TMI Female Bike Riding Issue

I have been bike riding 2-3 times a week and am having some female issues in regards to my seat. First, I noticed that I was getting UTI's after I started riding. I have been taking a cranberry capsule and drinking a lot of water and this has seemed to help along with adjusting my seat. Now I am noticing that the area around my urethra and *kitten* actually falls asleep and I feel a burning sensation. I feel some pressure while riding, but when I am done, it feels like if you sit on your leg too long and move it and actually feel pain. It is a mixture between that, the burning and over stimulation, similar to after having an orgasm when you are really sensitive, almost to a point of it being painful. (God this is so TMI, I'm sorry)

Anyways, is there any way to avoid this? I have adjusted my seat so that the pressure is more on my rear (though this doesn't really help too much because my butt is almost non-existent) to avoid another UTI (this has worked so far) but now I am experiencing the issue with my goodies falling asleep.

I don't want to stop riding, because my fiance and I enjoy riding together with our daughter. Any help would be great.


  • ItsNot2Late
    Last year I ordered a bike seat online that doesn't have the part that goes between your legs and the seat part is wider so you kind of sit on it like a chair. I'm at work so I can't go check but it is a Schwinn seat. I think they called it a no pressure seat.
  • losethatshit
    Why did I click on this?
  • k_gilphy
    k_gilphy Posts: 5 Member
    Change your bike seat and are you wearing padded shorts?
  • DoBetterDrea
    DoBetterDrea Posts: 85 Member
    Last year I ordered a bike seat online that doesn't have the part that goes between your legs and the seat part is wider so you kind of sit on it like a chair. I'm at work so I can't go check but it is a Schwinn seat. I think they called it a no pressure seat.

    Here it is!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Why did I click on this?

    Ur funny!
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    Maybe a gel cushion seat cover. That's what I got for my bike seat (bought it at Target for $10). Otherwise, maybe go into a bike store and see if there is someone who can "fit" you in the saddle.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I am a man and this happened to me last year.
    I have been biking my whole life and just last year I had the numbness you speak of.
    Luckily my DR is an avid cyclist so he explained it to me like this.
    There is an artery that runs between your legs. A tolerance of only a few milimeters keeps it from getting numb or not getting numb depending on the person and their shape. He actually wrote a prescription for my seat(as a joke to his bike shop owner friend).

    If you have noticed many bicycle seats have a gap in the middle, that is to relieve pressure.

    Go to a high end bike shop in your neighborhood and explain that you need a new seat. They will help you.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    There are many different styles of seats available, you just need to find the most comfortable for you. We tried one of the type you sit on like a chair but I always felt like I was going to fall off so I took it back. I finally found one that I like by trail and error but it probably won't do you much good. Try some out but ask about the return policy before you buy any.

    ETA a linky to some helpful information:
  • TheMissingSock
    i get that on my exercise bike at home when my seat is too high. can you lower the seat on your bike?
  • girlnamedlee
    girlnamedlee Posts: 96 Member
    It was called "TMI female bike riding issue" How could you NOT click on it?
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    thanks for posting this...
    i actually can't even use an exercise bike b/c i start to hurt bad in that region ( major fat on my lower belly, pushes things i think)

    and to the poster
    and ty for the suggestion of the seat w/o the center .. i really would like to get a bike again and that will be helpfull
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    It sounds like an issue with the position on your bicycle, and there is a compression of blood flow to the groin/genital area. I agree with the other suggestions about padded riding shorts, changing seats, and having someone fit you (and your seat) to your bike. I would add to try and stand every few minutes on your bicycle to see if you can restore some of the blood flow. I would also Google groin numbness and cycling, and see what you come up with. Good luck!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I have a pretty wide bike seat, and my mom has a really, REALLY wide bike seat. It's almost like a chair seat. I don't know how ladies put up with those super narrow seats that are like... trying to violate you. Jeez. But yea I'm sure if you looked around online you'd find a nice, wide, cushion-y seat that won't smoosh your privates.

    Also recumbent bikes might be worth looking into as well. They're not as effective for going up steep hills, and you might go a little slower in general, but the seats are sooooooooo comfy. You also work slightly different muscles biking on a recumbent rather than a typical upright bike.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

    Edit: Oh yea and padded bike shorts are where it's at. Good stuff. You look totally ridiculous walking around, but.. hey that's what we signed up for when we started biking, right? :P
  • Wreak_Havoc
    Wreak_Havoc Posts: 597
    Last year I ordered a bike seat online that doesn't have the part that goes between your legs and the seat part is wider so you kind of sit on it like a chair. I'm at work so I can't go check but it is a Schwinn seat. I think they called it a no pressure seat.

    Here it is!

    That seat is great for the type of riding you say you do with your daughter. If you start getting into more hardcore riding (30+ miles a trip) then I do recommed you go to a "good" bike shop where the staff is trained on what seat for what sex with what issues and for what type of riding. That includes knowing what pressure should not be in the frontal pelvic region for both men and women.

    Happy riding from a bike riding junkie! LOL
  • red_hatorade
    Why did I click on this?

    The title stated TMI, you were warned!
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    Jock strap ?
  • red_hatorade
    I have a pretty wide bike seat, and my mom has a really, REALLY wide bike seat. It's almost like a chair seat. I don't know how ladies put up with those super narrow seats that are like... trying to violate you. Jeez. But yea I'm sure if you looked around online you'd find a nice, wide, cushion-y seat that won't smoosh your privates.

    Also recumbent bikes might be worth looking into as well. They're not as effective for going up steep hills, and you might go a little slower in general, but the seats are sooooooooo comfy. You also work slightly different muscles biking on a recumbent rather than a typical upright bike.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

    My bike is a hybrid, I think. A mix between a mountain bike and a cruiser. It is by no means an expensive bike, but it does have a larger seat with a hole in the middle. Our rides are about 5 miles total. And LMAO @ violating you. Ha ha ha. My fiance's seat is a violator, it is friggin tiny. I don't know how he rides with such a small seat.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Sounds like the change in seat should help the sensation problems, but for the UTI problem, make sure all your undies and workout clothes are cotton in the crotch. And don't use scented anything down there.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    We are right around the same weight! .. anyway.. I too ride as I am training for a race next month... the seat makes a HUGE difference!! .. I have a saddle seat and it is so much better and easier to ride... also make sure your seat adjustment is right so your not pushing down on the seat to peddle..