Feeling down

I don't know if it's just a bad week (or two) or what but I'm just feeling down about a lot of things right now. Beween my job, my stressed husband, emotional kids, and my weight loss (or lack there of!) I just feel like quitting altogether. I know what I want but I am so tired and emotional that I just don't care right now. I've been on this journey basically for four years, but trying to hit it hard lately. I'm just not seeing progress and have kind of let myself go the past two weeks. I don't have a lot of time for ME lately and that frustrates me. I have 84 days (12 weeks from today) to reach my goal. I want to lose at least 20lbs by then. I need to kick into gear but when things are so stressful I lack the desire to even care. I know we all go through this and I guess I'm just venting. You have all been very supportive and I guess I'm leaning on you right now to get me through the bump in the road. Thanks for being wonderul supporters of all who use this site!! It is truly appreciated!!


  • michelle850
    michelle850 Posts: 65 Member
    I know what it feels like to just want to say screw it, I'm done, but don't!! You're doing (and have done) such a great job!! Just think of how great you're going to feel with those last 20 pounds gone...not to mention how freakin hot you will look!!! You're not alone in this, you can do it!!!!!!!
  • Nurse_Christy
    Nurse_Christy Posts: 276 Member
    I know exactly how you feel; I've been feeling the same lately. You're doing great, stick with it! I'm sending you a friend request.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I know how you feel! I've been fighting my weight for over 9 years. It seems impossible some times. I've gotten so close to goal, and something happens, I start eating like old habits, and gain it all back.

    Sometimes feeling down is just for a few weeks. Sometimes it's much longer lasting. You may want to consider talking to a doctor about it if it continues! But if you're able to kick yourself out of this rut on your own, you can do this!

    You do need to find a way to get a little time for yourself! That will make the blues go away for sure. I haven't had any me time either, and I'm really starting to feel it. Make an appointment with yourself to have a nice relaxing evening or morning at some point. Whatever it takes to sit back, get some alone time and do something you truly enjoy!

    I'm feeling stuck in a rut lately myself. The weather has been so grey, and my depression is rearing it's ugly head again. Not a fun couple of weeks, been working every day for the last two weeks, and have had about 1 hour in all this time to myself. Gah!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :glasses:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You have done so well! It does get a little harder when you are getting closer to the goal. Because you weigh less now, you are burning less calories. You may need to tweak your calories and your workouts. 20 pounds in 12 weeks is just over 1.5 pounds per week, and as a smaller person, it is a lot harder to create and maintain the calorie deficit you need to drop that much in a week. Maybe you could make some fitness goals instead of weight goals.
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Just by believing in yourself, anything is possible. There are people out there with no job and no family! Think of what you have and be thankful for it. Whenever I get down and start complaining about my life I just think there are people dying out there and look at what I have. It is times like this that test us but you are stronger than what you think!! YOU CAN DO THIS, JUST BELIEVE!!!!
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you everyone! After I posted this I went and worked out and then did some Wii line dancing with my kids! That was fun and burned a lot of calories. I do want to lose 20lbs or more but if I look tone and weigh more than that I'm ok with that too. I have a membership to SNAP where I could do weights but I don't have time to go. I know I am blessed with a job and family...I do, but I never get time by myself unless I'm shopping for someone's birthday or groceries (but then I'm spending money and that stresses me out! lol!). I would like a couple hours just to myself in MY house!! My husband gets that every Sunday morning when the kids and I go to Sunday school. I never get that. Someone is ALWAYS here! I live in the country so that does give me some peace. I knew that I would get some great words to redirect me! Please feel free to add me as a friend if you want. I promise I'm not usually this down on myself and I'm a pretty good cheerleader for others!! Thanks again!!
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    Just like everyone else who's posted - I so know how you feel. Right now, though, I'm sick of quitting and starting over. I just want to let my emotions be emotions, but not rule my decisions. For me, that takes a lot of prayer.

    My favorite quote these days is like the one in my profile: "A year from now, you'll be happy you kept going." :)

    Keep your eyes on the prize, baby!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Maybe you could make a deal with your hubby to take the kids a couple of hours on Saturday morning or whenever.
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    Just like everyone else who's posted - I so know how you feel. Right now, though, I'm sick of quitting and starting over. I just want to let my emotions be emotions, but not rule my decisions. For me, that takes a lot of prayer.

    My favorite quote these days is like the one in my profile: "A year from now, you'll be happy you kept going." :)

    Keep your eyes on the prize, baby!

    Love the quote!! Thank you!!
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    Maybe you could make a deal with your hubby to take the kids a couple of hours on Saturday morning or whenever.

    Maybe...but part of the stress/problem is he works for a race track (marketing director) and he now works Saturdays (starting this week) from 8:30 a.m. to 1-2 a.m.! I have the kids EVERY Saturday by myself until October. So no matter what I do I have 3 kids with me...that don't necessarily get along all the time! :-) I am hoping with it being nice out he can take them somewhere on Sundays but he is always so tired on Sundays after a long day at the track. But then he gives me the guilt treatment of Sunday is family day and we should do things together...blah, blah, blah! lol! I do need to ask him to take them so I can have ME time! Then when I'm with them I will be happier! Thanks!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Hmm, that is tough. How old are the kids? Maybe there is a teen nearby that would come and entertain them for a few hours on a Saturday and give you a little break. A younger teen might want babysitting experience and you could break her for awhile playing with them while you are on the premises. Watching movies or playing games or whatever. Put out the snacks ahead of time and tell her to serve it when she is ready. Or maybe another mother would do a tradeoff with you. She would take yours a few hours and then you would take hers?
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    Hmm, that is tough. How old are the kids? Maybe there is a teen nearby that would come and entertain them for a few hours on a Saturday and give you a little break. A younger teen might want babysitting experience and you could break her for awhile playing with them while you are on the premises. Watching movies or playing games or whatever. Put out the snacks ahead of time and tell her to serve it when she is ready. Or maybe another mother would do a tradeoff with you. She would take yours a few hours and

    My kids are 11, 9, and 4. I could leave my 11 and 9 year old for a couple hours during the day but not the 4 year old. But after this week...I will have to MAKE something work! lol! Maybe I will leave my huband with the kids at home on Sunday and I will go to SNAP. That might work!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I am so with you there right now kiddo. But you have to ask yourself.....is it just about the weight or treating your body the way it needs to be treated to be healthy? What would be different if you stopped doing what you are doing and went back to the way you were doing it before? You would probably not be putting healthy foods in, you would be overeating and stuffing yourself and your body would not be getting the proper fuel that it needs.

    I'm only saying these things because it's what I'm doing to remind myself of these things too!!! If you don't treat your body right now, imagine what will happen when you are older. You are young right now and this is the time to make sure you are healthy because once you get to be older, not only is it harder then more damage could be done.

    You've got this. Don't think of it and just losing weight, or a number on the scale, but as a total lifestyle change. The only real difference if you give up is that you would eat more crap and more of it. If that is causing you stress then work the crap into your lifestyle!!! Have a day where you don't log everything. (like Oktoberfest weekend!!!!) But you need to find a way to make this work for you!!!

    Call me or text me if you feel stressed (and I felt this way about a week ago and low and behold....TOM came to visit)!!!