Quick, Easy Cake with Less Calories and TONS of flavors!

silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
So I read about the soda cake and tried it. Take any cake mix and subsitute the eggs and oil with a can of soda, dark for chocolate and light for white.

The problem with that recipe was that you could taste the soda in the cake and although it wasn't "bad", sometimes the soda overwelmed me.

Then I went to a party for a friends son's birthday and she was telling me how to make jello cake.

I came home and had to try for myself, except with less calories.

So I got a white cake mix, made it how you do the soda ones, just mix in the soda and nothing else to the mix and bake for 20ish minutes, may be more or less. Then I let it cool.

When it was cool, I mixed up some sugar free jello and poured it over the cake (after poking holes in it) and I thought it was a disaster at first, it was so soggy it wasn't funny, but I decided to keep going and see what happend.

After pouring over the jello, I put on some low calorie whipped cream and put it in the refridgerator. In a few hours it was cooled down and able to be cut and eaten.. and actually looked decent in the end.

I made cupcakes to, they were harder to do, hard to get the jello in them and not make a mess, but my husband loved them more than the cake.

The cupcakes ended up making 12 big one's (half the mix) and a small cake (8 pieces). The calories ended up being about 80 calories a cupcake and 100 calories a slice of cake.

I used white cake and sugar free strawberry jello and it tastes amazing with strawberries as a side!

I just thought I would share.. sorry if this has been posted before, but it's to good not to share... the jello cancels out the soday taste of the cake which was what I was hoping for!

I have only made this one flavor, but think of all the possibilities! Cherry jello and chocolate cake! That's what I'm trying next I think! :)

Hope you guys enjoy!


  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    wow never heard of this recipe before...sounds really good...especially because I have made the soda cake and to me it actually tasty and dont taste the soda at all..maybe the fact that I do chocolate cake with diet cherry coke..and I love coke.lol...I dont understand what the jello does..is it just for taste or does it actually set into the cake? thanks for the recipe by the way:wink:
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
  • rehtaeh78
    rehtaeh78 Posts: 90
  • stefmomme25
    stefmomme25 Posts: 42 Member
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    It settles into the cake and addes to the taste, the one I made tasted like ALOT of strawberry and a little vanilla.. I think I added to much so be careful what you add if you don't want the jello to overwelm it :)