Turbo Jammers 6/22-6/28



  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Checking in w/ 20min this am and 2.5 fast walk this pm (45min + 7lbs of weight). I logged over 11,000 steps today, including my walk - that's the most i've ever done that i've tracked . WOO HOO!!! Boy do my glutes feel it!! yea!!

    Ok, you all have convinced me to add FB into the rotation - i don't totally hate it , LOL, and I do want the bennies of the HIIT so........ If I want it I have to get after it!
    Guess what i'll be dong at 430am:noway: !!!!

    Thanks for the encouragement and keep moving!!

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Everybody,
    Just a quick check in before work gets going. I did it!! I got my tail out of bed and was doing FB @ 4:50 this morning , WOO HOO!! Not bad at all either and it feels real good to keep a promise to myself!

    Hope all of you get to do something today that makes you feel good:smile:

    Will check in later; stay the course!

  • ccleadbyexample
    That's great! Good job out of you! I did the fat blaster this am...you def have to take time to learn moves and really push yourself to get the impact of this one.
    I am coaching two girls later on turbo jam..so I'll do the 20 min one with them..might have to sit out for parts of it...I still have ChaLEAN Extreme to do!
    If you are on team beach body, be sure to log into WOWY for your workouts so you can win prizes!
    I have been in the debating process all week on whether to buy the nice Bowflex weights or get another set of heavier Reebok...don't want to spend the money..but in the long term I think Bowflex is the way to go...
    What do you guys think?
    Hope to see you all in the WOWY gym..I am ccfett!
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Good Morning Everyone!

    So, I tried doing CP2 last night, but couldn't make it all the way through. I often do not have time to do my workouts until 9:00 or 10:00 at night. I haven't had any problems with this the last 3 weeks, but here lately I have been really tired :yawn: . Anyways, I made it about 25 minutes and noticed that I was doing all the moves wrong. So, I figured I better go ahead and quit before I injured myself. I think I'm going to take a day off today to let my muscles relax and then get back at it on Thursday.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    So, I tried doing CP2 last night, but couldn't make it all the way through. I often do not have time to do my workouts until 9:00 or 10:00 at night. I haven't had any problems with this the last 3 weeks, but here lately I have been really tired :yawn: . Anyways, I made it about 25 minutes and noticed that I was doing all the moves wrong. So, I figured I better go ahead and quit before I injured myself. I think I'm going to take a day off today to let my muscles relax and then get back at it on Thursday.

    Hey Cpafford,
    I know what you mean about doing the moves wrong - it can cause some pain! I made a small change that really, really helped ( I got it from Megan so I'll pass it on) I do my w/o in an area that has a throw rug and I was w/o on the rug, which didn't help with the twisting,etc. Well, I rolled the rug up and voila! Tile! It made it so much easier to get the moves right and was a lot friendlier to my knees, then I could concentrate more on my form. Some days too , I'm just plain ole uncoordinated:ohwell: ! No worries, my friend, you've been doing so well, a day of rest isn't going to hurt you and you'll be back after it in no time!
    Chin up!

  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey all!
    I work on the moves first..and then sometimes go back to the learn dvd to work on my form. The biggest thing is keeping your posture good..as then you get more core work..from there just work on keeping up with her..it honestly comes with time! I do find that I am less able to concentrate and be coordinated when I don't get enough sleep. Crabby Casey comes out!
    If you are finding you are tired...be sure you are getting enough sleep, food, and water (dehydration causes severe sleepiness!). Also, possibly try to do morning workouts..I used to hate them..now I get up every morning at 5 AM to get it done..that way I know I at least get part of it done if the rest of the day gets busy...it's hard at first but your body will get used to it! And you burn more calories through the day too as your metabolish is revved up!
    Happy turbo jamming all!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    CP1 for the morning and those kicks in the beginning always make me fumble, hehe. Surprisingly, I got the rows down but those step squat kick thingies change as soon as I get them down.

    I just got the elite set so I think I'll try out CP2 the next time it comes up on the schedule.
  • cpafford79
    cpafford79 Posts: 88
    Thanks Dragonfly11 & ccfett! I was really bumed last night because it was the first night that I haven't worked out since I started (other than my "days off"):cry: . I am going to take a nice walk with my kids tonight and then start back at TJ fresh on Thursday!

    Dragonfly11 - I too work out on a throw rug, so maybe I'll try rolling it up for the workouts. Eventhough...that would require moving furnitre...but I guess that just more workout! The couches will slide easily on the tile so it shouldn't be too much effort! :noway:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Just back from a 2.5 mi fast/walk(45min) and wanted to check in - I guess i'm not very fast b/c i calculate that to be just 3.6 mi/hr , i was huffing and puffing ( a couple of really good hills by the golf course:laugh: )!!
    Anyway, my glutes are feeling it! On track for TJ in the Am, not sure which one yet - guesss will depend on the time.

    Hope all are doing well and thank for staying so committed!

    cpafford - let me know how the rug roll up goes:wink: how cool, bonus point for moving the couch!

  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning all!
    Glad to hear everything is going well for you all:) I got some newbies working on turbo jam last night..teaching them the 20 min moves (which in my mind is the most fun and easiest to learn!) and also started them working on turbo sculpt!
    I did more of my ChaLEAN Extreme..LOVING it! She is such a great trainer...and I love that her sister Jenelle does all her videos with her.
    Great job to all you runners too! I started up about 4.5 years ago..I couldn't run more than .1 of a mile..and now I LOVE running and do half marathons! It comes with time and patience..just like turbo jam. The key...have fun with it!
    I'll be in WOWY later..hope to see you all there!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Family,
    Just a quik check in - I did the 20min this morning befor work - not what I had hoped for but at least I'm getting more consistent!
    I've packed my lunch (good for me stuff) , got my pedometer and have already decided on walking tonight!

    It's going to be a great day and I hope you all are feeling it!

  • HipsLipsMama
    I am bummin today..
    I have been a little sick for the last 2.5 days.. day before yesterday i started to do P,K, &J and I just could not get into it! I stopped after 20 minutes and havent exercised since :sad:

    i am sooo unmotivated and sapped for energy...please send some prayers/good vibes my way so i can get back on track! :sick:

    have a great day girls
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I had FB this morning ... only 16 days left until I'm done with my first round of P90X so I'm looking forward to exploring all the Turbo Jam sculpt videos afterward.

    Elyse, sorry to hear you're sick. Have you ever considered Acai? I get mine on eBay for really cheap and haven't been sick once since starting it back in March. It doesn't help with weight loss but it does wonders for boosting immunity!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Oh no what are you sick with? Depending on what it is will depend on what I tell you. Most basic things like a cold, headache, woman issues:) can actually be remedied a little with some basic exercises. I always tell myself to get up walking..and if you want to do turbo jam..just do it lower key (if you have a temp you are burning more cals anyway!). It usually make you feel a little better! Being sick is a good reason to do lower key though..don't want to keep being sick long term!
    And remember..you will always have setbacks..it's how you come back from them that sets you apart..I got faith in ya!
    I have only been using it about a month..but you can also use Shakeology for improved health (it's made by beach body..Chalene from turbo jam is a big fan..you can read about it in her blog on how she FREAKED out when she didn't have enough to go to Hawaii with her!). It comes in chocolate and greenberry. I love the chocolate..I make mine so it's chocolate with yogurt, cinnamon, ice, water, soy or almond milk, and PB2...so YUM!! You can get more info on www.shakeology.com.
    Get better...and congrats to ghanie on P90X!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!
    Good job on your workouts ladies!

    Elyse, sorry you're not feeling well...get better soon!!! :flowerforyou:

    No workout for me today...I've been watching my 4 month old niece since yesterday afternoon, whew! I forgot what that was like! :yawn: She's adorable, but thankfully going back to Mommy and Daddy this evening!

    Have a great evening everyone,
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    So sorry you're down rest up and I have to agree w/ ccfett, walking is good and, if you're up to it, the low version of TJ - might try something shorter or less intense that PK & J - that's pretty ambitious, especially when your not on.
    I take plain ole , unimpressive vitamen C - I am incontact with people all day long and they are always coming down w/ one virus or another and touching everything and everybody. People are so afraid to lose their jobs they come to work sick ~ go figure... Anyway, the vitamen C and tons of water keep me pretty protected. I haven't have a flu shot ever in my life and I haven't had the flu or a cold this year.
    I have to attribute it to the C ( and the other vitamens - a multi, B12, calcium and fish oil) - I take about 1500 mg of C daily - Might sound like a lot but it seems to work.
    Most importantly, take care of yourself and listen to your body. Get better real soon and then get back after it.

    To all I missed I love you guys and am proud of all of you,
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    I haven't been able to check in 4 a couple of weeks due to my new schedule...I'm in school now but I still workout with CP daily b4 school and I get in 4-6 power walks a day. Hope all is well with everyone else. Just stay encouraged and keep your eyes on the prize (your goals). There is a light @ the end of this tunnel!!

    Much success to all of you (us)!!!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning team!
    I went out for a run this am...LOT less humid...it was great..rocked it out to some Kenny Chesney, Footloose, Keith Urban (Who Wouldn't Want to Be Me!). I am going to buy my new Bowflex weights later (excited for them..not the bill:)..and then to ChaLEAN Extreme!
    Great job by everyone this week! I have some groups I do on facebook that have some other fellow turbo jammers, etc ..so if you are on facebook join me on there too (Casey Fett).
    Happy FRIDAY!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    Checking just to remind myself of my goals!! Had to leave for work at 5:15 and got up too late for even the 20 min!! But I checkecd my exerciase log and I've over my weekly quota in time and in cals burned!
    My body really feels the additional work I did last night so that's real encouraging!

    Ccfett - glad your run was good this morning, the weather here is so brutal! it's been over 105 everyday this week even after 5pm! I don't even try for a walk/run until after 730pm or so. Maybe tomorrow am I'll get up early!! BTW I'm singing it with you "Yea Friday, Woo Hoo!!"

    Juicy - hope school is going well for you and glad to see you checking in! Love the new pic!!! I had no doubt you were still after it girl ~ keep up the great work - we can do this!!

    Love to all I missed and catch ya later,
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    Checking in with CE Lean 3 and 60 min run/walk. My arms are shaking so bad from Lean 3 I can barely type...Love it!!!

    Casey, I sent you a friend request on FB.

    Juicy, nice to see you checking in. Great job keeping up with your workouts with your school demands! :drinker:

    Janet, what's up girl?!?! Haven't talked to ya in a while!

    Have a great day ladies!