Who Knew

I have had a craving for soft ice-cream now for a couple of days so I decided that yesterday, I would treat myself to a large cone at A&W it was absolutely delicious. I had enjoyed a healthy 220 calorie breakfast and a 410 calorie lunch.

My husband and I had just finished our visit with my father for father's day when I had decided that I was ready for that cone. My husband, trying to be supportive asked if I was sure I wanted to do this because ice-cream was high in calories. I assured him that I had plenty of calories left fr the day and that I had been craving one for three or four days and so I wanted the treat.

Can you say, "M M Good?" :bigsmile: I was in absolute heaven with such creamy goodness. A large twist (root beer/vanilla cone).

Upon arriving home, I came online and found the cone I had and added it to my 'dinner menu' as I had not eaten dinner and it was 7pm.

460 calories folks, holy cow!! I was shocked beyond belief. Thank goodness I had the calories available to me but again, SHOCK!! I have really been educated by using this program and calorie counting. I am all about having the occasional indulgence within reason but will definitely think twice about what my indulgences are.

It's a new day and today, no guilty pleasures. Happy Monday all!!
