Finally getting off the ROLLER COASTER!!

Hi everyone!

My name is Sara, I'm 22 years old and live in the Chicago suburbs. I am 6'0 and currently weigh 210 lbs and am about a size 14. In the past few years I have weighed as much as 235lbs and as little as 165lbs. I graduated college a year ago and I decided this past winter to take control of my life and my health. Since the New Year I've lost 25 lbs, and now that summer is approaching, I plan on stepping up my game and trying to reach my goal weight of 170lbs by my 23rd birthday in November. I would also love to be able to run a half marathon in the near future.

I will admit that when it comes to a combination of exercise and diet, I am much better at the 'exercise' portion. If I made significant changes to my diet, I would lose weigh at a much faster pace than I do now. I usually burn around 3500 calories a week through a combination of running, elliptical and fitness DVDs, but my diet has mainly changed in quantity vs. quality. I still tend to eat fairly unhealthy food, but I am very good at portion control and try to limit myself to AN ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM of 2000 calories a day, although most days I fall far short.

Feel free to add me if you have something in common with me- which I can safely assume most people on this board do! It would be nice to have encouragement and I LOVE to read other peoples success stories and provide some motivation myself!

PS- My profile has a lot more detail about my crazy weight fluctuations...and I also posted a picture of me at my thinnest and at my heaviest. My picture I currently have with my handsome boyfriend was taken about 2 months ago :)
Thanks :)