but afterward, I'm hungry as hell, and they never helped me learn how to eat healthy.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This medication is an amphetamine derivative. It is pretty addictive and can cause psychosis type symptoms in many people.
    Bottom line: It's a very unhealthy crutch and I can't believe the FDA still allows it to be sold.
    (FYI- PhD in Pharmacy here with 29yrs of practice experience too.)

    Bottom line: It's not as fun as Ritalin, but it works well enough. I can't believe that Americans actually let the government control their bodies. :smokin:
  • NickMarshall33
    I took it and it helped me a great deal.
  • hello!
    I took this medication for about 6 months in 2007.. I was being monitored by my PCP and having monthly visits.
    I was 29 yrs old at the time - and in good health other then being over weight..
    I did loose weight - 60 pounds in 6 months... but the lack of sleep (3-4 hours a night if I was lucky)
    I ended up having 2 seizures and It also made my blood pressure sky high.
    I ended up in the ER twice. they couldnt even get my heart rate down! they put me on a heart monitor for 24 hours.
    the reading on it showed heart palpatations and it required me to wear a heart monitor for 30 days and to have a stress test and a ultra sound of my heart.
    I think that the seizures was my body telling me that it had enough! this was the start of the worst part of my life.
    I had sever memory issues that lasted several yrs. The seizured changed my personality. I am still not the same person that I was before. My fiancee had to fall in love with me all over again because I just wasnt the same person.
    I dont know why the FDA hasnt pulled this medication from the Market.
  • amonkeydidit
    I've been on it now for a little over a month. I've lost a lot of weight, but it's just one thing that I'm doing to aide my journey. I haven't seen any negative side effects, and my doctor hasn't noticed any either. I've been warned of the side effects, but both my doctor and I feel like the good outweighs the bad.

    From everything I've read, and seen, it's different with different people. Isn't that true though, with all meds and supplements?

    I'm not just taking the pill and hoping for the best. I've started working out twice or more a day, and have completely changed how and what I eat. No sodas, no junk food, more water than I can handle some days. I've also cut out Processed foods and replaced them with whole foods and raw veggies.

    It's more than just a pill for me.

    I'm not out to turn into some hot bodied bo-hunk. I just want to get healthy. If it helps me obtain that goal, great! I'm also going to make the choice to continue eating like I do now, and working out after I stop using the pill, so that the weight stays off for good.

    50% Alchemy....50% lifestyle change equals 100% determined to get healthy.

    I'm not sure that I helped this along...heh.
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    !I Took phentermine several years ago and had excellent results. I lost 30 pounds and kept it off because I went into it realistically. I used the time I was taking them to change my cooking style, exercise level, and general lifestyle. So when I went off of them, i continued to lose weight. As long as a doctor is prescribing them and monitoring you regularly, go into it willing to change.
    ALso, not to sound harsh but the people who are saying "oh you're definitely going to gain it all back!!''...why be so negative? That's not a true statement by any means. Myself and several people who have posted in this thread have proved that otherwise.
    I absolutely agree. I have been on them for about 20 days. I have lost 8 pounds. I am not in a race with myself to drop as much weight as possible in the shortest time. It doesn't make me speedy at all (I can nap on it). I have gone from sedentary (bed +car+desk+car+table+couch+bed) to being able to work out for 2 30 minute reps on a bike and do some dancing. I still get hungry but because I am not out of control hungry I can take the time to make the right choices, cook differently, shop differently,learn to measure and weigh to learn what is a portion. and to educate myself in nutrition. So I don't see how if I continue to do these things that I will gain the weight back. I will end up getting off the pill with the stamina built into my body to be able to exercise and knowing what choices are better for me and taste good too, and fill me up. Win, Win
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    HOLY CRAP NO! diet and exercise is the only way.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    The risks involved do not out weigh the benefits. Plus, what are you learning about changing your lifestyle? I guess it boils down to what works for you. However, I don't recommend it!
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    I took it for about a week (30mg) then discovered MFP. I lost a few kg in that week, eating next to nothing, very buzzy speedy feeling for the first few days (my house had never been so clean! lol) and I was drinking massive amounts of water because it made my mouth so dry. I found MFP and started trying to make myself eat 1200cal. The buzzy feeling only lasted a few days.. I started getting really cranky in the afternoons. After about a week on MFP I figured I would try without the phentermine. So I took it for about 2 weeks total.

    Happy I made the decision to stop taking it because I find I am losing weight without it, but it did help me to "kick start" and I don't regret it. I think the doctors here will only prescribe 3 months in a row and I was scared of what would happen after I stopped taking it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I took it for fatigue. I lost my appetite and so lost weight, but I hated the way I felt. It was like being a giant raw nerve ending. I was compulsive on it-- couldn't sit still and did tasks constantly. I could never really focus on anything but I also couldn't just sit still or zone out. It was awful, I wouldn't take it again.
  • kayellgee
    Took it 2 years ago, still paying the hospital bill for my heart palpitation induced anxiety attack. I wish my body would let me take it, loved the extra energy it gave me!
  • rlalig
    rlalig Posts: 8 Member
    I am currently taking Phentermine, and I can definitely say it has helped me jump start my weight loss. I am using it along with diet and exercise for healthy long term results. It is great to see a few others who have had positive results!
  • faireplay
    faireplay Posts: 126
    What you are feeling right now, your "motivation" and any success you are seeing is being brought on by this pill. This pill WILL eventually stop working and what will you have learned? From where will you get your motivation then?
    I've been down this path, I too thought I knew it all and as long as I was losing weight, would not listen to any advisories from others. Write yourself a note right now of the things that will happen to your body and when they occur you can read that note and realize yes, it is the phentermine making my heart race, making me snap at my kids, making me want to jump out of my skin and get away from my family and friends. And on top of that, right around the time those things have you on edge all the time, you start eating again. And when you are forced by all this to stop taking them you WILL regain the weight. That is not being negative, that is called reality and it is the reason the majority of doctors worth the title of M.D. won't even prescribe them. I tool it from three different doctors and my friend saw two different docs...each one of them washed up has-beens working in "clinics." (read.... front for a drug dispensary)
    This drug is NOT your friend.