Phenteramine-DR asked if I want to take it....



  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    I think if you want to try it you should. You are under the supervision of a Dr, you don't plan to abuse it, and it is only for a short time. If you start to experience some of the side effects and you don't like them, quit taking it. You will always hear the negatives from people because those are the things that stick in your head.... also don't let anyone attack you about the choices you are making for your body ;)
  • exdisneychick
    Yes, definitely make sure you take it early. I get up Monday~Friday at 4am. I take the med as soon as I get up. Since I try to sleep til like 7 on the weekend, I usually dont take the med on the weekend. It also gives me a couple days to see how I can do on my own.
  • amh1974
    amh1974 Posts: 79 Member
    I started phentermine at a very low dose last Friday in combination with Vitamin B complex. I worked with a physician and he seemed confident it would help me get in shape for my engagement party. It worked really well for the first 4 days and then I developed chest pain and quit! I have a stash of pills that I won't touch and my doctor ordered an echocardiagram and I had an ECG done. ECG was normal but I'm having an echo done because of a murmur. We'll see what happens....
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    It makes me so nervous to take this because of people saying they gained the weight back! I currently am tryinging to eat more from 1200 to atleast 1500 where my nutritionist put me. I also workout atleast 5-6 days doing Turbo Fire and random things with the kids like biking. I am getting more nervous reading about the reviews online with people saying they gained weight, but I am wondering how much weight gain? and is it just because they weren't so much working with the program? idk really going to have to give this much more thought! I've been trying to just recharge my metabolism but have such a hard time eating more....and from what my DR said it is suppose to raise metabolism.
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    well thanks everyone! I am really glad you all spoke up and given me some more insight on this!