
Hey its Kesha, I started this site recommended by an old classmate. It was great but I started cheating so I stopped posting and logging. Im back and glad to say that I am going to try and stay on track now. Thanks Beka.:smile:


  • rubygarcia86
    rubygarcia86 Posts: 73 Member
    i too have fallen out of logging and sticking to exercise. i have determined that i need to really dedicate myself and stay motivated to keep going!
  • CaptainAmerica1970
    FYI, I fell off the wagon, and the wagon ran me over for six straight month! Well, now I am back! So, the moral of the story is, keep your head up, your heart in it, do the best you can, and stay positive and motivated.
  • mzkezh
    mzkezh Posts: 74
    I too fell off and messed up big time today but with support and finding that motivation (I some how lost) I will pick myself back up and continue my journey

    good luck