Confused.. Protein = bad?

So, I'm trying to track the food I plan on eating for the rest of the day, and I'm a little distressed. My protein allowance is already used up! I was always under the impression that protein was good for you, but I'm at a loss for how to eat a balanced diet when I'm not even using half my daily calories, but maxed out on protein. :\

I also tried playing around with different scenarios, everything pretty much came up with being super short with the protein allowance. Any suggestions, thoughts, comments?


  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    MFP sets a pretty low protein goal (20% I think?). You can change it if you want. Go to your goals page, select "change goals" at the bottom of the of the page, and then "custom goals" on the next page. You can mess around with the percentages of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

    As for what you should change them to . . . everyone will tell you something different.

    From your food diary it looks like you've only been tracking on here for one day. When I started (two months ago), for the first week I just tracked without trying to meet any goals. It wasn't until later that I worried about balancing out carbs/fat/protein. You might want to try that. If you stress about too many factors at once, it makes it harder to get into the groove of tracking everything.

    Good luck!