i dont buy this "Starvation mode"



  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    i dont buy it..

    why are anorexics 20 lbs then.

    sounds like an excuse to say when you cant figure out why your not losing weight.

    plenty of people who BARELY eat are skin and bones.

    You need to eat so you can live. I eat all my calories and sometimes all of the exercise calories and I have lost 11 pounds in one month. Depriving yourself of food (fuel) will only slow you down and YOU WILL NOT LOSE ANYTHING!!!

    I read your profile and not one thing said you were doing this for yourself or for your health. You need to take a step back and take a look at yourself and realize what's important in life, being healthy or just looking good in a bathing suit. I want both but health always come first. If you believe you can starve yourself and lose weight, then you are definitely not doing this for health reasons!!!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    All i want to say is go and look at my profile page. I have lost 48lbs since I started using this site in October. I thinks thats pretty good if I do say so myself :blushing:
    And enjoy them too! :tongue:
    I have been steadily losing 2-3lbs per week.

    If that isn't enough proof then i'm sorry theres no hope.
    Good Luck. :flowerforyou:

    I agree. I have been at this for 2 months now and lose an average of 10 lbs per month. I try to eat as much of my earned exercise calories as I can. On days I don't exercise I only eat the 1200 cals. But Friday I burned 900 cals and I thoroughly enjoyed going out for dinner and drinks as a reward:tongue:

    I have lived in a small African village and believe me - starving people aren't always skinny. Small children often have bloated stomachs due to malnutrition, if they are lucky to survive. Adults become susceptable to disease and sickness much easier. Nutrition is vital, and proper calorie intake plays a big role in that.

    Please EAT!!