how are your caloried split up throughout the day?

misty589 Posts: 319 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering how you guys all do it? I keep going back and forth as to what I should do


  • I set mine up for 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein. I am trying to increase my protein consumption. I may adjust as I go along.
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    I have changed mine to:
    60% carbs
    15% fat
    25% protein
    I wanted to decreas the fat and increase the protein. I do not worry if my fats are a little over. This seems to work good for me. Bases on 1200 calories.
  • ninaellis
    ninaellis Posts: 60
    I'm allowed 1310 a day.(before exercise)
    Have around 300 for breakfast
    around 300 for lunch
    and around 500 for dinner
    And I try to make the rest up on healthy snacks like fruit etc

    I try to eat my daily allowance a day but rarely make up the exercise calories.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    oops to clarify, I was asking about how you split them up throughout the day (as in how much per meal)
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    I am a 40% pro, 35% carb, 25% fat as follows

    Breakfast 275 cals
    Snack 225 cals
    Lunch 300 cals
    Snack 200 cals
    Dinner 200 cals (only veggie carbs here.. no grains etc)

    and I change amounts per my workout~

  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I am on 1600 / day net calories and eat most to all of my exercise calories.

    I grew up on big dinners and thats how I do it, but this is pretty general for me:

    breakfast - 200
    am snack - 150ish
    lunch - 350
    afternoon snack - 125ish
    dinner - 600 - 800

    *I burn A LOT of calories now running, so:

    After dinner snack - whatever is left, but consumed in high protein, mid level carb, low fat (except for peanut butter on whole wheat) food
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Most of meals and snacks are in the 200 to 400 range. I put in my food by 3 hour time periods rather than by meals. (I'm trying to see if there are patterns and "Breakfast" doesn't tell me that since some days I eat it at 5:30 am and others it's more like 10 am. :laugh:

    So 200-400 5-6x a day and it works out to 1200 to 1600 a day depending.
  • 9726172000
    9726172000 Posts: 428
    I eat 5-6 times a day and they will range anywhere from 250-475 cals with or without excercise
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I try to get 7 meals in a day of at least 300 calories per meal, every 2 to 3 hours or so.

    since I need between 3000 and 3300 calories a day it's a little difficult to find 3000 calories of healthy food a day, since I'm not overly rich, but I manage most days.

    I am on a 45% carb 25% fat 30% protein diet and I try to get most of my carbs in during morning until mid afternoon.

    I do

    breakfast (6:30 to 7:00 am) - 450 to 600 calories

    mid morning snack 9:30 or so - 400 cals

    lunch 12:00 to 12:30 - 600-700 calories (extra protein, usually this is after my weight training time)

    mid afternoon snack about 3:00 pm - 400 cals little extra carbs here

    dinner about 5:30 to 6:00 - 600 calories, lots of protein and fats, a little carbs

    evening snack 8:00 or so - 400 calories or so fats, a few carbs and some protein

    I also try to sneak a protein drink in sometime in the morning or early afternoon, that's the only way I can make 3000 usually.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    sorry to side track abit BUT...

    question for SHBoss

    Can I ask how come your calorie per day alowance is 3000-3300? is that because your doing alot of exercise? your very active? Your on maintenance calories now not trying to lose anymore weight?

    Im quite a small person.. so does this mean I have to eat smaller meals (smaller calorie allowance)?

    Hmmm how unfair (if thats the case) I love food!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    sorry to side track abit BUT...

    question for SHBoss

    Can I ask how come your calorie per day alowance is 3000-3300? is that because your doing alot of exercise? your very active? Your on maintenance calories now not trying to lose anymore weight?

    Im quite a small person.. so does this mean I have to eat smaller meals (smaller calorie allowance)?

    Hmmm how unfair (if thats the case) I love food!!

    All of the above actually. I'm at about 23 BMI, 10.5% body fat, and I weigh about 182 lbs. My maintenance calories would be about 2750 calories, but I'm trying to add muscle mass, which means I'm adding about 250 cals a week to my maintenance cals. Add exercise calories to that, and I'm up around 3300.

    And don't get jealous of me. Trust me, this is far harder than you would think. At a certain point, I trained myself to not really think about food other than as fuel. I don't even think of food when I think of going out to a party or something any more, so for me, food is more of a way to get where I want than a desire of mine. Anyone can do this, it's not really easy, but it's possible for all of us. The way you do it is to first be honest (brutally honest) with yourself, admit that you are mentally weaker than you would like to be, then go about changing that weakness by confronting your desires. When I really want chocolate, I buy it, and put it on my desk, and LEAVE IT THERE! If you tell yourself that you CAN do it, it becomes more of a matter of wanting it. Do you really WANT to be healthy and strong? If you do, then you need to learn to control your instincts and desires, or else you have no right to be jealous of that person who has the great body that you "hate" cuz she is so thin! Regardless of how they got to that point. And when you fail, admit your failures, own up to them, and move on. Don't give excuses, don't give reasons (besides figuring out how to solve the issue), just DO it.

    We all love food Jaymie, but you must learn to love yourself more.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Well said!!

    I was just thinking last night how hard this journey is.... but I have to think about the long term gratification Im aiming for and that is a healthier leaner beautiful ME!
    I have to ditch my old habit of feeding my short term gratifications... old habits are hard to leave behind... but not impossible!

    Thank you for your post, you're very inspiring!!

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