Looking for some new (and easy) vegetable recipes



  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    Bump for later :)
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    Asparagus! I love the stuff...here is one of my favorite recipes:

    Cut the yellow/white ends off and put them on a baking tray. I like to add olives and some olive oil. Throw it in the oven at about 350 and cook until tender. Don't forget to flip them! Add some salt and pepper and you're done!

    Thanks! I love asparagus and usually grill it, but my grill broke and I didn't know how else to cook it lol.
  • kmelski
    kmelski Posts: 14
    We've taken to preparing a big pot of veggies at the beginning of the week that we use in sandwiches, omelets, soups, pizzas, and whatever else inspires us during the rest of the week.

    The mix changes each week depending on what's in season and/or what needs to get used up or sounds yummy, but most weeks we start with onion, garlic, baby bella mushrooms, and green peppers. Cook 'em on a stove top with the cover over the pot, and no oil or butter is necessary - they'll stew in their own juices. We've enjoyed variations with celery, carrots, kohlrabi, parsnips, boc choi, cabbage, hot peppers, brussels sprouts, green beans.... lately we've been trying at least one new veggie each week. ;-)

    We season with salt, pepper, oregano, and thyme, and a bit of vegetable bouillon - that's tasty on its own, but mild enough to be re-seasoned for whatever other purpose.
  • summerlancaster
    The dressing sounds very similar to one I use for broccoli delight salad -- use mayo, vinegar, & sugar. You also add bacon, sunflower seeds, raisins, & onions. Could play around with it a little to add more veggies! I love the yogurt idea, instead of mayo!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    This is how I've been cooking asparagus recently:
    It's very simple, but good. I use them in salads, omelette, on pasta/rice, etc.
    Hope you like it!
  • lindseejill29
    I'm not a big fan of veggies so I make things called "Green Smoothies". I feel like I should not be eating it because it's so good and sweet. It tastes like dessert. I've seen several different recipes but this is what I do: In a blender or juicer, combine raw spinach/kale/celery (or any other green veggies), carrot juice, skim milk, ice, protein powder, and your choice of fruit! (I usually put a banana and a couple handfuls of berries in.) I don't have specific measurements because I just throw stuff in until it looks/tastes good. I know it sounds absolutely disgusting but you cannot taste the veggies or carrot juice at all! It's a good way to trick yourself into getting your veggie servings. :)
  • Strawberrypop
    Strawberrypop Posts: 33 Member
    I love my broccolli and have it pretty much every dinner. Big plate of it alongside my dinner bulks it up! Tasty too. I just get big bags of frozen florets and boil them.

    A nice veggi oriented lunch I sometimes have too is this:

    Spray some low cal oil onto a baking tray. Add some chopped onion, chopped mixed peppers, chopped mushrooms and chopped courgette. Maybe add a dash of mixed herbs or lemon juice for flavour. Roast in the oven for about 40 mins. whilst this is cooking boil 100g of new potatoes in their skins and then once your veg is roasted slice your potatoes and add to the roast veg. Have this heated with 30g of Extra Light Philadelphia (it all melts into it). lovely for a low cal lunch and filling too!
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    A simple thing I like to do with asparagus is after trimming cook them on the stove in a little water until just tender. Toss with a touch of butter (can omit), lemon juice, and pepper and just a touch of salt. Done in like 5 minutes. Could prolly also steam them instead of cooking on the stove, just don't have a steamer. :-P
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Oh I love to cook!

    A good base for your veg is:

    garlic, chilli flakes (or fresh), dried oregano and basil. And maybe half a tspn of bouillon.

    I am on a tight budget so must of my veggies are frozen. I like to thaw zucchini chips or cauliflower and broccoli and toss them in the above mixture then bake them on 450 for about 20-30 minutes depending on how crisp you want them. They are like veggie chips this way.

    I also like to just steam the vegetables then toss them in a tiny bit of olive oil, lemon juice, cayenne (i like spicy but old bay is good too) and Parmesan cheese.

    Sometimes I poach an egg in the juices as it cooks and other times I just add a quorn fillet or a couple of quorn sausages. Its super nutritions and very tastey :)

    Asparagus is one of my favorites and I do not have a grill either. I cook it over the stove on high like you would on a grill and then poach an egg to place on top of the asparagus. So yummy. You can sub a poached or over easy egg for salad dressing too on a veggie packed salad. It adds moisture and protein but not empty calories and sugar like a lot of dressings. Its good as a side dish or just the salad with an egg or two as a meal.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Most non-leafy vegetables are good roasted. Toss them in oil and spices, spread evenly on a baking sheet, roast in hot oven until carmelised (browned).

    Root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, yams, turnips, parsnips. rutubaga, etc.) are awesome stewed with pork or beef roast. If you don't want meat, just use beef stock (or veg stock if you want vegetarian). Butternut squash is a good addition too.

    Leafy greens are good sauted with olive oil and garlic. Remove when they soften and turn bright green. Beyond that they will lose some nutritents.

    Just about any vegetable is good in a stir fry. If it's a leafy vegetable, stir it in just after you remove the other food from the heat. The heat from the other food will be enough to wilt the greens.
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    I love to cut zucchini, squash and Visalia onion up, throw in pan with a little olive oil and soy sauce, teriyaki and garlic salt with parsley. Cook most of it so its still crisp but not raw. Pull out what you won't eat right now and save for later in the week. cook the rest till its as soft as you like. Very good. Save the juice and pour over what you will have later in the week (that way when you heat it up you already have the sauce to help finish it off) does this make sense?
    I also like baby Lima beans. I buy the frozen, when I cook them I keep just a bit of the water (about a teaspoon per serving of Liam's) add yellow mustard and it makes a sauce. I only like the baby lima beans.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Roasted Cauliflower - http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/roasted_cauliflower/
    This is my favorite way to eat Cauliflower. Very yummy!

    Butternut-Leek Bisque - http://www.poorgirleatswell.com/2009/12/recipe-butternut-leek-bisque-in-acorn-squash-bowls.html
    I will make a ton of the soup part of this and freeze the extra in 1-Cup bricks using a silicone mini-loaf pan.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    These are awesome Veggie Stacks

    2 tbsp olive oil
    1 large yellow onion, chopped
    2 gloves of garlic, minced
    1 zucchini
    1 Yellow Squash
    3 Tomatoes
    Salt and Pepper
    Dried Thyme
    1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese

    1. Preheat oven to 375f. Cut all the veggies into 1/2 inch thick slices.

    2. Saute the onions in olive oil. When the onions are translucent, ad the mince garlic. Cook for a minute or so longer.

    3. Stack them in the cups starting with the tomato. Layer the zucchini and yellow squash. Fill the cups with additional slices until there are no more or no more space.

    4. Place the sauteed onions and garlic on top of the veggie stacks.

    5. Sprinkle with cheese, cover with foil and bake for 25 mins. Remove the foil. Bake for another 5-10 mins depending on the way you like your veggies. I like them on the crispy side so I bake for a little less.
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    My favorite griller! (Get it fixed)
    Portebello burger. I sprinkle olive oil and burger seasoning on it & grill like a burger ... and it is FAB!
    My asparagus - I trim and shave the tough parts. Boil for 5 minutes just to slightly soften. Then I sear in in olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt till tender. Top with a sprinkle of Parmesans cheese._
  • catherine5459
    catherine5459 Posts: 5 Member
    One of my favorite ways to eat broccoli and its so quick and easy.

    Baking your vegies instead of cooking them the traditional steam/boil method brings out a totally different and nutty taste to the vegetable. It will make a hater of vegetables love them.

    Preheat oven to 425°

    Line your cookie sheet with parchment paper.
    Cut your broccoli into bite sizes.
    Put pieces in bowl and sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil & sea salt - stir.
    Pour broccoli into one layer onto the cookie sheet.

    Bake for 14 min

    Remove from oven and return to bowl.
    Sprinkle with 1Tbl parmesian cheese and/or almond slivers.


    You can also do this with brussell sprouts and cauliflower
  • summerlancaster
    One of my favorite ways to eat broccoli and its so quick and easy.

    Baking your vegies instead of cooking them the traditional steam/boil method brings out a totally different and nutty taste to the vegetable. It will make a hater of vegetables love them.

    Preheat oven to 425°

    Line your cookie sheet with parchment paper.
    Cut your broccoli into bite sizes.
    Put pieces in bowl and sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil & sea salt - stir.
    Pour broccoli into one layer onto the cookie sheet.

    Bake for 14 min

    Remove from oven and return to bowl.
    Sprinkle with 1Tbl parmesian cheese and/or almond slivers.


    You can also do this with brussell sprouts and cauliflower

    Going to have to try this! Saw a similar recipe the other day that used artichoke hearts instead of broccoli & want to try that too.
  • summerlancaster
    I made this for the first time this weekend:

    Heat up some olive oil with red pepper flakes & minced garlic
    Once you can smell the garlic & red pepper, toss in some broccoli
    Cook for 3-4 min, until broccoli is bright green
    Add about 1/2 C. chicken stock and cook until desired tenderness
    Sprinkle with parmesan when done!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    chop up broccoli, cauliflower, and mushrooms. Steam until tender. (You get one of those basket things that is shaped like a spaceship, open it wide and put the veggies in it, then put that into a pot of water with only 2 inches of water in it.)

    Once you have your basic steamed veggies, you can dress them in a variety of ways.

    1. drizzle low-calorie salad dressing on them. I really like Newman's Own Low Fat Sesame Ginger. SUPER good. Any sort of vinaigrette dressing works really nicely.
    2. drizzle basalmic vinegar on them, packs a flavor punch and has no calories.
    3. make a sauce out of 1 can of cheddar cheese soup, with a splash of milk and some granulated garlic or red pepper flakes (or both)
    4. Parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes
  • marygettingfit
    marygettingfit Posts: 49 Member
    Bump for idea's for later!!