*PICS* - Sexy Legs in 6 Weeks? - *PICS*



  • LoveActually
    LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you all! He really doesn't give a damn about my thighs and has always loved me no matter what size. This is more my thing. Ever since I had my son (10 years ago) I have not been 100% confident in a pair of shorts. I'm nearly there, just want to tighten it up a bit.

    Thank you all again.
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    I do Zumba 4-5 times a week plus a kickbox class & that has really slimmed my legs down. My problem is my fat midsection! But you look great! 6 weeks is enough time to transform yourself, find a program and go for it :flowerforyou:
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    They look fine to me
  • fightingautism
    I think you have beautiful legs. If you feel they are still problematic, I think kettlebell squats are great for thighs. Walking a lot has toned mine. Swimming is also good with lots of kicks.
  • lgtahoe
    lgtahoe Posts: 96
    From personal experience -- every spring when I start running again (I live in snow country), the compliments about my legs increase. I run a lot though -- half marathon training.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member

    ^running results, would have been once i could run 5K a few times a week. yes, i was pretty happy with those legs.

    I am currently getting great results doing a rotation/combo of the following:

    30ds (this is the lower weight, higher rep, cardio/strength full-body option)
    heavier low-rep squats/lunges/lifts (i'm currently only using 12kg due to recent groin surgery, but you can probably do heavier. 12kg is still getting amazing results)
    running (to whatever level you can do, i'm using an adapted version of c25k)
    climbing hills (bit hard if there are no steep/high hills in your area).

    *edit: my legs have always been my major 'problem area'.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Legs<~~~~ my specialty, and the only thing I feel extremely confident about working out ....step mill...walking at an incline....JM killer buns and thighs..weights. (squats, lunges, leg press...) and I love my body pump class too...great for overall toning/training but great leg work!!!
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    Squats and Lunges. And check this out (exercises for legs):

    This is great! Thanks for posting!
  • Meggeler
    Meggeler Posts: 42
    Aw geez hon (to quote Archie, perhaps "Mr. B" to you) , guess this where instant communications that the internet offers us leads to problems. You are beautiful, yet worry that your husband won't be pleased??? I'm sure in this environment you think a Skype call is the same as physical contact, but it isn't, please believe me - BTDT!

    When he is home and settled into another routine and things settle down for you :tongue: then you can worry not now for "pete's sake" !

    Yea us old people like to talk about Pete and his sakes" :)