Sodium and Protein...

I'm doing really good on my calories, carbs and fats... And I've lost almost 5 pounds in two weeks, but My sodium and protein levels are out of the roof! If I eat a meat for more than one meal, I'm over my protein... and living in dorms and eating cafeteria food is not exactly the best for trying to avoid sodium. I guess what I'm asking is, is it alright to be over in these two things? I like chicken a lot, and I eat it at least once a day, most times twice because grilled chicken is one of the only healthy things to eat around here... I know excess sodium makes you retain water, but with lunch meat for sandwiches being one choice for a healthy meal and other people preparing the food for the others, it's hard to control...




  • adelespears
    I'm doing really good on my calories, carbs and fats... And I've lost almost 5 pounds in two weeks, but My sodium and protein levels are out of the roof! If I eat a meat for more than one meal, I'm over my protein... and living in dorms and eating cafeteria food is not exactly the best for trying to avoid sodium. I guess what I'm asking is, is it alright to be over in these two things? I like chicken a lot, and I eat it at least once a day, most times twice because grilled chicken is one of the only healthy things to eat around here... I know excess sodium makes you retain water, but with lunch meat for sandwiches being one choice for a healthy meal and other people preparing the food for the others, it's hard to control...


  • I'm pretty sure that it is okay to get good amounts of protein, as long as you are taking into consideration the fat content. Eat leaner meats. As far as the sodium goes, you have got to get that under control. Sodium makes you retain not only water, but fat as well. You should be getting less than 2300 mg per day of sodium.
  • christahollis
    Some have suggested that sodium intake is secondary in importance to proper hydration and regular sweating--ie, if you drink enough and work out process the sodium through and out in sweat with little issue.
    But more recently people have been suggesting that high sodium levels can be damaging to multiple systems...even if you're fit and healthy.
    Another thing to consider is how your body responds to sodium...physicians recommend a low sodium diet to all people with blood pressure, but it's been demonstrated that only around thrity percent of blood pressure patients have a sodium sensitivity that raises blood pressure. So it's clear that everyone has the potential to respond differently to sodium levels.
    But...the old addage remains true...better safe than sorry!
  • adelespears
    Thanks guys... and I do sweat a lot from working out and all that I never realized how much sodium was in lunch meat! lord! BUt I'll try to get it down, I didn't realize how -very- bad for you it was.